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[OP- F4] Solid Sauntering Spree

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Celes sat down near the fountain looking around the floor, she was eating a sandwich and relaxing in the sun. She sighed, leaning against the fountain side... until... 




she came up spluttering from the fountain water, scrambling  to retrieve her glaive that had fallen during the 'accident'. 


Ah yes, the grace of a drunk giraffe, every time. 

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Sayakaze was walking around in the area of floor 4, which he had never been on. Not so strange though if you consider his own level, which is level 2.  suddenly he heard a big "SPLASH" from the fountain area, and to his surprise, a girl was climbing out of it, fumbling for something that she seemed to have lost during the fall into the fountain.


Sayakaze rushed towards the fountain while he smiled at the girl, he smiled so much that it was almost to the point of starting to laugh. when he finally arrived to the fountain, he stopped a couple of meters from the girl and did a wave gesture.  


"I am sorry, i just heard a splash, and i was just coming to see if you're alright?" He said with a big smile on his lips.


He then reached out his hand for the girl.


"My name in here is Sayakaze, but you can call me Sasa!

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Celes pouted as she got out of the water "i'm....fine..." she said through a tomato blush. She grabbed his hand and got out of the fountain and got up "I'm...just clumsy sometimes, sorry. "I'm Celes... you wouldnt know ti but i'm a granmdaster glaive user, or something... but i guess im clumsy for the most part"  she said sighing. Why do i, jsut every time... well at least there arent any cute ladies around... 

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Clarence was bored after a day of crafting, not much he could really do, killing monsters by himself didn't sound that fun at the moment. Clarence was walking, spaced out, until his thoughts got dragged down by a loud SPLASH sound coming to the right of him. Clarence turned and walked over to where it came from, making sure the person was okay.


He arrived and saw that there was a girl, who probably fell in the fountain because of her wet clothes. There was also a guy there, someone he didn't really recognize."You okay?" Clarence walked up and asked the woman, her being drenched on the fourth floor doesn't not sound pleasant."I'm Clarence by the way." He said with a slight smile.

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Oh great more people, but still, at least its no pretty ladies that i haev to worry about . the soaked young woman smield at the newcomer "Oh i'm alright just clumsy as usual." she said trying to hold back a scowl. Christ did I have to fall here? its like everyone and their mother was here to watch me fall. How am i supposed to get a great reputation now? 

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Jin was feeling sad as usual and did not really think of the nice weather or the people that seemed to fool around in the fountain. 


"I really don't understand people" he thought to himself.


Really, he was just jealous of how fun they had, and how easy they could talk with each other. He felt like an outsider, again.
He went to the ice cream and joined the long line of people who was eager to be cooled of the because of the heat that was boiling down.

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Sayakaze noticed how another guy also came up to see if the girl was alright, and he also got a similar response that himself had gotten from the girl. He nodded towards the new guy which had showed up named Clarence, and he then looked back towards the girl with a small.


"It could be worse, i mean you could have fallen and being clumsy like that in combat, which would have resulted in a lots worse way!" He said with a smile on his lips. Sayakaze ALWAYS try to stay positive, cause even in the most dark times, the light will sip through, atleast he makes it out to be so.


"I know this might come out as hasty our weird, but would you guys wanna go and like, sit down somewhere? Instead of standing here."


he then looked at the girl again, which was soaked. He couldn't help himself but to laugh some and then smiled towards her again.


"And not everyone is dry here so i think that she should warm up or she might get some negative stats out of it!" He said as he looked around for somewhere to go, but with no results. 

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Celes huffed at the player in front of her "You dont need to laugh you know! I know im clumsy enough!" she said mildly annoyed. She looked around and found an inn "I'll be right back" she Hmphed as she wlaked away and came back minuted later. Dry and okay she looked at Sayakaze "See?that wasnt so bad... i woudlnt get any negative stats..."

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It's the usual weather in Floor Four. I want it to change to rainy or snowy..but Aincrad already have snowy floor. It's so hot here one could faint if they are not prepare enough.


"Well at least I have my juice over here."


I drink the orange juice slowly, enjoying the flavor and the coolness. Never I feel so grateful in my entire life over one drink. As I sit on a bench in the town center, I watch a female player plop into the fountain. I smile at her clumsiness. After that one man help her get out from the fountain. Another man join the group and begin talking.


