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Sphinx's Journal

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«Name» Sphinx



» Username: Sphinx

» Real name: Jayden Smith

» Age: 16

» Gender: Male

» Height: 5' 11

» About:

» Personality: Sphinx is a complex individual if you've ever met one. Not that most people bother to find that much out; if someone's just meeting him, Sphinx is more than likely to use them for his own entertainment, and tends to drive them away with his often annoying antics. Getting stuck in a game really hasn't changed his outlook on life much. Never having had any real goals in life, no purpose or dreams, life has always been like one big game to him. The only difference is: now it's a game for everyone else, too. A deadly game, and to him, that danger is half the fun.

Sphinx can't remember a time when he didn't throw caution to the wind, put himself directly in harm's way for the sake of a bit of fun or adventure. How he does this can vary from voluntarily finding, or making trouble, to biting off more than he can chew in taunting someone who's like to try and kill him for it. Teasing, taunting, flirting, joking, story-telling and more; Sphinx considers himself to be highly skilled in all of these things, and won't hesitate to use these skills to get a reaction out of someone.

While he's far from cold or taciturn, this attitude has turned him into something of a loner. Not because he has no desire to make friends, but because his overly-playful personality pushes people away before he has a chance to. Of course, he wouldn't want to be friends with anyone too sensitive to put up with his teasing for awhile.

In the real world, Sphinx traveled too much to actually develop a relationship with anyone. That said, he's not too sure what to expect in a virtual world where he'll often be surrounded by the same people, day in and day out. He wasn't expecting to be trapped in this world, and so while he's doesn't know what might come of it.. he has every intention of taking full advantage of it while it lasts.

In combat, Sphinx is an evade-and-avoid type of fighter; using his superior agility to dodge and let his enemy tire themselves out, while using speed over power to dart in to catch a weak spot before darting back out again. He doesn't like using underhanded tricks such as poison, though he's likely to tease and toy with his opponent until he's aggitated them and made them clumsy with rage.

» History: Sphinx, or, Jayden, as he's known in the real world.. has as complicated a past as he has personality. He used to have vague memories of his birth family, but after the years they've spent apart, he no longer remembers them. He knows he had them, just doesn't remember what they were like. Jayden better remembers the trauma of being taken from them, though; snatched up as a small child while he was playing with his brothers. He lived in Egypt when he was little, but the men who took him brought him overseas. The details are a blur, though it may just be that he's been blocking it out all these years. He only remembers escaping in the midst of a police raid.

It was only when he was close to starving that he was more or less adopted into a street gang. It was no happy family, but they taught him how to survive. How to fight, how to steal, how to run. Jayden stayed with them for years before he worked up the nerve to strike out on his own, confident he'd learned all he could from them and could survive on his own. He was about thirteen years old when he stole everything they had and fled.

For the past three years, he's traveled the world--by foot, by hitch-hiking, by stowing away on boats, planes and trains, simultaneously seeing the world and making sure his former gang can't catch up with him. His dive into Sword Art Online was never meant to be permanent or life-threatening, just some passing entertainment like everything else. Whatever it was meant to be, though, Jayden, now Sphinx, is trapped in there with everyone else.

» Virtues:

Quick-thinking - Sphinx's wit is easily as quick as he is. What he lacks in strength, he makes up for in a combination of speed and intelligence.

Independant - Sphinx is entirely capable of taking care of himself. While he may work with others at times, he by no means relies on others for help.

Charismatic - While not always considered friendly, Sphinx has no issues talking to anyone--be it a a single important person or a crowd of thousands. And he likes to think he has a way with words.

Endurance - Sphinx can take a lot of punishment--and while the game's stats might limit that physically, it hasn't put a damper on how much emotional or mental damage he can deal with.

Flexibility - Sphinx, like the origin of his name, is flexible as a cat--both physically and mentally. He can improvise and fit himself into just about any situation.

Humorous - Very few people have as good a sense of humor as Sphinx has. When almost everything is a joke, he really couldn't not have a great sense of humor.

Creative - Learning how to survive on his own, Sphinx had to learn to be creative on top of everything else, to do rather unconventional things to stay alive.

