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F1 - PP A New Friend (Rin) Complete please lock

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Our food arrived as i took a sip from my glass of mead ''How about we go out and ill show you a few things against the boars out there after we have eaten.'' I said to her ''Oh and don't worry about paying for your meal i got it.'' i told her materialising the 50 col from my inventory ready to pay after we had eaten. ''But for know why don't you tell me a little more about yourself your interests perhaps surely you must have hobbies outside the game?'' i asked her i planned to really get to know this girl i was drawn to her and in return for every snippet about herself she told me i would return the favour.

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"Oh okay thanks," Said Rin once Tom had offered to pay for the meal, "That sounds good, I have only killed three boars so far." Rin thought for a while, what were her hobbies in the real world? It had been so long since she had been able to log off of Sword Art Online, the insignificant memories of her life were slowly fading away. "I did a bit of kendo... I liked that. And I liked art and swimming. And of course reading manga and watching anime. Kendo and swimming were my favorite hobbies I think... Anyway why do you want to know all of this baka!" She demanded after speaking.

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She began to tell me a little about her hobbies back home she was into kendo swimming and art mainly, and anime well who doesn't like anime i wondered. ''Well cant a guy get to know a girl he finds intriguing? and for future reference back home i was a martial artist practiced karate mainly and i played soccer other than that i cant really remember what else i did, i definatly liked reading manga and watching anime myself though there was something about how it was portrayed that made it better than normal books or television'' i told her taking another sip of my drink and digging into my steak.

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"What do you mean baka! I am not intriguing at all, hmph," She folded her arms across her chest and listened to what he had to say about his own hobbies. Rin began to eat the meal on the plate in front of her, it appeared to be some sort of chicken dish. After eating a forkful she realized that it was actually a very tasty meal. "Hurry p I want to start training! Youre making a mess when you eat as well, geeze do you have no manners at all!"

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Rin told me i was making a mess and i realised i was indeed making a bit of a mess. ''Im sorry Rin excuse my awful manners a girl as sweet as you deserves better,'' i said stifling a grin and i started to tidy myself up a little. ''Besides you might not thing your interesting but i certainly do.'' I finished my meal and withdrew my Blood red blade to check the blade edge was in good condition and sat back as i waited for Rin to finish her meal. I waited patiently and pleasantly chatted to her for a few minutes as she was finishing up.

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"I am NOT sweet," Muttered Rin before digging into her meal properly, the rich flavors of the food really standing out as one of the best meals she had eaten in a while.

When Rin had done eating she wiped her mouth on the napkin hext to her plate. grabbed her dagger then stood up. She walked over to Tom and grabbed his wrist subconsciously then dragged him out of the tavern, eager to begin her training. "Hurry up slow coach." 

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The girl dragged me all the way from the tavern to the gates of the city and then into the fields where the boars spawn. I turned and saw one of the said creatures spawn in a few metres away and pointed to it. ''Hey Rin there is one over there why don't you go mess it up and ill watch see what your capable of if things go south ill intervene'' i suggested to her.




Boar 9/9


Rin 11/11

Tom 17/17


Hate - 0

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  • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice. + 1 attack weapon


Rin jumped towards the boar after slipped her dapper out of its sheath gracefully, as she neared the boar she moved her arm backwards and to the side of her body slightly then quickly slashed it across the side of the boars body. She only hit the boar marginally and almost missed her attack. "Wow, I'm pretty bad," She mused, "It's all your fault baka!" Rin pointed a stern finger towards Tom.

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I laughed to myself when she blamed me for her mistake and shouted back abit of advice. "Watch its movement and you should be fine time your attacks as their is a break in the pattern until then keep moving." I called to her. I wanted to observe her attack style and see how well she could adjust to new information while in battle.

OOC I'm handing you control of the boar for the purpose of this fight

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  • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice plus one attack weapon= 2

Rin quickly put her dagger back in its sheath and equipped the axe another player named Unyeilding had given her. "I know what to do stupid!" She yelled at Tom whilst staring at the boar which was a few meters away from her. Tom was right, although of course Rin wasnt going to admit this to anyone, when you payed attention to your opponents movements it was easier to plan your attack. She charged at the boar once again and swung her axe which hit the animals body. "God why wont this thing die!" She complained.


6/9 Boar health

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Rin continued to attack the boar and slowly began to chip away at its health. ''Chip damage is still damage dont worry you got this, keep at it your doing great.'' i called over to her observing her weapon switch. An axe eh? well not my personal choice of weapon but it does more damage than her dagger. I just hope she knows what shes doing with it. I thought to myself. To be on the safe side i rested my hand on my blade ready to jump in if things went south.

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  • Rolled a 3 on the d10 (battle) dice.

"I know, geeze!" She replied to Toms comment about her doing great and charged at the boar once again. However this time she swung her axe a bit too hard and lost her balance, missing the boar completely and tripping over her own feet. The boar took this chance to attack her whilst she was righting herself and hit her square in the side. "Ouch!"


3/9 Boar

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  • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice. 

Rin sighed then went in for another attack, she had started off very well in her opinion but things seemed to be going downhill. She was losing focus but she didnt know what else she could possibly be thinking about. Was it that she was thinking about Tom? No, she shook her head, that can't be right, why would she care about him? Her axe swung but missed the boar once again, it wasnt her preferred weapon but it dealt more damage then her dagger. Rin made a noise of frustration.

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  • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice.

OOC: Damn these dice are being mean to me XD


Rin shook her head "I can look after myself I dont need your help!" She then charged towards the boar and swung her axe with all the force she could summon. However just as the axe was about to hit the boar a thought appeared in her mind, could it be that Tom wanted to protect her? Her blow missed. The thought she just had had confused her and made her lose focus on her attack. She looked over at Tom then looked down at the ground "Erm... Please can you help me..." The words burned her throat, she hated asking for help but it was necessary in a situation like this.

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  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

I drew my blade as Rin asked me for help i stepped forward and stood between her and the boar ready to defend her. I let my power overwhelm me as i rushed foward and sliced the board in two as it exploded into pixels. I swung my blade around a few times and sheathed it turning towards Rin smiling ''I got you dont worry'' i said to her as i approached her

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Rin stared at Tom as he killed the boar with one hit the very boar she couldn't kill with several attempts. "Hmph," She folded her arms across her chest then turned away so that her back was to the smiling boy, "I never said I needed your help, I could have easily done that myself." Rin smiled a little, even she knew what she had just said was ridiculous. 

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I grinned at Rin as she tried to brush off what i did to save her ''Dont worry about it know one has to know'' i told her and then looked down darkly knowing what i was about to face and that i was not going o see this girl again. ''look i have to take care of something and i want you to do something for me.'' i gave her a map to the fountain we had first met at. ''Go here someone will be waiting and take care of him for me will ya?'' with that i turned letting a single tear escape my eye as i headed to the fourth floor ready to meet my fate on the paper i gave her was my bothers name and his location.

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Rin turned around and stared at Tom, the map clutched in her hand, "Wait, what do you mean? You're leaving? But we've only just met!" She watched him turn his back on her and begin walking away. "Hey!," She shouted, "You're the worst baka I've ever met!" She wasn't sure if it was a compliment or not, but she meant it positively. 

As he walked away Rin looked at the map in her hand, it showed her the way to the fountain where the two had first met. Rin frowned curiously.

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