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[PP-F1] For the Glory of Kings [Iskandar, Shanok]

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Today was a very common day in one of the latter towns on Floor 1. People were moving about their daily lives, business was flourishing, and there was a giant man in the town square shouting like a madman. Standing at 6'10" and having the muscular build of a tank, the red bearded behemoth known as Iskandar was shouting in the square to recruit warriors. The Mighty King of Conquerors was trying to build an army of allies to follow him in Aincrad. The goal was to conquer every floor and rule all of Aincrad as a King. Recruiting warriors was harder than expected for the King of Conquerors; most people looking at him in wonder on how crazy he was.


While very few actually took his words to heart, Iskandar stood there with a grin on his face. Today, he felt like something amazing would happen. He had already gained some followers, though their numbers were few. Today, Iskandar planned on facing another adventure that he would make sure all would hear and remember. "Behold and bask in the glory of the King of Conquerors!"

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Shanok looked at the man that was yelling. He's a weird guy... Though he seems to be good at getting people to listen to him... might be a great addition to the Brigade... he thought. Shanok then opened his menu and opened the message tab. He started composing a message and sent it to Miaki.

I might've found a possible recruit, will get back to you later on this.

He then clicked the "Send" button and sent the message to Miaki. He went up to the yelling man, "Greetings, would you like to go hunting monsters with me?" he asked, not really thinking of what could possible happen afterwards.

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Iskandar's shouts were interrupted this day by a curious young man. Iskandar went silent, eyeing the newcomer as if staring into his very soul. "You wish to go on an adventure with the King of Conqueror's, boy?" Iskandar would follow with picking up Shanok with one hand, holding him out for all to see. "Behold! A recruit for the armies of conquest has stepped forth! He comes ready for adventure, aiming to start immediately with quelling all the beasts that roam the fields! Bask in his glory and watch as his might be judged by his newfound King in the wilderness! FOR GLORY!"

With that, Iskandar dragged Shanok off out of town and into the open fields. The sky was bright blue without a cloud tainting its beauty. A gentle breeze that brought a refreshing, cooling sensation to all that felt its touch. Several grassy hills dotted the fields, one of which was where Iskandar had dragged Shanok to. "Here, we shall begin out hunt of monsters! These fiends shall quake in terror at our very presence!" Iskandar pointed forth to a group of about 4 wolves. "Since you are the new recruit in the Conquest, we shall start with a 4. It should be easy for us to vanquish them without danger! Are you ready, loyal retainer?!"

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Shanok didn't even had time to respond as he got dragged to the fields outside by the weird man. The weird man then pointed towards some wolves and told him that they we're going to kill the four wolves. Once again, Shanok didn't have time to answer as the man pushed him towards the wolves. This guy... Well it's not like it's dangerou's, they're just wolves, and on floor one at that! he thought as he unsheathed his blade. He charged towards the first wolf and tried to attack it. Shanok's blade hit the first wolf, getting it down to half its HP and paralyzing it. "Go for it!" he said as he backed away from the pack of wolves to avoid getting attacked.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 7/7


Wolf#1 : 1/2 -Paralyzed for 2 turns- Can't attack or evade

Wolf#2 : 2/2

Wolf#3 : 2/2

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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Iskandar watched as Shanok charged forward at the wolves, taking them on without a care or worry. The sight of a warrior charging right into battle brought a grin to Iskandar's face. However, Iskandar couldn't truly approve of Shanok facing down one wolf at a time. "You must attack all at once! Show them that you have no equal! Iskandar drew his sword, ready to join Shanok in the brawl against the fiends. "We shall show them what the might of warriors can do! FOR GLORY!"

Iskandar charged forth grabbing a wolf by the neck and tossing it away. All that could be heard from it was a whimper as it flew through the air. Iskandar turned to see see another one of the wolves charging at him. "The beasts are too simple to understand the titans that they face! We must show them so their brethren shall know!" Iskandar moved to the side, dodging the charging wolf before it managed to land any attack. Iskandar then turned around to land a strike on it, but he had turned around too late. He completely missed the wolf, unable to quickly quell the numbers of the wolves.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 7/7


Wolf#1 : 1/2 -Paralyzed for 2 turns- Can't attack or evade

Wolf#2 : 2/2

Wolf#3 : 2/2

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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Shanok charged towards the wolf that was paralyzed, he didn't really mind that the others were around it, as his level was way above theirs, they couldn't do much damage to him. He sword went through the wolf, making it lose its last bit of hitpoints and exploding into light blue shards that faded away not long after.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 7/7


