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[OP-F1] Meeting New People [Completed]

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This roleplay will not have any combat in it as I am a very low level, and am imminent to die. I am simply trying to get a few good levels by having a nice social gathering with new players. I am going to keep this roleplay open until I am level 3 or more and then will close it off as this will end up being a thread with nothing in it. Feel free to participate as much as you wish as there is no turn order, just remember you may not double post.

Diabel stood in the center of the main city, the day he spawned in at the full release of the game. Diabel's owned the game since the beta has released. He is known as a "Beater" like a warrior named Kirito, who roams this land somewhere, but hasn't appeared anywhere yet. Diabel knew that if he wanted a chance to make it to the front lines, he needed to meet new people and begin making allies. He was a strong leader, and if he could get a group full of people who already liked him, the task for him would be set as simple for him.

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I was sitting across from a player who seemed like he was quite modest. "Hey you there. Come here." I said with a smile. I gestured the player to come towards my location, but he looked like a player who many other players describe to be a "Beater". He didn't look like this "Beater" everyone was talking about, but he seemed like a good person. As the player approaches me, "Hey there. Are you new around here? My name is Echo. Nice to meet you." I said with a slight chuckle.

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Diabel overheard a voice that was directed towards him. He heard a name, Echo, and he shook the players hand firmly. "My name is Diabel, and I am a Knight." he said as he put a fist on his heart and flicked some of his long blue bangs out of his face. "Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you, Echo." he said with slightly less confidence as he wasn't sure if he remembered the name all that well.

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I looked at him with confusion, "K-Knight?" I chuckled quite a bit. This game is a MMORPG. After the realization, I went along with him. "I'm Echo, a.. uhm.. Warrior?" I said as I try to play along. I shook my head, "Anyways, Diabel it's a pleasure to meet you as well." I said with a smile. He didn't seem like this "Beater" everyone was talking about, and he was a good player at that. "Well Diabel. What do you want to do today? This town is massive." I told Diabel as I walked around him.

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Diabel looked at Echo with a weird expression as he questioned his own role in this game. Ignoring this, he then was asked what they would do around the main city of Aincrad. The city, that everyone has seen, the largest one in the game, and also, the safest place in the game. "I feel like walking around the town for now, I would like to see what the NPC market holds. Maybe they have a sale there of some sort." he said as he gestured Echo to walk beside him. "So, what are you doing around Sword Art Online. By that I mean, how did you get stuck here with all of us." he said curious about the players story.

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"Market holds.. Sounds good. We'll start there" I said as Diabel gestures for me to walk besides him. I approached him, and we started to head towards the Market Holds. "How did I get stuck in this death game? Well I already had the equipment set and the game, but I never played the game until the official start. I started to feel lonely during High School, so I thought making some friends on Sword Art Online would be better. Next thing you know, I'm stuck here and have to fend for myself. I also lost most of my memories. " I said with a serious look. I looked to Diabel, "How about you? Do you remember or know what you did before this?" I said with a curious tone.

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Diabel had been so wrapped up in this game that he in fact, couldn't remember what he did outside of Sword Art Online. "Now that you mention it, Echo, I don't remember a bit of what I did. The only thing I can remember and gather is that I had access to the game prior to it's release, this gave me a heads up on future events in the game that would happen and places with the best spawners." he said with a slightly confused look. He turned to look at Echo, who looked serious about this conversation. "I assume that I was successful in life before this. I'm 19, and done with High School, so I know it wasn't school. I do remember that I had plenty of friends as I am great with people, I was also a strong leader who set examples, but that's all I can recall from my life outside of this world." he said as he stopped to look at the first concession stand that held bread and baked goods. None of them interested him as he looked at other stands that would stretch down the entire hall between the buildings.

