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Knight Artorias <<The Abysswalker>>

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» Username: Knight Artorias

» Secondary name: Artorias

» Nickname: <>| Arthor (Rolland calls me)

» Real name: ReddorÅzu Yoru no (夜間 (Yoru no (Surname; Night) (レッドローズ (ReddorÅzu (First Name; Red Rose)

» (Full name): レッドローズ 夜間 (ReddorÅzu Yoru no)

» (Said: ReddorÅzu Yoru no (Written: レッドローズ 夜間)

» (Written for True meaning: 夜ã®èµ¤ã„ãƒãƒ© (Yoru no akai bara (Red Rose of the Night)

» Age: 19

» Gender: Male

» Height: 6'5''

» Weight: 200Ibs.

Life before SAO (History)

ReddorÅzu, was a orphan, he never knew his father, his mother left him in the care of his grandparents who lived in Osaka, they never excepted him, for his father was not the man that his mother was to marry. So they, abandoned, him and sent him to a orphanage in Nara, as he grew up there, he was constantly teased, and made fun of because of his red hair and sapphire blue eyes. As ReddorÅzu ran away from the orphanage at the age of seven, and wandered Japan, walking from Nara, before entering Kyoto, collasping in front of a monistary on the outskirts of the town, were he was treated for manurishment, and dehydration. As when he awoke from his slumber, they told him that he was asleep for 3 days, and that the gods above had blessed him. As ReddorÅzu, lived there, and learned about tranquility, and peace, he never took it in, he was violent, and aggressive, as many of the monks said that he had a demons temper and strenght to match it.

But ReddorÅzu learned to control his rage by, taking care of the monistaries animlas, and one especialy, a white wolf called Shiroi kiba (White Fang). This wolf was a pup, and was found outside the monistary on the night of a terrible flood they had, as the monks took care of him and rasied him, they only had him for about 3 months, and Shiroi kiba, immedietly connected to them, and was the monistaries personal pet. As ReddorÅzu, cared for the wolf pup, he developed a bond with the wolf, and now, they never leave each others side, they are never far apart, and they are always seen with each other. As ReddorÅzu temper faded away, the only ting now that drives his temper and violent side out is if someone harms or makes a threat against him, he can always tell when someone is serious or joking, as he developed a way to control his temper, by listening to the words people use to im, some are harmless, others are true to what the mean.

As ReddorÅzu grew up more, his wolf copanion and him grew ever closer, as now Shiroi kiba became ReddorÅzu personal pet and friend, as he protected him from everything, but this relationship would end very quickly, as ReddorÅzu was doing grocery rounds, he brought Shiroi kiba with him, everyone in the town knew about Shiroi kiba, and they all loved the now teenage version of the wolf, as ReddorÅzu was crossing the street to get to the market place, a truck, lost control and was not able to stop as it came into ReddorÅzu direction. As ReddorÅzu sees this, he feels a heavy push as he is thrown forward, and he hears a loud yelp, as he looks and sees Shiroi kiba, laying on the ground not moving. ReddorÅzu rushes to his friends side, as he wasn't breathing or moving, his worst fears came true, his best friend saved him, and died in the process, as later that day ReddorÅzu, buries his friend, he tells the monistary that he is leaving and is heading to the city of Tokyo to have a better life. They understood his intention very well, and gave him a pendent of a cross with a sapphire blue gem in the center as they also gave him money to get him by for awhile. As ReddorÅzu left the monistary and headed to Tokyo, he arrives there in 2 days by walking, as he then looks for a job.

As he gets one, he stays in Tokyo saving up money till he was the age of 19, as he then attends a college there, they ask him his education past, as he tells them he was homeschooled by the monks in the monistary of Kyoto, as they gave him the weirdest look, he shows the signature pendant of a monk there, as they make contact with the monistary and they give the college all the info they need, he then was registered immedietly the next week and started going ot school to be a veternarian, he wanted to care for animals like he did in the monistary, as he was there for about 3 months, he hears about SAO, a VRMMORG, he was interested in it, as he heard much about it from the braniacs (Nerd, dorks, geeks) in his study class, he asks them about it and they give him all the info needed, as ReddorÅzu goes to the store and buys all the neccesary gear as well as a game that he stood in line for eight hours to get. He takes it back to his dorm and plugs all the gear up and begins his new adventure, as he thinks he'll take a look and then decide if he wants to play it again, as he never knew the state he would be in when he get there.


