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» Username: Archer

» Real name: Archer

» Age: 15

» Gender: Female

» Height: 177 cm

» About:



Archer was once a very popular idol with a passion for performing and entertaining people, she was well loved for her looks and her fun and joyful personality, several events transpired during her career leading to Archer being framed for plagiarism by a rival idol. As Archer’s popularity drastically declined and her whole career and her love of performing fell apart she eventually left her career and started to game hoping to escape reality, harmless games until she bought ‘Sword Art Online’.


Archer is a joyful person she always loves to see the bright side of life and she is always trying to make others happy. Although Archer is generally happy there are times when she can become quite depressed and it will take a lot of effort for her to return to her sunshiny self. Archer loves to play harmless tricks on her friends and usually pulls it off with a cheeky grin. Archer is quite an agile person in battle but at other times she can be so clumsy it’s unbelievable as to how she can even fight. Archer can get on with almost anyone but she is quite an airhead and will sometimes completely forget about what she was doing if she see’s something that captivates her attention. Archer may be a very friendly person but she can also be quite vain and doesn’t always consider other people feelings.

Some people are not afraid to die but Archer is not one of them, she is not a coward but she is not extremely brave either. She is not the kind of person that would solo a floor boss or fight in a situation that she is overpowered in. She might not be the bravest fighter but she excels at fighting with a party and is perfectly happy to take orders from someone else and adjust her fighting style to help her party. Archer’s personality can seem childlike at times but when the situation calls for it she can be mature. She also hates awkward silences and will always try to fill the silence with a gag or a joke, Archer prefers not to fight all the time and would rather show people the bright side to life and try and make a small difference to the happiness of the players in Aincrad.

» Likes:

. Sparkly things – She loves anything that glitters and she can be quite feminine when it comes to clothes or anything pretty, thankfully she is not a hoarder otherwise she would have no room to move in house.

. Friends – Archer never really had many friends outside of gaming and because of this in Aincrad she wants to make as many friends as possible.

.Cute things – Archer has a weakness for anything cute and fluffy, if she sees anything adorable you’d have to drag her away from it.


. Cruel People – Archer absolutely hates people that can make fun of others, or hurt another person, she has trouble understanding why anyone would want to hurt someone else

. Fish – She dislikes fish not for the taste she just finds them extremely unnatural, she is not a big fan of the water and one of the reason is fish, she just has an odd repulsion to fish

» Virtues:

. Persistence – Archer will never give up on anything that she sets her mind on and will keep trying as hard as she can, she is the kind of person who puts her who soul into anything she does, she doesn’t believe in half finishing anything or not putting effort in, she will always try her hardest and perseveres with everything she does.

. Loyalty – Archer has never had many friends and because of this any people that are kind enough to be friends with her she will become insanely loyal to them. This has sometimes led to her being used by the other person, however Archer is still a loyal person and will always try her hardest to never let her friend down.

. Happiness – Archer is an extremely happy person with a cheeky smile on her face and an infectious laugh, she always tries to make the best of any situation and will always try to cheer people up with a cheesy joke or a trick.

» Flaws:

. Curiosity – Archer is an extremely curious girl, in her case; her curiosity is a flaw because of how much trouble she seems to get into for being too curious. She loves to know about everything that’s happening and is always getting into sticky situations for eavesdropping or spying on people because of her curiosity, you could say she is quite a nosy person and doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of secrets or private matters.

. Manipulative – being a former idol, she didn’t just rely on songs and her looks she had to make the audience love her, as such she knows just how to manipulate people’s emotions to get exactly what she wants, and she doesn’t hold back if she wants something she won’t feel guilty for manipulating someone into doing something for her.

. Obliviousness – Archer can be quite oblivious times and can seem a bit dense but in important situations she can be observant, but in any other situation she is completely and utterly oblivious to stuff around her, she is not one to understand the small hints and sometimes you need to spell things out for her and be blunt.









Weapon skills :



Archer is a tall slim girl with slight curves and straight orangey/red hair that reaches to her knees. She wears her hair out and has a fringe that is brushed slightly to the side. Archer is quiet pale and has orange/red eyes that match her hair. Archer has a childlike look about her and is often mistaken to be younger that she really is. Archer’s typical outfit consists of a pair of star headphones, white thigh high boots and blue and red striped above the knee socks, she also wears blue and red gloves that match her socks on each wrist she wear a white and blue bracelet and the main part of her outfit, her dress is blue and white with stripes on it as well as a blue star in the middle of her chest. Her dress is sleeveless however it has blue fluffy rings on each shoulder; she also wears a blue and red belt with ‘A2’ on it. Finally on her bracelets and boots there is a small gold star.








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