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[PP - F5] A Memorable Desert Ride

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Floor 5 Background Music:Wynn OST - Francis Mailloux_2_003.mp3



The sand dunes were shaped like the waves of a sea; but frozen in their raised state. Aio could spot a disturbance further near the peak of the horizon. Dust was raging like a sandstorm out of control. He squinted his eyes to realise that something was causing the dust. Although it was hot, a chill ran down his spine as he recalled rumours about the ghosts of the desert.

"They ain't ghosts kid; ghosts don't haunt deserts." Aio turned his head around to see a middle aged man dressed in rugged old western clothing. "They are the fish of the desert; every fishermen's nightmare. " Aio just turned back to look at the desert again; not understanding what he meant.

When he wanted to ask the strange man a question, he turned around to find him gone and no where in site. Aio kept looking around, confused how he would've disappeared so quickly. The sound of the background music he wasn't paying attention to earlier, grew louder in his mind, intimidating him to go for a challenge in the desert. "This;is going to be interesting. "

Aio continued to explore the sage zone of Floor 5 to enter the city of Fortitude. There he met a strange looking NPC wrapped and her identity concealed by a dark black cloak. Sjee whispered over to Aio and a quest menu popped up in his hud afyer she had explained that her buried goods needed to be recovered within two days. Aio accepted the quest but was afraid he wouldn't make the trip without a partner. He looked around; he could only see NPC's. It was no surprise to him since those scary rumors and the harsh weather conditions drive everyone off this floor. Was there anyone who could join him on this thrilling but dangerous quest?

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It was not long after Shizuka began to venture the different Floors of <<Aincrad>>. One achievement she did was being able to bear the traumatic psychological treatment of Aincrad’s genius, the fool Kayaba Akihiko. Nearly thousands of the players had given up. As for Shizuka, there was no time for a blame game, her promise to a sincere father in Aincrad must be kept, -keeping stronger and less fearing of monsters and people.


Who knows what might befall her on daring to be alone on a dangerous quest? Uncertainly, Shizuka had accepted one if not for an old frail, miserable lady.  Shizuka was about on her way to visit <<Tolbana>> once more when a woman in a thick black rugged cloak begged, “Oh please my lady help me, please!â€. The poor woman’s emotions easily seized the young lady’s heart while she clenched on the tips of her blue skirt. “Madame, do tell me what you need†Shizuka asked as her eyes grew teary. The old woman nearly faltered walking, fortunately Shizuka got a firm hold on the old woman’s arms. “I nee-need to get b-back my goods hidden in the d-desertâ€, stated the woman. “It would take y-you a day and a n-night to find my ca-cargo or else I’ll lose a-all of it .†“Okay, I will do my very best!†Shizuka promised. "Thank you, my child" replied the frail woman.


On the 5th floor, she accepted the quest offered by the old NPC woman. She went gathering enough fruits from a nearby town as fast as she could. “Apples!†exclaimed she. For the first try, she jumped to reach an apple above her, but she had to try again.

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Loot Dice: 5


Again, she leapt and got no luck.

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Loot Dice: 2


At last, on the third jump, she got a clear grasp of the red apple. “Another please.â€

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Loot Dice: 11


She looked up around the tree and luckily picked another red apple.

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Loot Dice: 16


“Now, I need potassium†Shizuka walked not so far and found some banana trees. She used her sword to chop off a bunch from the tree. “Aha! That’s much easier!â€

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Loot Dice: 18


“And last, I need vitamin C, but I don’t think that would boost my data immunity.†She giggled.

She picked up enough oranges, and got herself prepared to begin the quest in search for the precious goods.

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Loot Dice: 20


The warm winds brushed her supple skin, upon the exploration of the <<Cephadrome Desert>>. “Where shall I start?†The swirling air movement randomly landscaped the dunes. Just a few minutes, her velvety cloak accumulated much dust and it was outwearing to clear them off. “What’s in store for me? a-a-and who could that be?†As she started her plan finding the cargo, a silhouette of a mere player in black coat was in sight. She drew her sword out, for there were monsters which could mimic players, so it was best to ensure her safety. “Was that a sandman? A sandman in a hoody? Is that possible?†Shizuka walked towards the image she was seeing. “Sure that’s a player!†But she didn’t walk right away, she watched and kept an eye behind a giant cactus.

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As time went on, Aio continued waiting for another player. It was almost dusk now but he still hadn't seen any. He opened his interface to check how many players were on the fifth floor; there was just one by the name Shizuka Ohno Hara.