Wolf#1 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#2 : 2/2

Wolf#3 : 2/2

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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Iskandar continued to slash at the wolf, though it was nimble enough to continue avoiding Iskandar's attacks. "This wolf flees from my strikes like a coward! Fight like a real beast and taste my blade!" This battle was going nowhere fast, and Iskandar was getting frustrated by it. He also noticed that of the 4 wolves that they had taken on, Shanok had taken down one. "I am losing to one of my loyal warriors. This is unacceptable."

The wolf lunged at Iskandar, biting into his shoulder. He winced in pain before tearing the wolf off and holding it in midair. "You might have gotten a blow on me, but the battle is far from over! I shall not fall this day!" Iskandar then threw the wolf in Shanok's direction. "Look alive my retainer, or be bombarded by flying wolves!"Three wolves still remained, outnumbering them enough to make it just barely a challenge.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 6/7


Wolf#1 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#2 : 2/2

Wolf#3 : 2/2

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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Shanok saw the "flying" wolf coming at him, he took a step to his right, to make sure the wolf wouldn't hit him, and when the wolf was right beside him he slashed through it, paralyzing it like he had done to the first one before. "Please, don't throw wolves at me again..." he said while taking a step back from the two wolves that could move.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 6/7


Wolf#1 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#2 : 1/2 -Paralyzed- Can't attack or evade

Wolf#3 : 2/2

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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"You must be prepared for any situation in combat, including flying wolves! The more outrageous the battle, the sweeter the victory!" Iskandar noticed Shanok's paralyzed wolf, wondering why he would want to fight a monster that didn't fight back. It wasn't his place, however, to decide what weapons his warriors could use. It did make it easy to take down the wolf, a plus that Iskandar could deal with. "Let us finish these wolves quickly."

Iskandar pinned down the paralyzed wolf with his hand, stabbing the wolf in the head with his sword. A quick whimper came from the wolf before it exploded into blue pixels. "Half of them down. Shall we go for one each, my friend? I believe these beasts have waited long enough for their deaths!" Iskandar then charged forward with a loud battlecry towards the wolves."


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 6/7


Wolf#1 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#2 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#3 : 2/2

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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Shanok watched Iskandar as he easily defeated the paralyzed wolf. It may have been paralyzed, but he's still doing a pretty good job for a player his level... he thought as turned around to face one of the remaining wolves. Shanok took a step forward and started to run towards the wolf, his sword in his left hand, he was running not exactly in front, but a bit to the right of where the wolf was facing. As he was passing beside the wolf he slashed at it from nose to tail. In the brief moment it took Shanok to dash to the wolf, the monster didn't get any chance to move and exploded into light blue crystals.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 6/7


Wolf#1 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#2 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#3 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#4 : 2/2

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Iskandar watched as Shanok went forward and took out one of the last two wolves. It left him with but one more that needed to be vanquished. It was a seemingly simple task for the mighty King of Conquerors. "This conquest will be over before it ever even began! An easy victory for such magnificent warriors!" Iskandar charged off towards the final wolf, intent on removing it from this world permanently.

The final wolf charged at Iskandar, desiring to tear the King to shreds. However, Iskandar was not worried because he decided at the beginning of this game that he would never die here. "Feel the sting of my blade, foul beast! Speak of my glory in the afterlife!" Iskandar thrust out his sword, the wolf lunging at him at the same moment. That was the wolf's mistake. It allowed Iskandar to shove his sword right through the wolf. It would hang on Iskandar's sword for but a moment before exploding into blue pixels.


Shanok : 19/19

Iskandar : 6/7


Wolf#1 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#2 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#3 : 0/2 -Dead-

Wolf#4 : 0/2 -Dead-

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Shanok was surprised at how easily Iskandar had taken down the last wolf, He really is good he thought while sheathing his sword. He went up to the other player, "You did pretty good for someone your level!" he told Iskandar, "I've never met such a strong player that's so low level" he added as a compliment. He then looked around to see if anymore monsters were nearby, he couldn't find any. "So, what are we going to do next?" he asked the other player.

