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[SP-F9] The Sauna

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Zelrius had decided that he had sat around the 9th floor sweating like a pig long enough. Today he was going to do something the boy hadn't done in all his time on this scorching Earth, Grind. Damn right, The Blood Buccaneer needed level, and He needed it now. So what better time and place to gain level then right now on this Floor? He knew right away that there would certainly be stronger monsters out and about on these floors. So, The Blood Buccaneer went ahead and bought some Health Potions and a teleport crystal, this would work out best for him, Zelrius decided.

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Zelrius now milled about the ninth floor. He smirked walking right out of the city suspended by chains right above a Volcano. Walking across the iron clad and wooden bridge, Zelrius made his way to the wilderness of this scorching earth. Off in the distance, Zelrius saw the charred remains of the battle field where him and a few other players had fought the twinfire phoenix. He did much enjoy that battle. Exitting the safe Zone now, Zelrius took off in a rather quick sprint to find anything, ANYTHING to attack on this god forsaken hell hole.

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And so he found it. A Small Falcon, That was out and spewing fire all over the place. Flying up and around Zelrius as soon as he came into agrovation range of the damned bird. So the biurd went up and up, Simply looking at Zelrius. Then beak first the damned thing flew down very quickly. Zelrius jumped a bit, Moving slighty to the left and turning to face the spot he had once stood in, Zerlius swung his sword Sange down to hit the little bird brained enemy of his.

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