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[SP-F1] A Late Start <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

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Samiel quickly greets Zackariah and hands over the five materials he had asked for before being invited into the house so Zackariah can give him a taste at making a healing potion. Samiel already knew this was coming up and prepared himself as Zackariah proceeded to tell him how to go about making the potion and handed him some of the seeds he got given to Zackariah before. Taking the seeds Samiel was then instructed to use the nearby mortar and pestle to grind it down before adding it to a flask that was over a fire and had water boiling in it. While Samiel wasn’t quite sure how this would work out he didn’t really know much about the seeds plus this was a game after all and proceeded to add the finely crushed seeds to the water.


ID: 184762

CD: 10

Successfully crafted a perfect quality healing potion.

Samiel continued to carefully follow Zackariah’s instructions and was surprised when it ended up producing a perfect quality healing potion. Zackariah quickly took the potion and thanked Samiel for his help before telling him that the local blacksmith Lyle Tealeaf could use some help and it would help him learn more as well but before leaving he asked Samiel to deliver a package to the blacksmith regardess. Samiel agreed and quickly began to head off towards the blacksmith.

Edited by SamieltheMDS
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Samiel walked through the various streets of the Town of Beginnings until he had finally arrived in front of the blacksmith’s house that Zackariah had told him about. Overall it wasn’t that long of a journey between the two locations though it might of helped that he had learned the area. As Samiel approached the house he noticed the blacksmith NPC Lyle Tealeaf was working at the forge to which Samiel greeted him and handed him the package telling him that it was from Zackariah who had asked him to deliver it. Lyle took the package and thanked Samiel before noting that he could use some help when he had a chance. With this the first part of the quest line completed as Samiel looked over the rewards and decided that this would be it for the day as he walked off to find a place to get some food and a bed for the night.


Thread Summary:


3 SP (2 for quest, 1 for 20 posts).


5 Tier One Health Potions of Rare quality. (+40 HP)
1 Tier One Damage Potion of Uncommon quality. (+1 Damage)
1 Tier One Over-Health Potion of Special quality. (+50 HP to maximum HP for remainder of thread)


Edited by SamieltheMDS
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