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With the last wolf dead, Iskandar looked around to see if there were any other enemies that needed vanquishing. Unfortunately, he could not see any in the immediate area. With a sigh, Iskandar sheathed his sword, the day's conquest at an end. "Tis a shame; today's glorious conquest did not have the outcome I expected. I must do more if I'm ever to catch up to the warriors fighting floor bosses. My path to conquest is being carved too slowly."

Iskandar then turned around to the other player that was with him. This Shanok had begun speaking to him, and a King must listen to the words of his subjects. "Thank you. But what did you expect from the King of Conquerors?! A king must always be the best; he must always stand above those around him and show that he is not like the other warriors! This is how he puts all others in awe, and how others will be aspired to follow such a king to the end!"

Iskandar sat down at Shanok asked him what he was going to do next. "I must carve a path of glory to the front lines and beyond. Right now, even though I am glorious, I am still far behind those that currently do battle with truly deadly beasts and floor bosses. If I do not catch up with those warriors, the flames of aspiration I have lit in the hearts of those I've met shall soon be extinguished. I must get stronger than I already am so my loyal warriors can conquer this world, laying claim to its wonders and riches! All shall bask in the glory of Iskandar, King of Conquerors!"

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Shanok listened to what Iskandar was saying, he was paying attention to it, he wanted to know what were Iskandar's goals in this game, and it seemed like he wanted to be a front liner, to help clear this game and to become strong. A goal worthy of the man who calls himself "King of Conquerors". Shanok looked at Iskandar, "So, what do we do now?" he asked the other player.

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Iskandar sat on the ground and stretched, thinking about what he would do next in his quest to rule Aincrad. He was leaving most of the thinking to his closest retainer for the moment, so he never truly gave it much consideration. "I have not given it much consideration, to be honest. As of right now, I have a couple allies that aid me while I gain strength, but I cannot do much as I am now." Iskandar then turned to Shanok.

"I know that you are much stronger than me. To have such a loyal warrior is glorious! But first, it's probably best if I rest a bit before we head back out to gain me a few more levels." Iskandar would then stand up and look at his hands. "This gear shall not last long at this rate." He turned back to Shanok. "I would hear your thoughts! You are a loyal warrior that shall be present for the conquering of Aincrad!"

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Iskandar took the map data, adding it to his map with a grin. "Glorious! This solves one issue that I would have faced soon enough. You do your King proud!" Iskandar stood up and turned to Shanok. "So, what do you have planned for the rest of your day? Planning on heading back up to the higher floors? Perhaps I'll see more of you while I work on advancing past these starter floors." Iskandar then turned to the direction of town. "Shall we head back for now?"

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"I planned on going to eat after this, I'm getting kind of hungry" he said while they walked towards the town of beginnings. "Listen, if you need a guild, I could talk to the leader of the guild I'm in and get you in, we're always looking for great players like you to help increase our ranks. So, what do you saw, want to join?" he asked Iskandar.

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Iskandar was about to depart for town, but before he could, Shanok posed an offer to him. So there was a reason that this strong player came out of nowhere to go hunting with Iskandar. A guild; something Iskandar had never considered. Normally, one would expect that Iskandar would just form his own and have all the members of his army join it. However, Iskandar was not thinking like that. Right now, he was too low level to be able to lead a guild of warriors. Joining a guild and recruiting them for his conquest from within would do much more good. Access to warriors, resources, and glory; it would be perfect.

"Hmmmm...quite the unexpected offer coming from you. But not at all undesired. Joining a guild would prove beneficial for someone like me. Very well then! Make it happen! This guild shall gain a King and they shall join in the conquest! With the King of Conquerors in the group, there shall be no stopping us!" Iskandar would then turn to Shanok. "So what is required to make this happen?"

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Shanok was happy to hear Iskandar's positive response. "Well, since I'm part of the "council" of the guild, I get to invite people that I find worthy, and you seem more than worthy to me" he answered Iskandar. They then started to walk back toward the city, "You know what? Come with me, we're going to see the guild leader, right now" he said as he opened up his menu and sent a message to his friend Miaki, telling him that he would be coming to see him with a new recruit. He told him to meet at his shop, on floor four.

Shanok and Iskandar then went to the teleportation pad on the first floor and teleported up to the fourth floor. When they arrived, they headed to Shanok's shop, which looked as run down as ever. "Now, we have to wait for him" he said as he went up to the only table his shop had, pulled a chair and sat on it.

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