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[OP- F4] Solid Sauntering Spree

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He was dumbfounded. Could it be that she was only this nice?


"A.. a.. a sword? You're giving me a sword? completely free?
What's the catch?"


Soon he realized, there were no catch.
Her smile were giving of this aura of complete kindness.

"eh..m. Thanks" he mumbled, still baffled by the kind gesture.

"I am sure I can repay you sometime in the future! I will not forget your kind actions!"

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Celes laughed. "No catch. I got help when I first started, and now i can help others. Now go off and fight, and survive, little dude.  and if you ever need help, just send me a message." She said and began to walk away from everyone. planning where she would go to next....



(OOC this threwad is done post whatever you want and ill post a summary!) 

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