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"A great leader.. You should start a guild as soon as you're strong enough." I told Diabel with a smile. We walked down the long hall walking by some stalls. I stopped by a weapons stall, but all the weapons weren't what I expected. "Most of the time I'm here I'm never able to find what I want. Have you find anything that interests you?" I asked Diabel. We continued our walk through the halls which were quite long. A strong leader.. eh. Since he played this game way before others. I think he'll be able to succeed in beating this game. No doubt. I thought to myself. I smiled at Diabel as the thought came across my mind. I stopped by a couple of other stalls, which stood out to me, but in the bitter end nothing. I scrolled down my menu and looked for player shops around the area, but they were quite far. So I continued to look around the stands with Diabel.

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Diabel continued browsing some of the stores, but just like with Echo, none of them seemed to interest him. He turned to face Echo and he smiled. "Yeah, none of these ever hold anything useful to use. I still like to check in every now and then. For all we know there could be a hidden event happening that nobody got informed about. I need to speak to an information broker at some time to see what's going on in Aincrad right now." he said as he walked away from the last stand in the corridor. He walked to a new part of the city, one that he hadn't fully explored yet, but it was a beautiful sight to witness. Although Aincrad was death in a game, it was still beautiful and the things that were possible with virtual reality, seemed to be endless.

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I looked at Diabel and nodded. We walked passed the last stand into a part of a city that fascinated Diabel. "Isn't Aincrad beautiful." I said, with a smile. Everywhere around the city was beautiful, but it was just a game. Nothing in the world could compare to what we have here in Aincrad. Every detail of this place was amazing. If things weren't a death game, this would be amazing place to be.

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Diabel sighed and looked around him. "Follow me, I know this amazing place with a great view. It's my favorite spot to come see in the entire game so far." he said as he began walking towards the outside of the main city. Finally as he led the small group on, they finished off at a cliff of some sort that was up high, allowing any player who stood there to view across the entire floor. Off in the distance stood a massive tower, which was the first tower everyone entered to fight the first boss, <>. Diabel wished he had joined that fight. Had he done so, he would have had the opportunity to be as high of a level as every other player in the game.

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The view has fascinated me, and it was amazing. In the distance was the first tower of the first boss, «Illfang the Kobold Lord». "Man, I would take on that boss as soon as I have enough power to do so." I said with a jokish tone. The only reason I was "joking" about that was because, I was actually afraid to do so, but I need to get further onto the game, no matter what it took. I can't stay on the first floor forever. I had to advance further into the game, so I can get everyone out. "Soon.. soon." I said with a soft tone. Clenching my fists together. I sat on the edge of the cliff an enjoyed the view, but I stood up almost immediately and headed down the cliff.

"Diabel.. This is good-bye. If we meet again.. That would be nice." I said, with a serious tone. I turned my back towards Diabel and headed down the path. I waved good bye to Diabel as I slowly disappear into the shadow of the town. I walked towards the central of the city and took my rest. I waited for another quest to take so I can go destroy «Illfang the Kobold Lord».

[Echo exits the RP.]

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Diabel waves to the player who he can assume as his newly found friend. He smiles before the player disappears down the hill and then is gone into the city again it seemed. Diabel continued to sit there and enjoy the view as he began to laugh, knowing that <> was defeated 8 Floors ago, and that the 8th Floor Boss is nearly taken out. Diabel thinks to himself, that if he had made another friend this easy, then obviously making new ones like that wouldn't be as hard as he though. "Soon." he said. "Soon, I'll make a guild, and join the front lines to take on the future bosses to help clear the game and get people out of this world." Diabel lay in the grass, looking at the virtual sun, and he eventually fell asleep on the grass. Hours later, he had woken up to find the moon was out. Suprised that a monster hadn't come to kill him, he didn't want to take the chances of it happening, he headed down the same hill Echo had gone earlier to go into the town.

Diabel stopped by at a nearby inn to call it the quits for the night and that another day was imminent to come in a matter of hours. "Knight. That's what I am." he said as his final statement before he had finally been taken by the weariness and dozed off into the night.

[Diabel Exits The RP]


1 Skill Point(s) Awarded To Echo and Diabel

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