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PP - F1 The Duelist and The Swordsman [London & Gerrick]

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London, after just leaving the shop from which he recived advice, a monster gernade, and 500 COL, an extremely generous gift from two generous players, he begins to make his way through the city, occasionally passing players, some of which seem like they should be conversing on higher floors due to their level. Regardless he keeps his gaze somewhat downward but still aware of his surroundings as he begins to make his way to the entrance of the city to head out into the plains to start gaining experience, after all if he is going to end up fighting on the front lines he's going to need start gaining levels, experience, equipment, and start honing his skills. The abient sounds of the city are still viberent and ally ways are still lively and there are ocassional crowds of people. The merchents as certaintly busy. London picks up his head slightly, and continues to walk in silence.

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Unaware of the man trailing behind him he continues to walk in silence. London occasionally looks side to side to see what this city has to offer and he begins to think for a moment I wonder if an alleyway may be faster...it might be unwise to try it, this is still too populated to be able safely even attempt a chance like that... London disgarded the thought of short cuts and started to make a turn towards the city plaza. This city is too damn big....It's almost like a maze at times...I'll be able to find the gates if I find the plaza first. He ran a few thoughts through his mind as he walked to keep himself busy as he walked to the plaza, making him slightly more oblivious to his surroundings.

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Gerrick follows London for awhile, but eventually begins to grow impatient. That, coupled his annoyance with bumping into the occasional passerby, finally forced him to think about asking for help. Jogging up to London, he calmly asks "Do you know where i can go gain some experience... I kind of new to this, and this town is really starting to annoy me.". After a bit more thought, he added "Also... It might be better to have an ally in the beginning, are you in need of a team mate? I can be useful, at least, i would like to think so", Smirking. He offered "Name's Gerrick, Seems to me we both want to get on with this game."

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He break from his thought and looks almost aloof at Gerrick " Generally, I'd say you could get exp from the mobs out in the plains, I'm also new to this death game and this town can be a maze at points. I'd suggest that you be a bit more careful, randomly asking someone to be an ally could lead to your death if the person isn't trustworthy. I don't think I need a team mate...I generally go solo in games like this. May I ask why you'd like to pair up with me? Surely there are more people more capable than I am." London thinks to himself He seems to be a bit nervous, on edge, and almost self-concious....he also might be a good ally and it's good to not turn down a friend, no one is going to be able to complete this game on their own... after a silence London speaks up again "You're welcome to come and join me at the plains if you want." London goes onto thinking I rather train alone but him tagging along wouldn't hurt I guess...

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"Honestly, I'd say I like to stay solo in games like this, but I'm having more trouble than I would like to admit trying to get anywhere so far. People seem to like calling me skilled, i suppose, i but i can't say I'm satisfied with my combat abilities... not yet." Gerrick adds with a vacant stare into the distance. Snapping back into reality, or whatever one would call this game, he says "I just need a little help learning the combat mechanics of this game." This guy... There's more to him, I think. "I also want to challenge you to a duel sometime. Maybe later on. You seem... Focused." Smirking, he begins walking once more, taking a peak at his HUD map. "We shouldnt be too far from the wilds yet..."

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London raises an eyebrow at the thought of a duel "I thank you for the compliment but later on I'll consider it, our hps are too low for us to try, If I got a critical I might accidently kill you." He thinks for a moment "I can run you through the main combat concepts of the game if you want me too, that I'm fine with that." London checks his map and they walk in silent for a few moments and soon out of a alleyway they come out into the city plaza where there is a huge obelisk standing in the center of the plaza and then he studies his map for a while, closes it, and then looks to his side "The plains are this way." with that London begins to make his way towards long walk way towards the city gates.

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After walking a long way, Gerrick finally reaches the gates. Taking in the breeze, he smells fresh dew from the grass. The plains stretching out before him and his new ally he pauses. " A world so astounding... Is all of this really just part of some code?...." He closes his eyes. "If only this world wasn't such a nightmare it would be a dream....ah. Sorry, just thinking aloud." As the two walk, the faint sound of rustling in the tall grass breaks the sound of the wind on the grass.

