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[F1-PP] The Basics

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Roy was upside down hanging like a bat on a low tree branch in the grassland of Aincrad. There weren't many trees, but there was a few that allowed him to do so. Roy had his hands behind his head while looking around upside down. "Things really do look way more interesting upside down. Haha" he chuckled slightly and took a deep breath and swung upward to sit up. "Shade taught me the basics, but I need to practice more and obtain some materials for a strong longsword." he calmly said as he hopped down to the ground with his purple cape blowing along with his red hair. He tighten his blue headband and equipped his black fingerless gloves. Suddenly his stomach began to growl as loud as it usual did. "Then again....a burger sounds nice right now." he embarrassedly spoke to himself.

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As the day was long, and hot, Achilies was walking around on the first floor, his messy mid length black hair popping into his eyes. As he was slouching and had his hands in his baggy blue jeans, his obsidian clothe jacket over his baggy long sleved white t-shirt. as he was walking with out his shoes, and socks. his one-handed assualt spear on his back, as he was clearly bored and had nothing to do.

As he looks up, he sees a person hanging in a tree upside down, "Hmm.. I calculate that 98.895 percentage that he will talk to me." "Well might as well wait for the worst, I had nothing else better to do." He thought to himself, as he looks at the player, and stands with a weird stance, one of his hands at side, the other in his pocket, one leg slanted. The other at a 45 degree at his leg, as he stratches it, he was still slouching as he sighs and prepares for what ever may come his way, "I can think of 3 different ways this could go." He thought again, as the player yells at him.

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Roy rubbed his tummy while looking famished. When he turned around he noticed a weird looking guy that he couldn't really make out. Roy wasn't too sure if he was gonna say anything to him or not. This was a strange meeting which made Roy nervous. "Erm....I'm just gonna go find a diner to eat at." he muttered to himself while walking with his head down as he passed the stranger he bumped into him by accident. He looked back with an unusual facial expression on his back. "Ha...ha sorry about that." he rubbed his index finger on his cheek with a nervous look on his face. Roy didn't wanna talk to the guy since he was starving, but he bumped into the guy and he couldn't just keep walking like an ass. "I'm Roy....and you are!?" he shrugged a bit.

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Achilies sees this young man up close and can see that he was in a rush, he listens and hears his stomach growling. He places his thumb from his right hand onto his lips, and then speaks, "Mine name would be... you can just call me L." He says, keeping his real name a secret, for he was calculation this young man, "You seem hungry, shall we grab a bite at the Tavern then Roy?" He says as he turns and starts to walk with Roy, "Hm... my calculation was spot on, now that im talking to him, I might as well calculate his chances of gaining my friendship."

"I would say he has a 34.5768 percentage of succeeding." He thought to himself, as he still was slouching and his messy black har daning over his eyes, his eyes having black spots under them. He looks ahead and sees the gate, "So where would you like to go to eat?" "The tavern is right there, or you could tyr other places as well." "I could care less where we go, so long as they have sweets, im fine." He says to Roy as he stands in his unusual posture, stratving his leg again with his foot.

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"L, huh? That's a strange name. No matter. It's nice to meet you. Uh yeah. We can go somewhere and get a bite. Just letting you know I can't eat for long because I've gotta train and get stronger so I can protect the ones I love. Hell....I'll protect everyone who needs it." The red haired male lifted a thumbs up and pointed it towards his face with a huge smirk on is face. "You'll see! They'll all see. Haha" The friendly boy signals L to walk behind him so they could go get a bite to eat. "So your one of those people who prefer sweets over actually food? That's a strange quality you got there. Sweets aren't really my big suit. I tend to eat ice cream if I want a sweet taste. Candy and stuff ain't my style." The young male stated as he slipped his hands in his white pants and his red hair bounced along with his purple cape that was blowing with every step he took.

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As Achilies walks to the tavern he opens the door and lets Roy in, he spots a open seat near the back. As he points to the table in the far back, he walks to the free spot, and squats in the seat, his seating posture quite unusual. He didn't sit like a normal person, he placed his feet on the sitting area instead of placing them on the ground, as Achilies signals the bartender. "I would like a strawberry cheese cake please, as well as some sweetened milk tea." As the bartender nods and looks at Roy, "Good sir, what would you like to have?" The elderly fellow asks, as he was very prune, and pronouce. Much like a old butler for a aristocrat or someone very fancy.

