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[SP-F1] Gearing up <A Worn Out Welcome>

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Arthonnen took a deep breath, trying to hunt this wolf down in the tall grass would be suicide so he took a different approach. With a few powerful swings of his sword he started to clear out the tall grass around him. Finding himself a nice circle. It was not much, but it would help. Now he stood still with his eyes closed he waited trying to hear the wolf approach. Ears twitching he herd it, getting ready to attack him from his left side. He waited and at the perfect moment swung his sword right when the wolf leaped from the grass. Cutting it right across its face, enough power in the strike to send it flying hitting the ground with a tumble wounding it greatly.


Arthonnen 10/11

Dire Wolf 2/6





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The wolf hit the ground hard rolling across it as the mark showing how Arthonnen blade cut into it face slowly started to fade, still the AI was programmed to act like it was in pain when its health became low. It whimpered in the dirt slowly trying to stand back up, but fell back down onto its side. Seems the beast was close to being defeated already. Arthonnen letting out a sigh if he knew the fight was going to go like this he would have finished the quest last night instead, but oh well. Arthonnen started to walk up to the wolf ready to deliver the finishing blow.


Arthonnen 10/11

Dire Wolf 2/6



MOB: 4


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Arthonnen walked over to the wolf kneeling down grabbing it by the back of its head using his knee to press up against the beasts neck and keep it pinned to the ground and without looking down took his blade and slit the wolfs throat. The breast died shattering into glass as Arthonnen started to stand back up once again putting his weapon away. "Wish the damn thing would not whimper so much, I almost felt bad" he said with a sigh, but his grim expression would be gone when he noticed he was lucky enough to get two pelts! "Must be my lucky day" He said with a grin grabbing the items and some col that dropped and started to head back to town to floor three.


Combat Over








2 Pelts

30 col

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Arthonnen however stopped dead in his tracks, looking off in the distance he took in the sight of the game for a moment. Watching the sun starting to break the sky filling floor one with a lovely orange glow. "Wow..." Is all Arthonnen had to say. He never really took the time to just sit down and take a break yet. Since the start of this death game all he ever did was eat, sleep, and work at grinding up his level to hopefully one day beat all 100 floors. He was amazed at just how good this game looked and for a moment he simply sat down and watched the run rise, before he would finally head back.

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Later in the day Arthonnen would materialize on the third floor yet again. Now that he knew his way around it took him no time to find Hanna shop once again. The sound of a hammer on the anvil could be herd again as Arthonnen approached to see Griswold working at the same pair of armor. The cranky man eyeing the same brat from yesterday stood up and got in his way before Arthonnen could step inside.


"Listen to me for a moment ya little punk, I have no idea why Hanna seemed to like your company so much yesterday. That is all I herd about from morning to night and she insist your armor is free. No working cost at all, your cheating us and you know it. What ever you said to her to get her to like you so much...well...I'm on to you and don't let me catch you lying to my little flower ya got it!?" Griswold stood as tall as he could eyeing Arthonnen right in the eye.


Arthonnen's deadpan expression broke out into a snicker before he manged to suppress it back down and go stone faced yet again. "Yeah okay ya big oaf, you have completely intimated me into submission. I am so sorry for the both of you" He rolled his eyes stepping past the man to make his way into the shop. Looked like Griswold was about to take him down when Hanna calls out from inside the shop. "Oh Griswold we are out of milk can you go fetch us some? The big blacksmith growled throwing his hammer into the dirt and walked over "Yeah sure honey be back soon" 

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Hanna gave Arthonnen a big beaming smile and a hug once again. "Aww it nice to ya back dear I hope getting the pelts was not to much trouble for you. Let me just take those and I will have a new coat for you in no time." Arthonnen smiled and handed over the items to turn in the quest. Hanna left for a moment spending some time in the back room stitching all the leather together before she came back and handed Arthonnen his new armor. "There you go dear, its light weight and durable so you should have no problems with it. Tailored specifically for you dear" 


Arthonnen took the armor and smiled back at Hanna "Why thank you Hanna you have been an amazing help, if you ever need help with anything else let me know. I must do something to pay for this coat"


"Oh nonsense I was happy to make it for you. If I need anything else Griswold dear can do it for me" Hanna said back as Arthonnen waved and stepped outside the shop.



Total Rewards:

5 Materials

80 col

Leather Armor 

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