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[PP-F2] The Acquaintance Challenge

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[OOC ~ I don't mind; I completely agree. Feel free to lower Setsuko's health every now and then. I don't want to take control of the wasp by doing the damage myself.]

Setsuko couldn't help but slightly wince as she watched the <>'s stinger directly collide with Zelrius' chest. What bothered her even more was the fact that Zelrius' attacks weren't working out from him either. Oh, boy. We're in for a rough battle. Regaining her composure, she once again charged towards the wasp, her blade ready to pierce through the creature's skin. Don't let it hit me.


Setsuko: 13/13

Zelrius: 57/61

BD: 5

DMG: 0 (Miss) -_-


Wasp Queen: 30/30

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(--OOC Sorry for late post, First day of school, Then I fell asleep)

The Wasp aws quite sastified when his Sting had managed to reach Zelrius and do the damage that needed to be done. The wasp decided that it was time to pick on the lower leveled of the two. Turning rather quickly because it had nothing to collide with, (Because it was hoisted it by its flapping wings) The wasp made a hasty move in the Direction Setsuko. It made a girating Motion as the wasp pulled back the Stinger it owns, And thrusted forward hitting Setsuko.

Zelrius 57/61

Setsuko 11/13

Wasp 30/30

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Zelrius grunted as the Stinger reached his torso and then pulled out, Quickly twirling around to Attack Setsuko. Now the real question was: Why was a low level and low HP Boss giving someone like Zelrius such a hard time? Zelrius was displeased with the current Result, and instead of Sulking over His current state, Zelrius took action drawing his sword up once more to strike the wasp.

Zelrius 57/61

Setsuko 11/13

Wasp 22/30

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Like Zelrius before her, Setsuko was knocked back by the force of the stinger hitting her, though the stinger carried her about halfway through that motion. When the stinger was withdrawn, Setsuko released a grunt of pain as her teeth gritted, and her head lowered. Damn, that hurt. Her eyes raised again, hatred burning in her eyes. She charged the wasp once more, ready to kill the overgrown insect once and for all, but her footing was off.


Setsuko: 11/13

Zelrius: 57/61

BD: 3

DMG: 0 (Miss)


Wasp Queen: 22/30

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[--OOC Hahaha, If only that were a thing. Sadly caps are 2.]

If the wasp could laugh, It would have definetly done so. That was, up to the Point Zelrius made his own "Sting". This weapon Zelrius had along with his trained skills, Made him quite formidible if the boy could ever land a hit, The damage dealt was a good amount indeed. The wasp turned back to Zelrius, now that the Blood Buccaneer had its attention, The wasp Charged forth to bite him.

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Zelrius managed to evade the Wasp bite, since that was only a tiny bit predictible. Why was it easily able to be foreseen? Because up to this point it had only stung and All Boss AI were programmed to have atleast 3 attacks, each of which in different Style. The fact it had not flung anything at him meant a melee attack, which from there it was simple to detect the further movement. (I'll sit here and say all this for RP reasons, But in all honestly, Zelrius got lucky and happened to slip to dodge it) Zelrius swung his own sowrd back at the Wasp.

Zelrius 57/61

Setsuko 11/13

Wasp 15/30

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[OOC ~ Yay, a hit! Now if only I had my new equipment when we started this..]

Wow, that was impressive. She thought as she watched Zelrius predict the boss' movements and successfully dodge, while countering the attack himself. Setsuko followed Zelrius into combat, thrusting her rapier towards the abdomen of the bee once more. He knows how little I can actually do to this thing; I hope he didn't expect too much.


Setsuko: 11/13

Zelrius: 57/61

BD: 7

DMG: 1 (Hit) + 1 (OHR: R1) = 2


Wasp: 13/30

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The wasp was now utterly confused. Both had hit it and Both had done good amounts of damage. The Wasp decided to beat on the girl a tiny bit. He turned around, And instead of Moving forward to sting Setsuko, The wasp spat a ball of Silk at her, In an effort to hurt and even maybe stun the girl for a bit.