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Roy looked around the place and it looked rather dull in there. Roy sat in the seat at the table L had lead him to. Roy laughed for a while because of L's sitting posture. This guy was definitely something else. Who is he? And does he act like that in real life to!? He thought to himself until the waiter asked what Roy would be having. "Um, I'll have a burger with no onions and a side of sweet tea please." he smiled and handed the waiter money for his order and turned his attention back to L. "Is this your favorite spot or something man?" he moved his right arm in circles and smirked. "I feel I can't sit still for nothing in the world. I'm ready to go find some materials and level up a bit. I feel like if you aren't motivated to beat a game like this...then you've already lost. But, that's just me." he shrugged as he skipped off his black fingerless gloves.

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Achilie listens to Roy, as he sounded like a pleasent young man, "38.759 percentage now, he is quite smart, but he is a too risky, well I am to but I think before I act." He thought to himself, as he noticed that he was pointing at my sitting posture, "I like to sit like this because I feel more comfortable, and it helps me think as well." I say to him, as I looked at him take his gloves off, I place my thumb on my lip again, as I go to thinking, "Hmm... this boy seems very calm and peaceful, he seems to be brave, he did say he can't sit still for anything." "But he seems abit oblivious, and quite different than other people." "He's quite interesting, 40.567 percentage now."

Achilies thought to himself, as he sees the food arrive, as it was set down along with the tea, "Thank you." He says, as he then picks up the fork in a wierd manner, he takes the very end and holds it with his index finger, and thumb. Instead of like a pencil, as he cuts off a piece and eats it in another unusual manner. As he looks up, "So... Roy, what kind of warrior are you, you seem very different from the others around me, and you also seem interesting so I thought I would ask this." He says, as he sets the fork down and takes a sip of the tea, placing his hand on the plate, as a normal person, but picking the cup up with his two fingers again, and setting it down normally.

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"Sitting like that helps you think? I don't get it, but it sounds like you sure do. You seem like a real smart guy. Maybe a genius? Haha" Roy confidently spoke to L as he noticed L looking at him or rather through him. "Hmm. I tend to think that laying around on a nice green field helps me think. Maybe even hanging from trees like I was doing earlier." he chuckled afterwards when he spotted the waiter walking their way to place down his food and L's dessert. "I appreciate it man. I'm freaking famished!!!" right as he picked up the burger and was about to take a bite he saw L holding the fork in a strange manner. He chuckled and took a huge bite outta the burger and his eyes sparkled. "So good!!! I could eat this forever!! If it was possible..." he embarrassedly looked away. Suddenly he was questioned by the strange fellow L. Roy placed his burger on the plate and pointed his thumb at himself with a confident grin upon his face. "What kind of warrior am I, huh? I'm a warrior who's willing to die for those in need of help! A warrior who takes the first move in ever fight! The warrior that looks at the brighter side of things when things arent looking good. And most of all, I'm the bravest warrior in all of Aincrad." The red haired males face was as serious looking as it's ever been since he met L. The kid seemed to think much of himself and that's why he always had a few people who disliked him, but that never mattered to him.

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As my fork was in my mouth, "Well he is smarter than he looks, he figured that out much faster than I expected." "Now he's 75.678 percent, quite a marvellous little boy he is." Achilies thought, "And a warrior who also figured something about me that many people never put into account." "You said "Genuis", and I quote that from you, as are correct, your the first person in this virtual world to say that." "And you are correct I am a "Genuis" Achilies say as he put his fork down and looks back at him, "The reason why I am telling your this, is because this entire time, I was calculating you, you surprised me on how quick you picked this up."

As Achilies then looks back up at him, and smiled, "For you see, the name I gave you was an Alias I used when I helped my step-father with the Japanese polices work." "My real name is Achilies, and parden my caution around you, but I am trying to become like him, so I have always put up a barrier around myself and a red flag when I meet new people." Achilies says, as he gives him a stern look, "But only you know of my real name, and I would like that you kept it a secret please, L. is the alias I use all the time, and I wish to keep it that way." He say as he goes back to his cheesecake, "Well this wnet quite well in fact, I never thought I would meet someone close to that level of intellegence."

"And speaking of genuises, Roy, tell me, what is your I, the reason I am asking is on two levels." As he rasies his hand and puts up his index finger, "One, your intellegence is higher than many others I have met, and two, I'm interested in hearing it." He say as he puts his hand on his knee caps, and looks at Roy, his messy black hair drooping over hie eyes, as they where almost childlike and curious.

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