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[OP-F1] Boars. Beets. Battlestar Galactica. <<The Second Lesson>> (1/4)

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"I'm busy," spoke the gruff, bearded man, who Cleo had already decided was her least favorite of the tutorial NPCs.

Not one so easily dissuaded, she launched into conversation. "I promise this will only take a second! See, the Mayor," was as far as she got.

"I don't do anything without payment. Go kill a couple of those pesky boarlets for me, and bring back their tusks. They're pretty weak, so even you shouldn't have any trouble. Do that, then I'll hear you out."

Cruscius wasn't wrong; I gotta kill something. Bummer. Lyle had returned to whatever it was he was doing before the player bothered him- from Cleo's perspective, it looked as if he were smacking a rod of metal repeatedly to no significant effect. Still, she reasoned it to be the beginnings of a new blade. A blue window appeared with a button to accept the quest, which she pressed in resignation. "Rude." She didn't check to see if the smith heard that.

Cleo's visit to the Blacksmith's shop was short but not wasted. Faced with a new challenge and the right tools to tackle it - a <<Rusty Dagger>> - she felt able enough to grapple with some piggies. Some time ago, on the path to Tolbana, she'd seen a couple of the boarlets romping around all menacing-like, so she intended to make that her first port of call.

The day was young and the weather mild, with the sun beaming down on the city and the lands outside. Not many players were around since it was still morning, perfect for the relatively low-level player. One had to keep their wits about them away from the safe zones, and she'd be toast if a PK'er so much as breathed in her direction.

And so it was, hunched behind a mossy rock with a good vantage point, that Cleo took hold of her dagger, intending to use it for the first time. Keyword, 'intending.' She hadn't the slightest clue how to use the bloody thing, much less initiate a sword art.

"Why's there not a manual? All good games have a bloody manual," lamented the player, knowing very well she would not have read it if one did exist.


Level 3 | HP 60/60 | EN 24/24 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 0 | LD: 0


Rusty Dagger (Vanity - Dagger)
Leather Duster (Vanity - Overall)
Worn Boots (Vanity - Shoes)

<<Dagger>> - R1 (4 SP)
<<Cloth Armor>> - R1 (4 SP)


Edited by Them
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