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PP-F5 'Hunting Party' [Rin and Fallen]

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Jun had been hanging around the 5th floor looking for something to do. He spent a lot of his time nowadays walking around the towns looking for interesting people or interesting things. On the floor he was currently on he hadn't turned up anything so he decided to walk around for a little while longer.


Sitting down at a café and sighing, he looked for a waiter and tried to wave several over unsuccessfully before finally waving over a very scrawny one, Jun smiled, "Hi there, can I grab an iced tea?" the boy nodded and walked off. Jun sighed, Floor 5 was really hot and all that walking around had made him exhausted and thirsty so a good old iced tea would do the trick to ward of his dehydration.


He sat and drank, he was sick of looking for something so this time he'd wait for something to come to him. Maybe adventure would come seeking him and he would put his hand up as he always did and take part in something fun. Sipping his iced tea for a while he called back the skinny waiter and ordered a parfait, which he hadn't had since he entered the game. He had spotted it on the menu and immediately wanted one.

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Rin had never been on the fifth floor before, but so far she was hating it. It was so warm! She trudged through the streets of a town she had happened to stumble across when wondering about and killing various mobs which randomly spawned across the grounds of the floor.

Looking through the window she saw a male player drinking some ice tea and being served some parfait by one of the NPC waiters. Rin gazed at the cold drink longingly, she desperately needed something to cool her down and that drink was exactly what she needed. 

Before Rin could even think about what she was doing she had walked into the cafe and made her way over to the player she had seen drinking the ice tea. "Excuse me," She gasped whilst staring at the drink on the table, the heat was killing her and she desperately needed to hydrate herself. Before thinking she had grabbed hold of the glass and was gulping down the cold, sweet drink. 

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Jun was enjoying the parfait that he was served, it was a blue one, he thought it might've been blueberry. Before too long a girl approached him, "Yes?" she grabbed his drink and gulped it down. He waved the waiter over, "Can I grab two more iced teas and another parfait?" The waiter nodded and hurried off. "So, do you mind telling me your name before you drink my drink?" He smiled and looked at the girl, "If you are really that thirsty you should pack some water, I'm guessing you were out in the desert, so you need to be extra careful." The waited came back shortly after with two more iced teas and another parfait and placed them down on the table. Jun took a sip from his new drink, "For you" he gestured towards the other drink and the ice-cream.

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"Mmmm that was so nice," Sang Rin, much happier now that she had cooled off a little bit. She slipped into the seat opposite the player who had just bought her another drink. "My name is Rin Tachibana, in game and out," She replied to his question, "And you are? Oh and by the way thanks for the drink." Even Rin was surprised by her politeness, she was never this kind to people and certainly never thanked anyone. Maybe it was the heat? She thought, refusing to accept that she was being nice and convincing herself the heat of floor five was messing with her.

"Yay! Thank you!" Rin grinned as another drink was placed in front of her and soon began to dig into her ice cream like a small child.

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Jun smiled, "Well it's nice to meet you Rin." He took a spoon and started to eat his parfait. She seemed pretty joyful and nice, which was a good thing, "My name is Fallen, well, my username is. He looked down at the table, "I usually prefer to be called Jun though, you know, it's just something to show that I am still attached to the real world." He continued to eat his parfait. He smiled when she was excited about her parfait, "Your welcome, it's nice to finally meet someone who likes this kind of stuff as much as I do." He took another scoop of the parfait and a swig of his iced tea. "So what brings you to the 5th floor?"

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"Well then nice to meet you too Jun," She smiled in between taking huge swigs of her drink- which tasted great- he seemed to be a kind person, and especially since he had bought Rin some refreshments she had warmed up to him considerably, considering he was just a stranger. "Mmm, I love ice cream, I dont have it often at all," She mumbled through a mouthful of vanilla ice cream, completely forgetting about manors.

When she had finally finished her ice cream she looked up at Jun and replied to his question, "I am just exploring Sword Art Online some more. I am trying to become stronger. What about you? Why are you here? I am assuming it isnt for fun because who would enjoy being in this heat!"

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Jun laughed, "Pretty much just the same as you, I'm just exploring. I don't mind the heat as much, where I was born, it used to get humid and hot so I'm pretty much used to it, I don't mind it, but it's still bloody hot out. If I stayed out too long I'd fry or die of dehydration before too long. Plus, this coat doesn't really help much" He gestured to his large black cloak. He took one last sip of his Iced tea, "Well, I was going to head out to do some mob farming, if you wanted to become stronger, why don't you join me? I'll go buy some bottles of iced tea and we can set off, what do you say?" He smiled and took another spoonful of parfait and shoved it into his mouth, she was right, it was really hot out so the parfait helped cool him down quite a lot. 

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Rin only just noticed that he was wearing a large coat, her mouth dropped into the shape of an 'o' "Wow! How can you stand that! Baka, you might pass out because of the heat!"  She quickly finished the last of her iced tea then stood up smiling, "Sounds great, lets go kill some mobs then. Oh, but dont forget the iced tea," She instructed.

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Jun laughed, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll take it off for now. I'll go grab the iced teas, I wouldn't forget, I'm like addicted to this stuff." Noticing that she was surprised at his coat he opened his inventory and unequipped it, feeling somewhat cooler when he did. He walked over to the counter and bought 8 bottles of iced tea, the man behind the counter gave him an odd look but he just nodded and took the bottles, handing him the money. Catching up to Rin he opened his inventory and opened a trade, "Here, I got 8, you can have 4 and I can have 4, if we need more we can always come back and grab some." He smiled and the two set of into the blazing hot desert.