(A 10 is a stun on you)



Setsuko: 7/13

Zelrius: 57/61

BD: 10

DMG: 3 1 Turn of stun


Wasp: 13/30

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Zelrius grunted as the Wasp turned around and hurled something at Setsuko. Without wasting time to check whether or not the thing it had launched hit, Zelrius charged forth and brought his sword up over himself and back down on to the insects' body. Zelrius now had hopped to repay the favor of the sting to the chest from earlier.

(Sorry for short posts, Not a whole lot to talk about in battle)

(Two 10's in a row, Holy [censored])


Setsuko: 7/13

Zelrius: 57/61

BD: 10

DMG: 9 1 Turn of stun


Wasp: 4/30

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[OOC ~ It's cool, broooo. Length doesn't matter (HUEHUEHUEHUE).

Within a web of silk, Setsuko wiggled, attempting to free herself from the disgusting, sticky material. Damn it, try harder! She continued writhing around in it, but found it all for nothing. The system is probably preventing me from escaping. I'll probably be stuck until the game frees me itself. Her thoughts were pessimistic, but she continued trying regardless.

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The wasp was making an advance to toward Setsuko up to the point the monster realize it was completely immobile. This was the doing of the little pest of a human that currently stood behind it. Thee AI off the beast knew it couldn't move, and did not attempted to do so.

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(Paralyzed, them install hits.)

Zelrius smirked as he advanced toward the wasp boss. Swing his sword showing just how sure the boy was of victory and how arrogant he was about himself. Zelrius drew his sword back and thruster the blade forward in order to end the life of the wasp. When his blade and contact, the wasp blew into a million blue crystals. Zelrius then sheathed Range.

He walked over to Setsuko and tried his best to pull the web off but only managed to get a few away from her.

"Sorry," Zelrius apologized. "I had hoped to be a little faster at his defeat that thing."

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Setsuko chuckled at her companion's apology. "You must think you're my hero." In the situation, she supposed he did save her life, but if it weren't for him, she wouldn't have fought the wasp to begin with. It was a rather humorous predicament, in Setsuko's opinion, though she doubted many people shared her sense of humor. I actually had quite a bit of fun. That's not something I'll tell Zelrius, though.

With Zelrius' minor help, the webbing's durability eventually ran out and it exploded around her. Unbalanced, she fell to her knees, stopping herself from landing on her face with her hands. She whistled due to her close call before standing straight up again. "What now?" She asked, her attitude still mostly similar to how it was before they had killed the wasp, albeit less snarky.

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Zelrius had to stop and think over her question. Now what indeed. Zelrius looked to his accomplice and wondered what standing by on their meeting. Were they at least acquaintances now? Hopefully so, though doubtful. Zelrius now realized his greetings were a bit strong, but they had just fought together. The blood buccaneer shook his head, life was too short to worry about this [censored].

"Well, how about we head back up to the town and I buy you a drink or two as a apology for my arrogance, and a thank you for trusting a yellow cursor enough to follow me here."

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Setsuko scratched the back of her head upon Zelrius' offer. Do I really want to get drinks with this guy? I suppose they are free. Her own thoughts were sarcastic at this point. To be fair, she was unsure of how she wanted to respond to his question; she did want to go with him, but she didn't want to completely change the outlook she had given. Whatever, first thing's first. She gestured her menu open and the sent the boy a friend request.

"I'll come with you," She began, doing her best to sound cold as ever, "But only because the drinks are free."

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Zelrius nodded and walked off with this girl he had just met. It would seem that Setsuko wasn't an entirely cold person for reasons that she had trusted him enough to follow the Blood Buccaneer to the wilderness. So on he went, Back toward the building the two exchanged "Introductions" or so one would call it. More or less it was a trading of thought and nothing more since she was so closed about the subject. No worries, Zelrius decided he had made an Acquaintance today.

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