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Ascension (F1-PP) [Alkor]

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It seemed like just yesterday ,  Terrence muttered to himself. He look out on the area where he had lose the battle. As if it was frozen in time by some unknown force. He rub his face and looked around the area. He need to find a clue... He need to find a solution. A man interrupted his thoughts, he was the same level."Hey this my loot!", the man shouted obviously drunk. Terrence turned around and looked at the dude and give him a straight face. The man open his mouth and Terrence snapped his neck. There was no time for walking on egg shells.

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Darkness had embraced the world in its nightly hold, starlight flickering above and illuminating the world. The terror stricken scream of a player losing all of their health and fading from SAO wafted across Alkor's senses, and he stood rigid.

It was the first floor. Players here should not have been dying. This was an area devoted to helping the weak hone their skills in order to move forward. Somehow, one of those weak players had lost their life.

Alkor froze when he saw the cause, a stream of data scattering to the winds around low level player's hand. The character's cursor went red, and Alkor narrowed his eyes. A level one red player, he snorted. This game just keeps getting sicker.

Though he had no desire to end the boy's life, Alkor was not stupid enough to approach unarmed. When he left the path, his sword left it's sheath, and the golden eyed swordsman stared out from beneath his hood at the new player. "You heard the announcement," he called, "and you're still willing to kill another player?"

Alkor hated the idea that anyone could be reduced to that. Even if their contempt for the game became that detrimental to their psyche, how could anyone let go of their humanity that much? "I'm going to need you to put down your weapon." It wasn't a request. "What's wrong with you?"

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Terrence began looking for more clue again,but then he heard a voice. He turned," That doesn't matter, perhaps it would have if I valued others life IRL." Terrence looked at his possible means of escape and conclude that Alkor was a heavy metal. "What's wrong me?... everything!" He pulled out his spear, he looked up and dropped it. Alkor came closer before, the spear hit the ground he kick back in his hands. Complications! he  whispered

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"Hey now," Alkor made a gesture with his free hand for the other player to stop moving. "No sudden moves. I don't want to have to fight you if it's not necessary."

This really was a bind. He let out a snort and shook his head. One player was already dead, he really didn't want to leave any more corpses. Not on the first floor, where all the low level characters would learn to be terrified.

Alkor knew that if it came down to it, he was probably quicker than this player, and he could take any amount of damage that he dealt. "Why don't we go back to the safe zone and talk, that way you won't have to worry about any sort of retaliation?"

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Terrence looked at him quite puzzled and he spoke,"If you me that then lower your weapon." Then he lowered his and walked slowly towards enemy with spear still drawn. He looked up at him as he walked by and said," I was kind of hoping you kill me." He pointed a little village. "Is that the same zone of which you referred?" Terrence said, and then the dead man's body exploded. The light refracted off his face. One could see the smile of satisfaction that only that light could reveal.

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Alkor let out a discontented snort as the man said he was hoping to be killed. That was the sort of thinking that had ended so many players already. Was the allure of death really that intoxicating?

"Fine," Alkor muttered as he let his blade dip toward the dirt. "Yeah. That's the zone." He allowed the other player to walk ahead, not trusting the player enough to allow him to take up the rear.

Once they were there, he'd attempt to talk to the player about the consequences of the actions he'd taken, and if the red player felt remorseful, Alkor would probably let him walk.

If he couldn't get him to reconcile the act, though...

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"Remorse?reconile?" Terrence laughed," those action are beyond my understanding. You see everyone ever born is born to do something. Some come to be drunkards, some come to be protector, some come to be killers. You see it all in the large scale of things. Everyone is puzzle piece or a pawn in a much large game, and those pieces change on the regular basis. Today you are a protector, tomorrow you will be the killer... it really makes little difference in the end. So, what I killed a drunkard, I promise that little will weep for his tragic lose. I was born a killer and if I die doing it then, that is the fine... I expect it. So, if you plan to take revenge for the foolish then, do it but know it will not help him. It will not raise him from the dead it will only be more spill blood... not worth a tear."

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"Revenge, huh?" Alkor rolled the world around for a moment, weighing the concept in his mind. Revenge was inherently a hot blooded act, tempered in haste and emotion. Alkor was not the sort of person who dealt in quick decisions, not when they had little or nothing to do with him. Alkor was cold iron.

"No," he responded quietly, "it isn't like that. Killing another player is something you've now done consciously. While nothing I do can bring him back, it's obvious that you intend to do it again. So, I'm giving you this opportunity. Come with me to town and take a teleport crystal to the prison, where you can think about what you've done," Alkor gestured toward the safe zone.

"Or, I'll do what I have to do in order to keep other players safe." The Golden-eyed youth held his sword level and let Terrance understand the gravity of his words. While Alkor had not killed another player, he would do what had to be done, and he wouldn't cry about it later.

"Your call," he drawled with a look of grim purpose set on his face.

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Terrence chuckled," I remember when I had a pathetic sense of justice like that, Ah, to be young of mind, but then I grew up. I murdered 23 people in real life and kill a little more than in there. If you feel like I am a monster then, so be it. I draw your sword and wallow in the firth with me. All it takes is that first kill and then you are off. There is no such thing as justice just revenge. That man could have killed many and I put him to rest. If you think you saving them by taking in one person then you are sadly mIstaking. I will step over as many bodies as it takes to do the right thing. If your body is one of them so be it. But I like you Alkor you listened to the rabbling of an old man so let me give some advice. First, The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The second, is that not to step in front of god's will, or for the atheist, social darwinism. If you jail me then they will send another until the job is complete. Trust me when I tell you there is no more justice, no more heroes... there is no such thing as innocence."

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"I'll take in as many as it takes," Alkor replied simply. "I'm not the only one. Other hunters are out there, too, and we intend to make this a safe place for everyons. At least, safe from players who get it in their heads that taking lives is alright."

Alkor heard him say he'd killed people, a number of people, in real life, and he bristled. "I don't know why people like that even bother playing video games," Alkor muttered. "If you think life is a game like that, what's the point of trying to escape from it? Why not just keep your corroded morals and soldier on with your sick sense of duty?"

He shook his head. "Forget it," he decided, "there's a cell waiting for you. Don't want to keep it empty for too long." The words of a psychopath were just that- words. And their source made them that much more dangerous. "Are you going to come along, or are you going to resist?"

Alkor ran his finger along the keen edge of his blade, taking a deep breath. If it came to killing this player, he was ready and able.

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"Well, I think you missing the point I'm trying to make here but, I am going to finish the job that I been given, I must hunt down and kill PKers Argumail and Kazuya and then, you can lock me up or kill me, preferably." Terrence looked at his new friend and smile courtesyly and did a small bow and then ran.

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