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[SP F2] A Dissapointing Adventure

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Sitting in the back of his shop, Hakiro sighed. It was a peaceful quiet day. Too quiet. Too peaceful. Hakiro knew only of one thing left to do. "GO ON AN EPIC TREASURE HUNT" Hakiro yelled his thought out loud at the top of his lungs. Grabbing some basic equipment, Hakiro set out to go dungeon exploring and kicking the poop out of some lame mobs and looting them out of all of their goods. Hakiro rushed out the gates and went off to find the nearest labrynth to find some treasure. Shortly after leaving the city, Hakiro realized he would get pummeled inside the labrynth and instead settled on hunting some wolves he spotted on a nearby plateau. Letting out a sigh of dissapointment, Hakiro trudged up the hill promising to become stronger and not so pathetic.

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Upon reaching the top of the plateau, Hakiro first looked out towards the horizon. "There sure is a lot of detail put into the game" Hakiro awed at the beatiful scenery and at his surroundings. He admired the scenery for a bit longer and went back to business, initiating his fight against the first wolf he encountered. Hakiro charged at the wolf, aiming at the neck. Unfortunately Hakiro was far too ambitious and instead missed, barely avoiding the wolf in the process


3091 4 11 1 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png

2014-11-30 22:16:23


BD: 4+2 (miss)

MD: 5 (miss)


Hakiro 13/13

Wolf 7/7

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Hakiro leaped towards the wolf, unleashing a flurry of jabs. The wolf nimbly dodged all of his attackers attempts and lashed out against Hakiro. The wolf jumped at Hakiro, who raised his spear in a defensive manner as the wolf bit onto the shaft of his spear. "Get off of me you mutt" Hakiro exclaimed as he struggled to get his weapon out of the beasts jaws. After some struggle, Hakiro managed to get the wolf to back off.


3092 3 5 9 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 22:22:43


BD: 3+2 (2 from gear, fail)

MD 5 (fail)


Hakiro 13/13

Wolf 7/7

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Mostly recovering from the attack, Hakiro waited for the wolf to strike, batting it aside as it leapt towards him. Hakiro lunged at the wolf which quickly recovered and dodged Hakiros attack. Hakiro felt extremely dissapointed that he was unable to slay a mere wolf. Hakiro knew that deep inside any dungeon, more dangerous beasts awaited; not just some ordinary wolves or boars that most players could easily eliminate.

3094 2 5 3 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 22:29:48

BD: 2 + 2 (2 from item accuracy)

MD: 5 (fail)

Hakiro 13/13

Wolf 7/7

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While still deep in thought of his dissapointments, the wolf jumped onto Hakiro, toppling him over and began gnawing on arm. Hakiro struggled but finally managed to throw the beast off of his body, unable to attack as he instead inspected his wound. Hakiro again felt a flood of dissapointment, as he frowned at his incapability to subdue or even harm the wolf. "Man, I truly am helpless" He thought to himself.

3096 2 10 19 9 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 22:37:08

BD: 2 + 3 (3 from item)

MD 9 (crit)

Damage: 2 (+1 from crit)
Hakiro 11/13

Wolf 7/7

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Hakiro knew that if his luck continued this way, he would be a considerably unlucky person who was better off sobbing in a corner of an alleyway near the outer walls of the city. So instead, Hakiro decided he did not want that fate and struck the wolf along its flank while dodging the next incoming blow that the wolf sent towards Hakiro. However, Hakiro failed to dodge the wolfs attacks and was punished with a deep graze along his arm.

3097 5 4 8 6 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 22:42:17

BD: 5 + 2 (2 from inventory)

Damage: 2 (+1 from 1H Spear)

MD 6 (hit)


Hakiro 10/13

Wolf 5/7

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Hakiro again charged at the wolf, managing to land a blow. However, the wolf again managed to topple over Hakiro, biting at his face. Hakiro really hated this game now, mostly just dissapointed at his patheticness while also blaming the system for not being able to fight wolves without struggle. "Maybe its the weapon..." Hakiro thought to himself deciding that a heavier hitting weapon was definitely one of his priorities.

3100 7 4 9 9 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 22:59:05

BD: 7 hit

Damage: 2 (+1 from 1H spear mastery)

MD (crit)

Damage: 2

Hakiro 8/13

Wolf 3/7

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Hakiro outraged at his terrible damage decided to step up his game and go all tryhardmode -- something he had not done in a while. Properly aiming at the wolf and properly looking for weaknesses before attacking he landed a blow onto the wolf before it cound bite off Hakiro's head. Instead the wolf bit ferociously at Hakiro's leg.

3101 7 10 8 8 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 23:01:51

BD: 7 Hit

Damage 2

MD 8

Damage 1

Hakiro 7/13

Wolf 1/7

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Determined to finish off the painstakingly long and disappointing fight against a wolf, Hakiro focused his efforts onto slaying the extremely low healthed wolf. Hakiro's attack landed as the wolf shatterd into a thousand pieces. Hakiro frowned, expecting something more for all of his troubles with a common wolf.