ReddorÅzu stands at 6’5’’, has tan skin; and a lean body frame that tends to deceive people, but he has a extreme muscle mass appearance due to the training and chores he performed at the monistary. He has crimson mid lenght hair that reaches down to the back of his neck, his bangs reach over his over his eyes, covering them at times. His eye are sapphire blue color that tends to change depending on his mood, they cange to a ocean blue when he is excited or angry. And always wears a pendant that the head monk gave im when he left the monistary, as wel as many string like bracelets that he made at the monistary.


Likes to take care of animals, read, write, listen to music, and take in the quite air around him when alone.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Animals (Cats, dogs, birds etc.), the colour blue, books (Horror, love, mystery, documentary), alone time, music (Classical, rock, pop, jazz, country) and naps

Dislikes: People (Hateful, evil, or mean), brusstlesprouts (Who doesn't), and loud noises (Thunder, yelling, or breaking glass)


Has a complex personality, he doesn't dislike people, but doesn't want to be around them, due to being teased, or made fun of his foreign blood line, so ReddorÅzu, tends to stay quite and away from people as much as possible, but when he does come in contact due to curioscity, he will, stay quite and not say a word unless needed to, he will just nod yes or no. But he is different to others who love animals, and will conversate with them to a point, if he feels that they are going off the subject of what they are saying he will go quite and try to redirect the conversation back to the main subect at hand. And if that fails he wil quitely leave and go elsewere. But if he finds interest in someone, he will converse with them about other thing than animals, this only happens if someone really has caught his attention.


Impatient: Has a tendency to be impatient when some one is trying to talk about other things than wat he likes or peaks his inerest. He always tries to keep the conversation about the main topic tat he beain with. If a person makes fun of him, he tends to give them a single warning, and if they egg him on he then will give them a series of puches to the face, this happened when he went to college in Tokyo, a so called jock of the sorority of the opposite to him, made fun of his crimson hair as he called him a Tomato no atama (Head of Tomato/Tomato head), ReddorÅzu gave him a single waring, as the jock laughed and threw a can of tomato juice at him, a fatal mistake, as ReddorÅzu caught the can, and threw it so hard that it crack the jocks jaw and was sent to the hospital and had to have surgery on it. No one from that sorority messed with ReddorÅzu ever again.

Aggressive: Artorias is quite aggressive, he tends to lash out at others if they say the wrong thing about him, and most of the time, he's physical. Only happens when someone disrepects him or hurts a animal, such as dogs, cats, wolfs (Only if they are tamed). (As stated above) The jock called him a Tomato no atama, and ReddorÅzu threw the can of tomato juice back at him and sent him the hospital, this wasn't the first incident that ReddorÅzu was in, a week later, he got into a fight with three other guys from the football team, surrounded ReddorÅzu and told him to take it like a man for what he did to their quaterback. As they called him a Tomato no atama, this was a common name that he was given, as he to gave them a single warning, as they said to him that there was three of them, and only one of him, he stood no chance. This was a mistake that they made, as they attacked he showed them how wrong they were, as he walked away with only a bruised and bloody face, while they had fractures, and broken arms.

Loner: Due to being bullied, teased, and picked on, he has developed a loner status, he will at all costs, try to avoid people. ReddorÅzu got into alot of fights as well, and never liked the idea of going to the hospital, this was another reason why he never make contact with other people. (As stated above) He tends to stay away, and avoid fights at all costs, this also means he avoid contact if possible to all people.


Level Headed: All his time in the monistary, he learned how to control his temper, and he at times doesn't lose his cool, he just ignores the insults or the criticisms that he hears. As he consentraits on other things, he draws his focus else where, making his mind not pay attention to the sarcasm and criticisms of others, it just becomes white noise and he can't hear it. Now this only works if he has a task at hand, if not he's all ears and is paying well enough attention.

Reflex: Has a very fast reaction, from his time in the monistary, he has a fast reaction, and a short delay time, meaing he can predict when an attack is coming and can dish it out, very quickly to. (As stated above) ReddorÅzu can react to almost everything, such as a can of tomato juice being thrown at him, he can predict where to send his hand and either redirect of stop any incoming object coming at his whole being.

Animal Lover/Magnet: ReddorÅzu has a uncanny ability to attrach animals to himself (IRL). As any animal will befriend him as well as his undying love to care and nurture them. He always loved animals ever since the time in the monistary, he cared for the birds, cats, dogs, as well as Shiroi kiba, his first and only best friend.

Iron Clad Will: Has a impectable will, he wil not backdown, or run from a fight, he has a will of steel and wi never falter even if the odds are against him. (As stated above) ReddorÅzu, doesn't back down from a fight, even if he has three opponents facing him, he will not back down from the fight, now he isn't stupid, if he knows he will die he will run if needed so, but only if he is about to die, if not, then he fights onward.