"You don't see this kind of situation everyday."


I finish my juice and walk to the ice cream vendor. I line behind a player that looks somewhat down

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After several minutes Jin finally got his ice cream. The heat had already gotten to him though. He begun to feel very dizzy and the only thing he could think about was to sit down and cool off.
When Jin turned around to walk away from the line, he fainted.

Both Jin and the ice cream fell hard against the ground.
Everything became pitch black.

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Celes looked over at the young man who had just passed out "Uuuuh, guys? enough about me, what about tat guy?" she walked over and picked him up easily, laying him on the cold concrete and stone next to the fountain " I have no idea what to do with a fainted guy, do you guys?" she thoguht about it for a moment, maybe he was being moved, like when they were transferred to the hospitals... 

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Sayakaze watched as the girl dragged the fainted man over to where they all was standing, this was actually the first time he had ever seen anyone pass out in the world of SAO. "huh, so you can actually pass out in this game, interesting." he said as he kept looking at the guy who was laying there on the ground, but in a sudden movement he waved up his hand, and gave away a big smile.


"I am sure it's just the heat, and i believe that all of you here can take care of the situation, so i am going to leave!" he sad looking around at the people he had met, and in a quick movement, he turned around and walked away with his white hair swaying in the wind.


-Sayakaze left the RP-

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Celes stood mouth agape watching the youn man leave while she still had an unconcious man in her arms "W-wait! wat are you doing!??! ?what am i supposed to do with this guy!?!?!" She stared at the guy passed out in front of her. "well what do i do now!?!" She looked at the people around her "Do any of you know this guy?" pointing at the passed out fellow.

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I was just about to order a scoop of cool, chilly chocolate ice cream when suddenly a commotion happen behind me. I sigh and turn around to see crowd gather around a people who seems to be faint on a girl's arm. The girl ask people around if someone knows him. Nobody turn up, nor did anyone try to help the person.


I go to the nearest store and buy a canteen of water. After obtaining that item, I approach the person and check his condition. Confirming that he's not dead and it's not anything serious, I open his mouth and let him drink some water. Then I talk to the girl, explaining his condition.


"He just faint from heatstroke. I didn't know this game could make someone faint because of that... Anyway, splash some water on him to cool down his body. We don't want his heartbeat to raise suddenly, that could endanger him."


(-10 col)

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"Oh.. Hi", he sad with a trembling voice.

He was embarrassed by the attention he had brought on himself.

"I wish that I could just sink in to ground and disappear", he thought.

He explained he easily fainted when he had been concentrated for a long time and he actually fainted in real life. He stood up and apologized for the fainting.


"God I hate being social" he thought to himself.

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Celes looked at the young man "Hey, are you okay?"  She helped him up "Fainting can be rough, especially on days like this, cna i get you anything to help?"  she said looking around at the shops "I have healing crystals too, if you need one..?"  she looked in her inventory, yeah she had a few to offer him... 

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Still a little shaken, he replied:


"No thanks, I will be alright. Thank you very much for the help but there is no need to worry about me."


He couldn't really get away from this social situation smoothly and when he came to think of it, he actually felt secure.

Maybe he would give this a chance.


"I'm Jin by the way. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.

so.. what are you doing today? 

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Celes smiled. "I'm Celes. And today.. I was just hanging out. Not much else to do you see. Today is... A resting day. I've been training a lot lately. And i need a Break. thats what this was for. And you, Jin? what are you up to?"  She said with a tender smile. She could tell he was lower level. She wanted to help him.

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"I just started playing, actually." he said as his cheeks were blushing a little


"I was just here to cool off a little, I'm just trying to focus on leveling up and get into the game and such. I'm happy to see that the players are friendly and helpful" he said, and began to smile a little.


This was not at all something Jin could imagined this morning, Him, talking to and getting help from a higher leveled player!
This game sure was different from other Virtual MMO's he had played before. The players are so much kinder here!

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"Celes smiled, Well, since you started playing take this with you" She pulled down her HUD and sent over an item through a trade. 


Item Name: Sharp Sword

Quality : Uncommon

Description : Shiny sword with shiny blade and silverish stripes on it . +1 Damage


"There, an item to help you in these tryign times. Things will be tough at first, as you go along in the wilderness, but this might help you to get started." she said, smiling. 

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