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[SP-F2] Ashita no Sinon <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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Sinon decided that while a one handed rapier is cool and all, he really enjoyed getting up close and personal, in several ways. This included when fighting, for unlike his appearance suggested, he was a natural in beating people up. Case in point, when in the private school he was in , he was bulled a lot for his crossdressing. After several months, he got sick of all the negativity by a certain group of rather masochistic boys and mean girls. So he took things into his own hands.

They were later found in the local infirmary with many bruises and fractures from having been tossed about like paper and punched very hard. It turned out somehow his small lithe frame was just naturally strong, with doing no fighting sports of any sort.


So Sinon decided to do in SAO what she did best, breaking noses and punching things. With this goal in mind, Sinon tightened his fists, looking out. For now, until he got his martial arts skill, he would have to make do with the rapier. Well, he supposed it matched the grace of his clothing. Sinon had their rapier holstered as they walked across the fields.

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For now, the best thing right now to do was to actually go to the mountain where this rock was he had to break. Oh great, a long trek. He's sure gonna love that. Not.

Sinon sighed, but decided to get on with it. The path was reasonable enough, the grass brushing against and tickling his feet as he walked with his shoes which were more for fashion than walking. If there was one issue with how lavishly he dressed it, was that it was not designed for long walks or trekking. Germans with their practical dress code were far better for this. Well, it had to be done though.


As Sinon walked, he noticed a boar sniff and approach close to him. A boar? Hadn't seen one of those in a while. Well, it would be his first fight in Sword Art Online, so no time to waste...which he clearly was, as the boar straight at him.

"AAH censored!" Sinon jumped out the way of the boar, which missed him. Phew, there he was worrying he was about to get run over. Well, time to fight back then!

ID 2286 MD 2. Miss

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  • 2 weeks later...

ID 3996 BD 2 MD 7

Sinon got back up and brushed himself down to confront the boar that had charged him. Boars were renowned as being the slimes of Sword Art Online, and anything that wasn't a slime was good in his eyes, because it meant that he didn't have to get his clothes messy. "Have at ye!" He shouted with a thrust of the rapier towards the boar before him, however the boar deftly sidestepped him. Damn it...

The boar on the other hand rammed straight into him and had Sinon go back a bit from the force of the attack, shouting back "You censored!"

For reference, virtual boars do not respond to profanity.


Sinon 10/11

Boar 6/6

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3997 BD 3 MD 5

To follow up from the curses thrown at the boar, he tried again at piercing the boar with an attack. However sadly it was a complete failure, which led to missing again, much to his personal annoyance. Well it didn't matter in some senses anyhow as the boar, while closer to getting a hit than he was, still missed him, which is a relief.

"Alright, this is taking longr than it should....but I'll manage it!"


Sinon 10/11

Boar 6/6

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3998 BD 8 MD 8

Sinon attacked again and for once hit the damn beast! The rapier pierced its shoulder and created a cut on its side, leaving some blood. Clearly the succes came at a price though as the boars tusk hit his leg, which was painful to say the least. "You censored beast!" He screamed as the beast hit him and readied his rapier for the next attack against them. He as out for blood, well virtual blood that is.


Sinon 9/11

Boar 5/6

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ID 4000 BD 7 MD 8

Sinon waited for the perfect moment to attack, waiting on the beast to charge him and find that window of weakness to exploit. The boar charged him and he attacked the boar with a thrust to the other shoulder, though again had to pay the price of it being a dual exchange in blows. Well, you win some you lose some, it's all the same to him.

Sinon readied his sword for the next attack against the boar as it came back into sight.


Sinon 8/11

Boar 4/6

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4002 BD 9 MD 1

Sinon attempted once again to find a weakpoint of sorts in the monster. This time he was more successful, as his blow struck it on one of the legs calves, slicing part of their leg off. Clearly it distracted the monster completely as the beast missed him completely from the critical against them. Sinon smiled as he was dealing some good damage now, though made sure not be confident with complacency because of this success.


Sinon 8/11

Boar 2/6

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4003 BD 3 MD 5

Tristan went forward with another attack against the boar, however again as before missed the beast. It didn't matter too badly though that his attack was off course due to tripping, as the unpredictable nature of the trip had the boar miss him too, if only by millimetres. Well, better than not getting hit by any means that's for sure. Sinon breathed out a breath of relief and readied his next attack against the boar.


Sinon 8/11

Boar 2/6

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4007 BD 5+1 MD 5

Sinon attacked once again at the boar and nearly missed, however he felt his boots move him so that it hit the boar. It showed the positive ability of the gear, meaning he had hit the boar while they missed him again. Well, that just hoswed how much a good idea it was to get this gear. Sinon, filled with triumph, said "Have at ye!" and readied their next attack on the boar, pointing the sword at the near dead beast.


Sinon 8/11

Boar 1/6

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4008 BD 3 MD 8

Sinon came forward with a thurst at the monster, but tripped again, this time over a rock. Darned rocks, ruining his aim. Well anyhow, he somehow managed to trip onto the monster and got hit by their attack, which was rather embarassing. He stood up and prepared for the next attack on the beast, seeing that it was nearly over soon finally.


Sinon 7/11

Boar 1/6

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4009 BD 6 MD 3 LD 17

Sinon did one final attack at the monster, of which the blade ran straight through the beast and had them burst into pixels. The monster dropped some loot while at it! Nothing too flashy, but it would do for what it was. Sinon opened up the loot window and transferred the items to his item slots. A bit of Col went into the bank too, though it was a pitiful amount compared to what they had already earned from the merchant store.

Sinon sheathed his blade and walked on, now close to approaching the mountain which woukld contain the rock he required to destroy.


1 Mat & 30 Col obtained.

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Sinon managed to somehow hike up the mountain to the rock, his feet killing like hell because he simply didn't have the clothing for it. His face was aso freezing because of the altitude he was at, the moisture in the air sticking to his hair. Great. He would need at least a 2 hour bath after this.

The mountain air seemed to halt though because the rest of the mountain blocked the prevailing wind from the face he was on. At least that was a bonus.


Before him was a giant rock, circular as one would expect, blocking the pathway to a cave entrance. Fun. Well, time to hit it.


Sinon will use the D20 to punch it and whatever they roll is the damage they do for that attack. As this is for RP fluff and not actual combat, the perma roller won't be used.

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