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Hatsune Miku

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Hatsune Miku»



» Username: Hatsune Miku (Becuase she fangirls over the famous singer)

» Name: Emiko

» Age: 16

» Gander: Female

» Height: 5' 2"


Ever since middle school Emiko has been quite the scene. Not only does her looks play in part but it's also because she is the lead singer in a band with a few of her closest friends. They are quite popular in Japan, they even are noticed by a small fraction of people from the states. Through thick and thin Emiko and her friends have stuck together...until SAO. She entered alone, no one bothered to give the game a try. After the news was spread around school that Emiko was stuck in Sword Art Online everyone felt terrible for her. The band fell apart without her because they refused to cast auditions to replace Emiko. Emiko was basically model student with no issues.

She decided to use the username Hatsune Miku because ever since she started middle school she not only loved the name but she adored the music. Although in her heart she knew that never could she meet Hatsune due to the fact that she wasn't real; she hoped and dreamed about her meeting.

(Miku and Rebekah) >>Hatsune has stayed on the First Floor ever since the beginning, she was afraid to die just like everyone else. Truth be told she is a coward on the inside. This continues every day she wastes away in SAO, feeling sorry for herself. Up until she made a friend in this game. Her name was Rebekah! Rebekah and Miku fought boars, she even got her first battler drop with her new found friend. From that meeting she knew that she had to stay alive a little longer for the sake of staying friends with this girl.

(Sieghart and Miku) >>Sieghart and Miku met on a cool, sunny day; typical for an Aincrad day of course. Sieghart was a polite gentleman to her, handsome too. Together they went into the forest and fought a couple boars. Miku learned how to use her listening skill, it became quite handy too! After an exhausting little battle they talked for what seemed like hours about life before this game. Once again Hatsune knocked herself down inside for being so weak compared to everyone else.

(Dylan and Hatsune)>>While sitting alone on a bench in the wintry floor of floor four, a dog nearly attacked Miku. This surprised her, also a boy ran after it and after scolding it he apologized for his familiar's actions towards her. Hatsune dismissed him while he went to a cafe. She slept out in the open on a bench, Dlyan came and woke her up, warning her that she shouldn't sleep in public like that. Soon after that they were mobbed by crazed fans after Miku of course. Dylan saved her from the situation and gave her money to buy a room to sleep in.

(Leonhardt and Miss Miku)>>With Sieghart, Hatsune trailed along in the woods to hear a rumbling, coming from the bushes. A player popper out and started to speak to Sieghart, then addressed Miku with a kind hand. He seemed like a fine gentleman and a great brother to her as she knew that he would accompany him our their mission.

Likes: Hatsune Miku, anything kawaii, sweets, all types of music, cold weather, bows, bunnies, Technology, rebix cubes

Dislikes: Scary movies, the color red, spicy foods, poorly written songs, losing

Interesting facts: Emiko knows everything about computers, she takes them apart with her dad. Her guitar is more precious than her phone, but that's not all. He phone case it a chibi miku pop out case. Emiko is actually really smart. She is on the rubix team at school.

» Virtues: . Innocent- Hatsune is a pure person who is slightly confused about what she really is. She doesn't know any bad things that could happen to her, which in her case is better for her.

. Language/Smart- Due to her being smart she can communicate with all languages. Emiko studied her main school language and a few extras at home for self benefit. This feature comes in handy when she needs to go somewhere she isn't too comfortable. Traveling to other countries would be easy for her, to understand the speaking at least.

. Beauty- She is pretty for her young age, having long teal hair with matching beautiful eyes. This makes her just a little cocky plus being the lead singer of a band has also made her have pressure to always look good.

Kind Hearted- Emiko has a thing against being unnecessarily mean to others. She will lend a helping hand anytime to anyone. Player Killers in her mind are cowards like herself so she isn't too fazed by them. In fact she approaches them with total confidence.

People Person- She understands what emotions people go through in this game or death, they are scared. Emiko tends to get along with everyone, even Pks. She doesn't judge people based on stereotypes but her own experiences with the people she has met in the game.

» Flaws:

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.htm

Internally Broken/ low self esteem- When Emil entered this game she was still her regular chipper self to everyone else but on the inside she tore herself apart. Knowing that she couldn't be as strong as everyone else Emiko blames herself and often mentions herself to be a coward. Basically, she knocks herself down.

Clueless- Emiko has never been on the outside world, RL, so when she does it's completely different. She doesn't know common social situation. The only thing she knows how to do is preform and put on a show. Some people that meet her assume that she is just acting oblivious to the world around her.

Only One- The other band members have not yet been logged on to SAO. Her identity is at danger and she has absolutely no one to experience this new world with. To her being alone is another feeling she didn't have before. This makes her scared often, freaked out easily.

Grudge- When Emiko doesn't like you she tends to hold it against you, seriously. Her ability to shut others out (Performer perk~) she has not trouble not speaking to someone. Emiko has a scary side to her that you do not want to see. (This makes her rage and stuff, destroying everything in her path)

Coward- When it comes to her life on the line she wants to survive. Emiko loves to live, she doesn't want to die, simple as that. Staying on the First Floor has made her even more afraid of everything (not other players) outside the comfort of the safezones.







» Listening



Weapon skills :




» Starter Rapier


» http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4392 -Completed (Dylan and Me)

» http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4393 -In Progress (Seighart and Me)

http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4295 -In Progress (Rebekah and Me)

Relationships (optional)

» Rebekah is my first friend, she amazing...I think were best friends! <3

Story Thus Far

»Hatsune has stayed on the First Floor ever since the beginning, she was afraid to die just like everyone else. Truth be told she is a coward on the inside. This continues every day she wastes away in SAO, feeling sorry for herself. Up until she made a friend in this game. Her name was Rebekah! Rebekah and Miku fought boars, she even got her first battler drop with her new found friend. From that meeting she knew that she had to stay alive a little longer for the sake of staying friends with this girl.

Sieghart and Miku met on a cool, sunny dat; typical for an Aincrad day of course. Sieghart was a polite gentleman to her, handsome too. Together they went into the forest and fought a couple boars. Miku learned how to use her listening skill, it became quite handy too! After an exhausting little battle they talked for what seemed like hours about life before this game. Once again Hatsune knocked herself down inside for being so weak compared to everyone else.

While sitting alone on a bench in the wintry floor of floor four, a dog nearly attacked Miku. This surprised her, also a boy ran after it and after scolding it he apologized for his familiar's actions towards her. Hatsune dismissed him while he went to a cafe. She slept out in the open on a bench, Dlyan came and woke her up, warning her that she shouldn't sleep in public like that. Soon after that they were mobbed by crazed fans after Miku of course. Dylan saved her from the situation and gave her money to buy a room to sleep in.

With Sieghart, Hatsune trailed along in the woods to hear a rumbling, coming from the bushes. A player popper out and started to speak to Sieghart, then addressed Miku with a kind hand. He seemed like a fine gentleman and a great brother to her as she knew that he would accompany him our their mission.

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