They walked for a decent distance before encountering anything, it was quite barren on this floor so it was quite hard to spot at first but he managed to when he almost stepped on it. It was a large lizard that almost camouflaged with the sand, he jumped back and drew his sword. He slashed at it, but in his surprise the sword missed the lizard, it had a scowl on it's face, probably from being bothered when it was trying to sleep. The lizard jumped at Jun and slashed at his chest, landing on top of him and slashing at him. Jun threw it off but not before it did some serious damage.


Sand Lizard


Health: 10/10



Rolled 5 on Battle Die

Rolled 9 on Mob Die

ID: 4292


CRITICAL MOB -2 Health for Jun

Jun Health: 15/17

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"Thank you," Smiled Rin as she accepted the trade and moved the iced tea to her inventory with one swift movement then set off after Jun into the killer heat of the desert.


Rin noticed the sand lizard a moment too late, her eyes not yet adjusted to the light of the desert and therefore unable to notice it lurking nearby. She watched helplessly as Jun was attacked by the quick-moving sand lizard. Luckily Jun managed to push the monster off of him before it did any damage, meaning that Rin could now attack without there being a chance of hitting Jun by accident.

Sliding her dagger out of its sheath she drove it into the lizards back and watched as it flinched under her attack. However Rin hadnt been focused enough for the hit to deal as much damage as it could have. "You okay?" She called over her shoulder to Jun as she resumed a defensive stance.


  • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice= hit + 3 weapon and skill
  • Sand lizard health= 7/10
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Rolled 9 on Battle Die
Rolled 9 on Mob Die

ID: 4701


Jun looked over at Rin, "I'm fine thanks, just took me by surprise." An evil grin came over his face as he pulled out his sword, he stared down the lizard and charged at it, slicing at its back, leaving a large scar on the lizards back, he wanted to get revenge for it surprising him so he sliced again, this time it left an 'X' mark on the lizards back. Jun jumped back to where Rin was standing, "It just got me by surprise, this shouldn't be too hard then we can go fight some harder mobs." The lizard didn't like that and it charged at Jun, scratching across his chest and biting him on the arm, Jun yelled and threw it off him once again. 


Sand Lizard: 2/10

Jun: 13/17

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  • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

"Good," Smiled Rin quickly, not wanting to get too distracted by checking up on Jun in the middle of a battle, "Make sure you're a bit more careful in the future. These things move quite quickly." Rin felt relaxed when in battle, she didn't worry about making mistakes or being hit by the the opponent. Her main focus was always killing the target with as few moves as she could manage.

Sprinting towards the sand lizard once again she drove her dagger in to its chest, dealing an attack almost three times stronger than what was needed. The lizard collapsed by her feet and exploded into pixels which drifted off into the blue sky.

She turned back to face Jun, sliding her dagger back into its sheath and grinning, "Well wasn't that fun."


Sand Lizard: 0/10 - Dead

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Rolled 3 on Battle Die

ID: 4811


Jun laughed, "That was pretty fun, even if I did get my ass handed to me by a lizard" He put his sword back into its sheath and cracked open an iced tea, sipping on it he sighed, the heat had really gotten to him, "So refreshing" he managed to push out between gulps. "I dunno why but I seemed to have developed an addiction to iced tea in this game, the hospital would never allow it because of its sugar content so I've never had it before" He put the empty bottle back in his inventory and continued on into the desert, he probably shouldn't drink anymore to conserve them for when he really needed them. He noticed a very suspicious looking scorpion sitting in the middle of a sand crater, he signalled to Rin that it was there and they should be careful. Jun pulled out his sword slowly and crept down the slope and tried to sneak up behind it, at the last second he slipped and fell right on top of it, he screamed in surprise and jumped back away from it. The scorpion was just as confused as him and spun around trying to look for it's assailant.


Giant Desert Scorpion


HP: 12/12

On a roll of 10 it's poison paralyses the target for 2 turns

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  • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice.(typical lol)

Rin was drinking some of her own iced tea when suddenly Jun sneaked off and attempted to attack a near by giant desert scorpion. "What were you thinking baka," She sighed as she watched him trip over and put her iced tea back into her inventory, equipping her dagger once again, "Youre pretty absent minded are you." She laughed a little before running at the scorpion and thrusting her dagger towards it. However just as Jun had did, Rin tripped over her own feet, still not used to the sandy terrain. She lost her balance and flailed for a moment. Quickly regaining her posture she returned to Juns side feeling rather stupid and blushing very lightly.

Her attack had missed completely.


Giant Desert Scorpion


HP: 12/12

On a roll of 10 it's poison paralyses the target for 2 turns

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Rolled 4 on Battle Die

Rolled 3 on Mob Die

ID: 4888


Jun laughed, "Who's the Baka now?" He picked up his sword and charged at the scorpion, the scorpion was ready for Jun and stuck its tail out, Jun didn't expect it and tripped over the tail. He landed on the scorpion and dazed it, Jun didn't like bugs, even if the scorpion was technically an arachnid, it was still a bug in his mind. He yelled and jumped back, realising that Rin was watching he pouted, "That didn't happen..." He walked back and sulked, waiting for Rin to make the first attack. "This thing is a slippery bugger, it's going to be a pain to hit it, I reckon it's because it camouflages with the sand, but enough playing around, this time we are going to hit it!" Jun put up a triumphant fist and made a heroic stand.


Giant Desert Scorpion
HP: 12/12
On a roll of 10 it's poison paralyses the target for 2 turns

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