3103 7 3 16 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-11-30 23:13:24

BD 7

Damage 2

Loot 16

Hakiro 7/13

Wolf 0/7

+ 1 Mat

+ 35 Col

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Not stopping for rest, Hakiro moved on to assault another wolf with a great leap. Unfortunately, he forgot that it was rather difficult to control ones movements while airborne and failed to land a hit on the wolf, spear impaled into the ground. While struggling to remove his spear from the terrain, the wolf struck Hakiro, bringing his health past the halfway point.

3200 3 1 12 8 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 15:47:02

Hakiro 5/13

Wolf 7/7

Reflecting upon his current status, Hakiro decided to instead take a far more cautious approach against the wolf waited for the wolf to strike instead. The wolf leaped towards Hakiro, who managed to swat away the wolf, failing to counter as he was too foccused on self survival. Realizing he needed to still slay the wolf to finish combat, Hakiro readied his spear once again.

3201 3 3 17 2 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 15:50:26

Hakiro 5/13

Wolf 7/7

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Hakiro again took an extremely defensive stance, waiting for the wolf to land his initial strike. Hakiro again, succesfully fended off the wolfs attack but could not pull off a retaliation either, as his spear was too close to himself when he had the opportunity.

3203 2 2 9 6 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png

2014-12-01 15:52:52

Hakiro 5/13

Wolf 7/7


Learning from his mistakes, Hakiro again waited for the wolf to make a move, extending his reach a bit more than before. Due to his weakened defenses, Hakiro was struck by the wolf, but managed to also retaliate in return.

3206 6 2 15 7 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 15:58:12                

Hakiro 4/13

Wolf 5/7

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Hakiro knew he was getting low in health and decided to go in on an all or nothing trade with the wolf. He felt tons of disappointment as he was dying to a measly wolf. Charging at the wolf, Hakiro managed to strike it along the sides but had also recieved heavy damage from the wolf.

3207 8 10 12 9 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 16:01:43

Hakiro 2/13

Wolf 3/7


Hakiro again charged recklessly towards the wolf, failing to land a blow while running past the wolf who missed Hakiro by inches as he rushed past the wolf.

3208 4 11 18 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 16:02:46

BD: 4 + 2 (from gear) - Hit

Hakiro 2/13

Wolf 1/7


Hakiro, blinded by his fear of death, made another reckless charge towards the wolf, missing it completely while the wolf again failed to land a blow on the reckless man. Hakiro cursed his own luck, being unable to fight common mobs

3211 1 1 19 4 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 16:07:15

Hakiro 2/13

Wolf 1/7

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Hakiro was desparate, his health but a mere sliver while the wolf continued its assault. "Alrighty, all or nothing" He said to himself, extremely disappointed that he was getting his arse kicked by a common mob. As the wolf leaped towards Hakiro, he too sprung into action chargin the wolf head on. Finding its mark, the spear impaled the wolf straight through, seconds before clawing off Hakiro's face and ending his life. Hakiro collapsed on the floor, heavily breathing as he reflected his battle. Hakiro cried a little... on the inside, diappointed on his performance. His disappointment continued, as he recieved again nothing significant for his not so epic fight against the wolf. Hakiro decided to take a long rest and reflect before he re engaged the wolves.

3212 8 6 9 10 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 16:07:15

Hakiro 2/13

Wolf 0/7

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After an extremely long rest, replenishing his health and many sniffles and inner struggles on how he could improve his skills, (struggles mostly consisted of Hakiro cursing his luck and the system for his luck as it was a virtual game and not reality). Hakiro decided that he was ready to slay some more wolves now. Hoping not to get pummeled by the likes of one, he approached the friendliest looking wolf out there in the field. Unfortunately for Hakiro, most of the wolves were all pretty fierce looking and Hakiro wasnt really given that option. So instead, he opted for the nearest non massive wolf.

Hakiro swung at the wolf, managing to deal blows against the wolf as it returned the favour, slashing Hakiro across the leg,

3264 5 1 4 7 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-01 23:29:36

Hakiro 12/13

Wolf 5/7

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Hakiro engaged the  wolf again, managing to land a few blows, narrowly dodging the wolf as he flew by. He had given the wolf a good beating and was glad he was finally succeeding in slaying the wolf, managing to land strikes while avoiding incoming ones alike.

3343 8 10 13 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-02 13:30:17

Hakiro 12/13

Wolf 3/7

Using momentum from his previous attack, Hakiro sprung back towards the wolf, carving a deep gash along its side. A tad bit overconfident, Hakiro also took slight damage from the wolf, grazed along his arm.

3344 6 4 19 8 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-02 13:33:35

Hakiro 11/13

Wolf 1/7

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Hakiro then traded blows with the wolf, managing to fend off the wolfs attacks while unleashing some of his own, gaining minor knicks and scratches that werent significant enough to be noticed. Hakiro believed he would able to finish off the wolf with a final strike and thus began charging at it with full power.

3346 3 3 8 5 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-02 13:35:52

Hakiro 12/13

Wolf 1/7

Rushing the beast head on, Hakiro landed a blow straight into the Wolfs center, shattering him into thousands of bits. Hakiro sighed, satisfied with his efficiency, praying that another disaster like the one he just recently experienced would never occur again.

3348 6 4 10 10 Hakiro Msg_hover2.png 2014-12-02 13:38:12

Hakiro 12/13

Wolf 0/7

+ 1 Mat

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