Curiocity: Has a curiocity in people that pushes against his loner side, if someone peaks his interest he wil try to meet them, and talk to them, this happen on rare occasions though, but if does happen from time to time. If a certain someone (Aka. a female) says something that ReddorÅzu over hears, he will take the chance and talk to her, and will try to get to know her as quickly as possible, this only happens if the person (Female) says something that catches his attention.

Story thus far: None yet


Begginer pack: 10 bread, 15 water, 1 Basic Weapon of choice (Two-Handed Straight Sword) Cloth Jacket

Weapons (Starter One-Handed Straight Sword [Claymore])

Armor (Starter gear: cloth jacket, tanktop, jeans, and black leather boots)


Total: 875 Col

> [PP-F1] Feeding the Enemy (Dante & Me): 275 Col Gained.

> [PP-F4] Ice and Shadows; A Knights Encounter: 600 Col Gained








» Familiar Recovery - Investing in the Familiar Recovery skill allows a Beast Tamer to have their familiar recover Hp. When activated, the Familiar will receive 1HP/skill level. familiar can take no action this turn

» Familiar Communication - Investing in the Familiar Communication Skill allows a Beast Tamer’s Familiar to respond to commands better, and deal increased damage in combat.

Familiar deals +1Damage/Skill level

» Detection - Players investing in the Detection Skill have a higher chance of finding hidden Treasure and Loot Chests as they explore Aincrad as well as being able to detect hidden monsters and traps. For each Skill Point invested in Detection, a player’s loot roll is increased by 1.

» Acrobatics - Stays at rank one and allows players to perform System Assisted aerial maneuvers such as tumbles, flips, and somersaults as well as reach areas of the map that are outside of a normal player’s ability to reach via being able to jump and reach ledges and other means of climbing.

» Listening - Stays at rank One, and allows Players to use their hearing to detect creatures or players that are nearby but not within line of sight.

» Extended weight limit Lvl. (2)- Investing in the Extended Weight Limit skill enables a player to carry more gear into the field, be it weapons, armor, or useable items. Players start out with an inventory with 6 available slots, and gain one extra slot per Skill Point invested in the Extended Weight Limit skill


» Battle Healing Lvl (1) - Battle Healing allows a player to regenerate health in small increments. For each Skill Point invested in Battle Healing, a character is able to regenerate 1 health point. (Using Battle Healing counts as a post action, meaning no other action or attack can be taken without negating the Healing Attempt)

» Light Metal Equipment Lvl. (1)- The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Metal Equipment and Light Metal Shields. For each skill point invested in the Light Metal Equipment Skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point

Weapon skills

» Two-handed Straight Sword Lvl. (1) - The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed type long swords. (Example: Claymore, Broadsword)

Skill points & Various other stats

>>Skill points: 0/2

>> Points Gained from Misson: 2 Misson completed (2/2)

>> Points Spent: 0/2

> Two-handed Straight Sword - 2 points to Lvl. 1 (+1 to damage)

"Completed Quests and Quest Log"

"Completed Quests"

>> [PP-F1] Feeding the Enemy (Dante & Me)

>> [PP-F4] Ice and Shadows; A Knights Encounter


"Quests; Role Plays"

>> [PP-F1] Feeding the Enemy (Dante & Me) (Completed): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3125

>> [sP-F1] Into the Abyss (In Progress): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3154

>> [PP-F4] Ice and Shadows (Completed); A Knights Encounter: http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t= ... 088#p49088

>> [PP-F4] K.o.A Recuitment (Dante & Me) (In Progress): http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3230

>> [sP-F1-F4] «Earning a Living» Songs of the Abyss (Redo) (In Progress): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3294

>> [PP-F3] A Rose in the Darkness (Me & Lisbeth): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3298&p=52200#p52200

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Name: Sif

Gender: Female

Height: 24 inches (60 cm)

Weight: 85 Ibs.(40 kg)


Short Description: Sif is a female grey wolf, she weighs 85 pounds or 40 kilograms, her height is 24 inches or 60 centimeters. She has a coat colour much more closer to that of a silver wolf. She has blue colour eyes, and has the ability to speak to anyone she wishes, or the ability to speak to her master.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Quite time, napping, and fighting with her master.

Dislikes: Loud noises, rude people, and evil things.



Bite of the Abyss (Primary): A bite attack that she uses for regular combat, has no special counters or effects.

Mawl of the Abyss (Secondary): A frightening attack that targets the opponents throat, this causes a bleed effect that deals 2 points of damage for 2 turns. But Sif has a -2 to her battle die roll for next 2 turns. As the cool down rate is also 4 turns.


Universal Communication: Can speak vocally to anyone through a mental thought link, she can speak to who ever she wishes to or just ignore them and speak to her master.

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