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[SP-F5] This Endeavor

Guest Keith

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The sand was now up to Shade's knees, lowering faster. Shade's arm twitched slightly, showing he was regaining control. Shade snapped his hand onto his opposite arm and began ripping scarabs off, throwing them into the sand and sending them down to the ground, making them drown in the quick sand.

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Shade now had control of his right arm, and he couldn't waste anymore time. The sands were now up to his waist. He began pulling as many scarabs as he could off his body and he desperately grabbed the solid sandstone foot-hold he had been on before. Not much time was left.

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The sand was now up to Shade's chest. He struggled to keep his hands above the sand as he tried to pull himself up, but as he grabbed the floor, one of the bricks cam loose and fell off, making Shade heavier for holding it. The sand acted double-time and mercilessly pulled him down faster.

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Shade came to a sudden realization. He was going to die here. This sand was going to take him underground, and he was going to suffocate. Shade had so many things left to do. How could he die? Shizuki. Shade was going to die here alone and she would be left without him. Just as that thought entered his mind, Shade's head went beneath the sand.

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As Shade tried to hold his breath, he finally came to a realization. He actually loved Shizuki. And now he was going to die. All the people he killed... Did they have people who loved them too? Shade's lungs felt like they were about to burst from the restriction of air. Shade deserved this.

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Suddenly, Shade felt something cold and jagged grab his throat, pulling him upward out of the sand. He gasped for air, put still couldn't breath due to the abject around his neck. He clawed at it, desperate for air. His eyes stung as sand fell of his soft black and crimson hair and spill onto his eyes.

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Shade finally blinked away enough sand to see what had grabbed him. It wasn't pleasant. He looked on in shock at what had taken a hold of him. It was a mummy. Not the kind kid shows today portray, no. It had hardly any wrappings around it's dark brown, leathery skin. It's eyes were gouged out long ago, making it stare at Shade with two, soulless, voids.

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The monster was holding Shade by one hand, and in it's other, a worn, rusty, two-handed cleaver was being dragged behind it. Red stains were all over it, and the mummy smelled of old musk and decay. Shade grabbed the mummy's arm, gripping it's wrist in a failing attempt to break free.

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The monster threw Shade aside with amazing strength, making him slam into a wall. Shade only had a heartbeat to rasp for breath before looking up, seeing the large blade coming down at him. With the blink of an eye, Shade lunged out of the way and heard the sword clang on the ground, chipping away at the rock and sending small pebbles flying.

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Shade shot up in an instant and rocketed forward, sending his sword against the one coming down at him. Shade's blade was better. It set the two-handed cleaver off course and onto the ground. Shade then plunged his sword into the monster's chest, making a sharp ripping sound as the toothed blade ripped through the ancient skin.

Shade: 17/17

<>: 12/20

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Shade felt something sharp sink into his neck. The mummy had sank it's maw into him, trying to rip his neck open while his sword was useless. "Get your filthy mouth off me!" Shade said, using his sword to carve upwards. The mummy's teeth was ripped out of neck, and he was sent staggering backwards.

Shade: 15/17

<>: 6/20

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Shade moved forward to try and impale the mummy in the chest again. That should be enough to destroy it. But as he was only three feet away, he felt a large metal blade cleave into his ribcage, throwing him against the wall like a ragdoll. All Shade could here was raspy, taunting laughter and the sickening crack of his own ribs.

Shade: 10/17

<>: 6/20

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Shade stood up slowly, only to feel an unimaginable pain. The mummy had taken it's sword and impaled Shade in the chest, stabbing him so hard it forced him against the wall and sent the sword into the wall as well. Shade grabbed the blade in desperation, trying to yank it out of his torso.

Shade: 3/17

<>: 6/20

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Shade yanked the sword out of him, catching the mummy off guard. Shade then wasted no time getting his sword ready and moving forward, sending a slash across the mummy's neck, making a riveting sound as the blade ripped through the throat, leaving the head barely attached. The mummy staggered back and fell backward into the sand, sinking slowly before bursting.

Shade: 3/17

<>: 0/20 ((OOC: Dead, will edit for prizes in next post.))

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Shade saw the drop message pop up, offering him his rewards. Experience, col, and three materials. Shade looked through them all lavishly. Two <>, and one <>. Shade closed his menu and he laid against the wall, waiting for <> To take effect before he went any further.

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After his health refilled, Shade stood up and took a few good breathes. If that was just a common monster, he was going to have to be careful about the upcoming lantern ghost. He walked a few steps, his footing still shaky from all that had happened just a few moments ago.

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Shade continued down the hall. This time, it seemed as though there weren't as many monsters out for his head. Scarabs and mummies were nowhere to be seen for the rest of his walk down the hall, which made him feel a little more at ease. He turned another corner and continued on his way.

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Shade took a few more steps and then the sands started to shift. "What in the world?" Shade said, coming to a stop as small bony hands came from the sand. The skeletal hands were pure black, seemingly burned to be like that. Each hand had a shackle on it, along with a few chain links attached.

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Then, they finally started to purge from the ground. They were complete skeletons, black as night. They had a dark red light inside of the head, giving their empty eye sockets a glow. They seemed to be only four through five feet tall, and they all drew stone spears, khopeshs.

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Shad emoved forward and got his sword ready, getting to the skeleton closest to him. He used <> To give it a swift kick in the leg, making it give way and fall down. Shade then quickly used sword to saw through the dome of it's head, finishing it quickly.

Shade: 17/17

<> 1: 5/5

<> 2: 0/5 -Dead- ((OOC:25 Col gained, roll for mats in next post.))

<> 3: 5/5

<> 4: 5/5

<> 5: 5/5

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