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[pp -f5] Blood in the Sand Complete

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Unyie and Celes traved deep into the deserted of floor 5. Their task to take on a super shark of sand. In turn a sandshark. Unyie would not normally travel alone with one person by her side but she trusted Celes. Despite being a lower level she defended her against a demon player. So if she would do a quest with anyone, it would be her. "Onee chan thanks for joining me on this quest on such short notice.... I want to be strong like you but i still need to train more..."

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Celes smiled at Unyie, "No need to thank me, i've done this quest before with Tristan Nii-san, so we'll be fine" She looked over the little fighter "I'm impressed you are getting really strong!!" she said excitedly. She was so proud of her little friend getting so strong "are you ready to go?  we'll do better if we head out earlier in the day..."

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"Yeah Onee chan" Unyie took the lead into the desert hoping to locate in signs of the shark. There was nothing though, except sand, and dirt, and sand, and wind, and sand.... Did i forget to mention there was sand. Well sand is evil... without water. As they walked under the baking sun Unyie was regreting using her Heavy armor... it was so sluggish and hot. She removed her armor for a minute and sat down. "Its... So... Hot..." She took out a bottle of water and sipped it slowly. "Do you want some O..." Before she could finish the ground started shaking. Out of nowhere the sand was being swallowed into the ground. Unyie scrambled to requiped her armor and get up but she got caught in the tide of the sand. "ONEE CHAN HELP... I'm too heavy to get out T-T"

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Celes rushed forward and grabbed Unyie, pulling her out of the sand, she looked to see what had grabbed her. "Oh Damn! Its a sand wurm watch out!!" She said as she pushed Unyie out of the way and faced the monster. (3190, bd7, mob 8-3=5) She dodged the Sand worms attack and sliced at it (DMG 10) cutting it down. 


Sand Wurm 5/15

Unyie 19/19

Celes 35/35

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Unyie watched as The worm jumped out of the ground to eat Celes. Celes managed to dodge and cut the worm. "Ok Onee chan watch my new power" Unyie Rushed at the worm and did a vertical strike. (3195 3) The worm was prepared for the secondary attack blocking her weapon and burrowing underground. Unyie weapon was tossed into the sand and another sand whirlpool appeared, "My weapon", She dives into the sand get her weapon. However she was not quick enough and was getting pulled closer to its mouth. "Onee chan, dont worry about me... get its head while i distract it."

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the Wurm attempted to attack, but coulnt decide between unyielding nad celes, Finally he turned toward the Celes and stuck (3209, mob 7) Celes jumped, landing on its back and slicing down , cutting its head clean off (3210, bd 9).  The body slumped before disappearing. Celes landed with a light thump on the sand.  She ran toward Unyie, " Unyie-cahn, are you ok?"  She said, pulling the younger girl out of the sand and brushing her off. 

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obtain (3214 18 +4)

Damage Mitigation Increase (Potion) 2.0 

Grade: Rare

Effect: +2 mit


1 mat


The worm burst into  data and vanished along with all the holes it created. Unyie was buried in sand with only her hand sticking out. As Celes pulled her out she started coughing, spitting out sand. "Thank you again Onee chan... *cough* This is so hard... I saw my life flash before my eyes..." She leaned on her weapon using it as a walking stick as they traveled deeper into the terrain.


She was really starting not to like the desert. Everything was so hot and and with all the heat, She could barely see past 10 meters. Every so often she would imagine seeing a pool, jumping into the sand and think she was swimming, only to get burn but the scorching sands. After a hour they where completely surrounded by desert. There was nothing for mile. Rei was on edge. She was out of water, and becoming unstable. She mumbled to her self and would giggle every so often. Then she just stopped all together and stared deep into sands dunes. "Onee Chan do you hear that..." (There was no sound)

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"Onee chan... I hear it... She here..." Unyie eyes where empty as she stared at the empty sea of sand. In her head a figure appeared in the distance. The figure was barely visible but Unyie could make a hand motion. "She here... over there... Onee chan... Mom is here..." She fought Celes grip as tears rolled down her face. "She alive in the game... I have to help her... MAMA I HEAR YOU... IM COMING MAMA" She finally broke free unsummoning her weapon so she could run faster. As she close the distances, it would move just that much farther ahead. She tripped tumbling down the a sand dune. "MAMA... Dont leave me... MAMA PLEASE... COME BACk... I cant do it alone... I CANT MAMA." she screamed as she struggled to pick her self up. The figure kept moving father and father away from Unyie, becoming smaller and smaller until it disappeared. "MAMA DONT GO... PLEASE... WAIT FOR ME..." She cried as she struggled to move up the sand dune. She tripped and tumbled back to the bottom of the pit. "Shes gone... I.. k-Know it... she dead... AHHHH" Unyie started screaming and fell to her knees. The heat got hotter and hotter. She faulting under the sun. "Mama" she cried over and over until her voice gave out. 

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Celes Rushed after her, this was NOT okay. She ran and tackled unyie. "Shh, no, shh Uyie, it's okay, my darling, it's okay." She hugged the girl close and kept her from moving (3244,bd 9). "Unyie, no, your mother, she isn't here, shhh, no. I'm here, im here, it's okay. You aren't alone unyie, you aren't alone...." She whispered, rocking her back and forth.

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Unyie felt The shade of the a tall figure. The voice was unclear and distorted under a constant high pitch tone. She wanted to struggle but the figure was overpowering. She started crying again calling for her mom. The words from the figure became clearer but still distorted as her body cooled down a little. The words "im here" ran through her ears. "Mom" she said turning around and instantly hugging the figure. "Mom... why did you have to get sick... Why wouldnt you let me stay with you... I could of helped... I wanted to be there mother" Tears rolled down her face as she buried her face into the figures stomach. 