"Where could you be? " Aio wondered. He decided he'd have to activate the quest mission the next day since he didn't want to start in the dark. He then strolled into a local cafe called 'Olde Windebug', which sounded too medieval for his taste but he went in anyway.

As he sat down at the very corner, a young waitress NPC walked up to him. "Good Evening Sir, what can I get you. " "I'd like to have vanilla Cappuccino please. Oh and do you rent rooms for the night? " Aio replied.

"I'll bring your cappuccino soon, and yes we do a have a single room for two players to rent. At the moment it is currently vacant and will cost 50col per player. Anything else that you'll want? "

"Id like to have some supper later on but right now my cappuccino will do."

The waitress served him his cappuccino and he sat there staring at the sunset through a small dusty window while sipping his delicious cappuccino. Somehow he found himself wondering where the other player was.

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Time was running, and she was still standing behind that giant cactus. With her green cloak on, acting as her camouflage to hide might keep her unseen, unless, the player had a <<search and detect>> skill. "He probably didn't see me yet." Shizuka opened her inventory and drank water. The scorching heat of the sun, made her throat dry. Whilst drinking, she noticed that the player seemed looking at her from the distance, between the swirling dusts of the <<Cephadrome Desert>>. "Oh no! what shall I do? what shall I do?" The player was coming towards her already but his facial features were not clearly visible to her. "He might ask for help, and if I'll welcome him with a sword, that surely means I'm weak." Tucking her <<Rapier>>on the leather sheath on the right side of her waist, Shizuka turned around and boosted her perceptions.  Shizuka clasped her hands together and said,"I hope we could be in good terms."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The sky was a bright orange-red colour now with a bit of dark blue trying to dominate the sky. The sun became less blinding and very relaxing to watch as it hid under the horizon of the desert dunes. Aio felt a bit lonely to be venturing alone. He'd always have this feeling when he realized an empty seat or spot right next to him.

"I hope you enjoyed your tea sir, now what would you like for dinner. I'd recommend the sunset special which comes with grilled steak, crinkle cut beetroot, carrot soup with macaroni and pumpkin. " The young NPC waitress asked. "Mmm I'll have that please. " Aio replied. " Okay, that would be 50col, your meal will be brought to you soon. "

As Aio waited for his meal, he continued to look outside, staring at the sun; we looked like an orange bubble hill.

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Shizuka felt her heart beating fast, which meant she was anxious about the hooded guy who was already approaching her. "Three meters more" She stepped backwards a bit in case of something misfortune that will happen. "Two meters!" she whispered while never ceasing to take a look at his face. It was not that clear, she could not still see how he looked like since the hood covered half of his face. "One meter!!!" she gasped.


The man halted walking and started to murmur words that Shizuka could not understand! "H-hello?" she greeted nervously, but the man continued to talk so fast as if it summoned something. "This is scary" she thought. "I-I can't understand you sir" The man walked forward near, near enough in front of her face. Shizuka tried to close her eyes in fear while she could hear the peculiar murmur of the guy. After several moments, the spot was in total silence. Shizuka opened her eyes and saw the strange man gone! "What was that? don't tell me th-that man is a g-gh-ghost?!!!"

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Aio enjoyed his meal; before he went to bed he decided to go out for a walk. It was fairly dark now, only a small glitter of orange could be seen at the horizon but the sun was long past under it. An easterly breeze blew right on his face and as he counted the vast number of stars in the sky.

As he walked around the old town, he noticed two people standing in the distance but the other one suddenly dissapered as he blinked. "Woah, that was weird." He decided to go investigate. He noticed that the person standing alone now was a girl. But he couldn't see her face well. "Hey are you alright? It's getting really dark now wouldn't you want a place to stay? "

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As she wander around the desert aimlessly, she did not notice how the sun set and how the stars shone upon her. She suddenly felt a thrill on her spine thinking about the ghosts. "Maybe they would appear often at nighttime, should I look for a place to stay?" It was starting to be cold, but Shizuka was used to it for she often stay at <<Snowfrost Town>>.


Finding her way back to the central town, she couldn't believe if she was about to encounter another unearthly creature. "Oh no, another ghost!" Shizuka did not scream, she waited a little more to see the silhouette be clearly real, suddenly it said something. "Hey are you alright? It's getting really dark now wouldn't you want a place to stay?" Looking carefully, she was sure it was a player and the voice was quite familiar. She stopped walking and waited for the player to come near. "Well, uh I was about to go to look for an inn"

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