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[PP-F1] Haven't Seen You Around Before ( Sasayakaze & Pyro )

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Pyro noticed Sayakaze climb underneath her and she sighed, feeling safe for the time being. She heard Sayakaze climb slowly behind her. 'I'm probably really slow.' She thought and was about to tell Sasa she was okay by herself when she heard him gasp. Pyro looked down the best she could and saw Sayakaze hanging on with one hand. Pyro closed her eyes to think about what she could do and found herself extending out a slender leg. "Just grab my ankle with your other hand and hang on to my foot until you get your balance back." She quickly shouted. "Don't worry the game-mechanics make everyone almost completely weightless! I won't fall too!" She added just in case Sayakaze didn't want to follow her orders or was too scared to.

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She gave him her leg to hold onto, to help him get back on track, so Sayakaze quickly grabbed onto her leg when she told him about the in-game weight system, so he didn't fear that they would fall. After he got his balance back, he gave a quick glance at the girl which a big smile on his face.


"I am happy that i could avoid falling, thanks to you. Thank you, i owe you one." He said as he kept climbing.


When both of them finally got up to the tall buildings roof, he sat down by the edge of the roof and looked out over the landscape.


"Ah.. Totally worth me almost dying, this view is amazing." he said as he kept looking over the landscape.

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"No problem! I just read the manual a few days ago actually that's the only reason I remember it." She replied while climbing next to Sayakaze.


Pyro had trouble climbing up onto the building and by the time she had fully gotten her body on the roof she was panting. Still out of breath she scoots next to Sayakaze and nods her head. "It would never be worth your death... but it is beautiful! Hey. We're friends right Sasa?" Pyro looked over at him with a confused look on her face as she switched her tone from excited to a more serious one.


- {out of context} pretty sure we're almost done, this was an odd thread ;3

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