Aware - While he may not have the greatest attention span, Sphinx has learned to be observant in his time running from people. He may not act like it, but he always keeps a sharp eye and ear on his surroundings.

Persistant - Sphinx likes to see things through to the end--if only because he refuses to give up and look weak in front of others.

Good Temper - Given his humorous, playful personality, it's a rare thing to see Sphinx legitimately angry with someone.

Neutral - Having lived most of his life without a friend, Sphinx has learned to look at conflict from a neutral perspective, able to observe both sides without bias, and judge them accordingly.

Optimistic - Sphinx has never been one to let himself feel sad or depressed. To him, such things show only weakness, and don't get him anywhere. Better to just forget what upset him and move on; leading to a generally positive outlook on life.

» Flaws:

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

Absentminded - Sphinx, often finding himself alone, has a habit of losing himself in thought and memories--thinking and overthinking things simply because he has nothing else to do.

Aimless - Sphinx has never had much of a purpose in his life besides entertaining himself. No life goals, no big dreams, no special calling. There's little drive behind his actions besides his own entertainment.

Bold - Sphinx, to put it bluntly, does whatever the hell he wants, with little care for what other people think about it. Thus, he assumes things about people without a second thought, takes what liberties he likes, and disobeys authority as if it were all perfectly normal.

Childish - Sphinx's extremely playful, teasing personality often comes off as being childish. In a way, perhaps it is--he's never had any reason to grow up.

Flirt - Flirting, to Sphinx, is only a further application of teasing. Generally, he's not actually trying to get anyone interested in him--only arousing interest so he can shoot it back down.

Impatient - Sphinx has a short attention span when it comes to anything that doesn't interest him. That said, he's not great at waiting for anything.

Impious - After all Sphinx has been through, the things he's seen in his life, he stopped believing in any kind of god a long time ago; and finds religious people more than a bit ridiculous.

Impish - Goes hand in hand with Sphinx's childish demeanor. At times, his playfulness can cause more than a bit of trouble.

Liar - Sphinx is a fluent liar--always telling stories, exaggerating achievements, making things up to impress, scare, and worry people.

Meddlesome - Sphinx loves to shove himself right in the middle of things; sometimes just to intrude because he wants to, other times because it's something he feels he'd be interested in.

Overconfident - Sphinx likes to believe he can do anything; that he's invincible and that he can be hurt, but he certainly can't die. As such, he has a surplus of confidence that gets him in trouble way too often.

Pest - Most people that meet Sphinx would describe him as a pest; a nuisance, an annoying brat, a troublemaker. Sphinx himself prefers to think everyone is just far too sensitive.

Rebellious - Sphinx openly defies most sorts of authority or rules; to him, freedom is everything, and too much restriction is worse than death.

Reckless - Sphinx dives into trouble without a thought for the dangers or consequences. If it seems fun, he doesn't take the time to stop and think about what hell his actions might bring raining down upon him.

Sarcastic - If you knew Sphinx, you'd know every other thing he says is some sarcastic remark. Sarcasm is probably his favorite tactic to employ.

Skeptic - Being a skilled liar himself, Sphinx is always questioning the truth of what others are saying--as well as the things people generally accept as truth. In his travels, he's learned it's smarter to question everything than to simply accept it.

Smart Ass - In a lot of cases, Sphinx doesn't know it all, but he loves to act like he does, just to get on peoples' nerves.

Tactless - Sphinx generally doesn't care for what is considerate when dealing with other people--he acts how he wants, and doesn't much care if it comes off as rude or offensive.

Theatrical - Sphinx isn't so much desperate for attention as much as he finds it fun to shove himself right in the middle of things and steal the attention away from someone else. He also likes to over-dramatize things just to get a reaction out of people.

Troublemaker - Someone who deliberately stirs up trouble, intentionally or unintentionally. In Sphinx's case, it's almost always intentionally.


» To Be Determined








Weapon skills :




» 1 Basic Dagger

» 10 Bread

» 15 Water

» Cloth Clothing


» [solo/private/open] TBA

» [solo/private/open] TBA

Relationships (optional)

» Open

Story Thus Far (optional)

» To Be Determined

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