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Will <<The Emerald Shild>>

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» Username: Will

» Real name: William Hetz

» Tital The emerald shield

» Age: 16

» Gender: Male

» Height: 6'5"

» About: William's father a high ranking officer in the United States Navy was assigned to a ship stationed at the United State's navel base at Yokosuka japan dragging both William and his mother with him. William has been in japan for the last 4 years and is finding it hard to adjust to his new setting. William struggled with learning the new language and gaining new friends, in fact he never really made any true friends at his new school only a few associates. All ways having an interest in video games once William learned of Sword art online he immediately pre ordered the game and the nerve gear required to play it.

» Virtues:


William has been living from military base to military base his whole life, following the acts of the brave men he has observed since he was an infant he is very brave. It takes much more for him to express fear then that of an average person. Standing up to bully's, protecting a friend from stray dogs, putting himself in harms ways for others. These are the kinds of acts hes faced on his own accord while rarely ever fearing the consequences.


Once a friend always a friend. William has a strong dedication to those he considers a friend never turning his back on them and always doing what he can do to help them in their endeavors. Though it may take quite a while for William to consider someone a friend good luck getting rid of him once he does.


Think on you're feet. Something that has been drilled into William by his father since he was a child. You never know what you are going to encounter or when so you have to think fast and be decisive! William has a knack for coming up with effective strategy and enacting upon them decisively.


» Flaws:


William has always had great confidence in his skills and ability's, dangerously so. William will often attempt to do things he obviously has no ability to do most likely getting himself and perhaps others into trouble. When put in combination with his courage it is a dangerous thing to be sure.


Curiosity killed the cat but unfortunately for William he dose not have nine lives. His whole life William has always been controlled with a strong sense of wonder. Whats behind that boulder? How deep is that river? I bet there is something cool in that cave! For better or for worse William must sate his curiosity.


Waiting sucks! we could be out there getting something done! William hates to sit around and wait. When he has a goal or an aspiration to meet he will not rest without doing what he can to further his progress to achieving it. Patience may be a virtue, but so is getting things done quickly. "At lest in William's eyes."




» Skills:

Skills (2 SP + 2 Completed rps/quests unused: 2)


» Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill) [Rank] [0/2]

» Extended Weight Limit [Rank] [0/2]

» Night Vision [Rank] [0/2]


» Parry [Rank] [0/2]

» Heavy Metal Equipment [Rank] [0/2]

» Howl [Rank] [0/2]

» Battle Healing [Rank] [0/4]

Weapon skills :

» One-handed Assault Spear [Rank] [0/4]



»Starting 1h assault spear,

»Starting black jacket with a emerald trim

»white shirt.


[OP-F1] The initial hunt. (Completed)

[F1-OP] A cup of coffee.

[PP-F3] Assault on the Kobold mine (Completed)

[OP] A new beginning (Completed)



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