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Celes continued to hold her friends..."sheee, it's okay, I won't leave you. Unyie, I won't leave you. I'm here, im holding you here, you are safe. I'm keeping you safe. We are here together, safe, it's okay." She began to carry the younger girl back to the safe zone. Into the city and into a room at the inn to recover. She lay her down in the bed, singing the songs she grew up with, the ones her mother would sing to her....

Arrorró mi niña,

arrorró mi sol,

arrorró pedazo,

de mi corazón.

Esta niña Linda

ya quiere dormir;

háganle la cuna

de rosa y jazmín.

Háganle la cama

en el toronjil,

y en la cabecera

pónganle un jazmín

que con su fragancia

me la haga dormir.

Arrorró mi niña,

arrorró mi sol,

arrorró pedazo,

de mi corazón.

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Unyie fell asleep in the arms of the figure as they traveled through the desert.


Rei woke up in her room in japan. She looked around and tried to open the hub but it was not there. Then she heard a voice of a female. She walked to her door and twisted the handle. When she opened the door, she saw her mom cooking her breakfast. "MOM" she shouted as she ran up to hug her. "Rei im making your favorite breakfast... whats the matter?" asked her mother.  Rei Squeezed tighter, "Mom i had this horrible dream... You died and i was force to move in with somebody i didn't know. Then this game came out and i snuck and played it but then i was trapped in the game. The worst thing about the game was that if you died in it, you died in real life. but it was only a dream mom.. your still hear with me now... and im so happy."  her mother chuckled, "Its ok baby, you probably just played to many scary games. I will take care of you" She turned around and her face was Argumail. Rei Fell to the floor as Argumom walked to her with a knife, "Come here baby let me show you to your mom." Rei Ran to her room but the door slammed in her face. Argumom kept walking slowly behind Rei. Rei quickly dashed to her moms room and closed the door behind her. There she saw someone in the bed. She walked up the bed and slowly pulled the covers back, "Mom..." Then ARUGMOM ROSE UP AND STABBED HER IN THE CHEST" Rei woke up sweating and screaming. She looked around and only saw Celes. "Celes... what happen... Why are we here.... The quest"

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Celes gave her a gentle smile "We needed t be more prepared for the heat, Unyie-chan. I've gotten us supplies, but for now.... youre safe okay? I'm... i'm sorry about your mother... when you were..... hallucinating, you were crying about her... I'm sorry sweetie... Know that as long as we are in here, i'll protect you...and once youre out?  i'll do it too. In both the real world and this, you have family." Celes was sure Maggie would understand, and in this world the rules were different. Maggie wouldnt mind them having a child to adopt... 

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Unyie covered her face as she was super embarrass. She knew she was not good with heat but to think she would start hallucinating and crying for her mom. She knew better then anyone that she was gone by now. Unyie hugged celes, as no words could describe how thankful and sorry she was. "Onee chan... thank you for everything." Then she jumped out of bed and filled her back pack with water. "I think im ready this time... i will make sure to drink extra water this time too." She equipped her armor and pulled out her Glaive. Her first few steps were weak as she used the glaive as support but she quickly regain her strength.

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Celes smiled "Dont you worry about it unyie chan...but... why dont you tell me a bit more about  your family first... you seem... you seem to care a lot about your mother..." She smiled "you can spend the night here, at the inn, and tomorrow, at dawn, when its cool. We can set off. You're a cook right? why nto make up some food, we can have a bonus to our food!"  she said grinning. 

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Unyie trembled at the question. She only had one family member that she knew of, her mother and she was dieing/dead. She put away her spear and walked to a stove inserting some material so she could create a dish. "I... I dont have a family anymore... My mom.. she..." She started to rub her eyes as she did not want anything to fall into the soup she was making. She broke apart some bread and then added a few pieces of ham. "She is really sick... The last time i saw her... she ordered me the nerve gear so i could play this game as a promise that she would come back home... I over heard the doctor saying how she was not going to survive another week." She increased the heat of the flames bring the soup to a boil. "I am stuck in a death game... while my mom is dieing by her self. she probably thinks im a horrible daughter..." she turned off the flame as the soup was done, And fell onto the floor crying. "I dont have anyone else... and the people in the black suits say they where going to make me live with some stranger who saids he was my moms brother. I know him though. He just wants my mom's shop..." She knew she wanted to be strong but it was so tough to fight by yourself when nobody will be there a the finish line. 

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"Unyielding... what is your real name?" celes said as she walked over and hugged the young girl "No matter what happens in this game, or out of it, Unyie-chan, I promise, my girlfriend and I, we'll take you home with us, if your mother... you know..." she huggled her tight " you have a home with me, inside and outside of the game, okay? I'm your big sister! and when we get out of here, and we will, youll still have a big sister"  she said, resting her head atop the younger girl's head "got it?"

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Unyie looked up as Celes embraced her. This stranger was willing to open up her home to her, introduce a useless person who could not take care of her own mother. Rei smiled as she returned the hug, "ONEE CHAN thank you..." After a while she calmed down, and returned to the food. Pulling out two bowls and pouring the soup in each and served the bowls. She looked out the window and started staring at the stars, "My name... is... Rei... Rei Gladiolus."

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"No problem, I'm Helena.. outside of here, Rei-chan" she smiled and let go of her hug. "Alright, lets sleep and we can get up tomorrow morning and walk to get that shark!" she said, smiling. she readied the bed, pushing the two beds together.  She sat down to eat with Rei, "God this is delicious, i used to love cooking, in the real world, but here i havent cooked yet.." Celes said with a smile "youre so good at cooking though! in any case, why dont we go to bet, we'll wake up early tomorrow and head out before the sun comes up" 

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