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London stops for a moment to take in the vast amount of land before him "You are right...it is quite beautiful..." London takes his first step outside of the city walls and begins to walk along the dirt road "Come on, we're going to have to walk abit, the grass is a bit too high for any boars or the like to spawn, if they are here they're hiding." He continues to walk in silence, almost not caring if Gerrick is following behind but he still checks over his shoulder to make sure.

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Gerrick follows behind, though he looks visibly more focused than before, "They won't get passed me, you can rely on that much" He partially unsheathes his scimitar. "I'm feeling excited...". As the two walk, the blades of grass around the them grow ever more tall, reaching shin height. The warm feeling of hearth which seemed to envelop Gerrick since he arrived in SAO has vanished, leaving a permeable air of tension, waiting for a foe to break it. 

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London glaces back at him "Sheath your sword...no need to have it out." a good amount of time and walking passes and the grass seems to be shorter and anything out in the open is in clear view, in the distance there is a forest, somewhat dense and forboding. It's somewhat scarce but there a couple of boars wondering about and grazing. London is silent as he observes the boars, seeing which one would be good for his first battle. "Gerrick, stand in the feilds over there and watch me first, I'm curious on how these mechanices work myself." As he finishes this sentence his eyes become completely cold and percing as he unsheaths his plain rapier, the rapier is a standard steel, a cup hilt, standard oak handle and a small barrel pommel, the blade extends to 42" inches on the dot. A boar begins to take notice of London. London puts a hand behind his back and stands upright, his feet make an L shape as he awaits the boar's predicted charge.

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Dice Rolls

  • Rolled a 4 on the d4 dice.
  • Rolled a 4 on the d6 dice.
  • Rolled a 8 on the d8 dice.
  • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 3 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  • Rolled a 7 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 8 on the d20 (loot) dice.

London takes the headbut from the boar, giving out an gasp from the attack, he quickly jumps to the side of the boar and his off hand is slightly raise for balance and perpares a thrust, before he does however, his blade begins to glow green and he lunges forward with some grace and the rapier's blade find's it way straight through the boar's side and there is a green spike blasts out from the other side of the boar, London seems to be too focused on scanning the boar for additional openings after pericing the boar with a critical hit.


London: 6/7 HP


Boar: 2/4 HP

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Rolled a 2 on the d10 (battle) dice.


London recovers from his lunge and sees an opening and takes it, attempting to thrust at the boar and aims for its back, he jumps forward to stab with his blade however as he went to thrust his footing was unstable and so his thrust made his blade go straight into the dirt next to the boar.unsheaths the blade from the earth and jumps back "Hmhp!" Composing himself again in a defensive stance ready for the next attack and hopeful riposte to put an end to the boar.


[London: 6/7 HP]


[Boar: 2/4 HP]

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  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice
  • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice.


London, finally deciding it's time to put this boar out of his misery, lunges towards the boar stabbing it once, the boar squeeling, keeping a close eye on the so that it doesn't attempt any dying flails at London as he moves in closer right besides it and flips his grip, pointing the rapier's deadly spike above the boar's head and with a his off hand on the pommel, he thrusts straight down unto, and straight through the boar's head pericing the skull and coming out of the bottom of it's jaw, to the players there is just a red grided hole ontop of his head and through the bottom of it's jaw as the boar begins to turn blue and then explodes into shards. London flips the sword back around so that is held properly.


London: 6/7 HP


Boar: DEAD


A notification appears in front of him reading;


[New Item: Material x1]


London clicks the blue circle, taking the material and closing the notification. He doesn't waste time flourishing his blade or anything like that, he simply just sheaths his sword as if the fight was nothing.

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Looking at the dispersing blue shards, Gerrick strides over to London. "Solid work there, though i wasn't really expecting you to take a hit... Maybe next battle I could have a go."  he looks down the path, and, rests his hand on the hilt of his blade, and begins walking back down the original path, looking to have a more serious expression and a sense of purpose gleaming in his eye. Training again... Guess it's about time i got back to basics.  Gerrick looks back to see if London is following him occasionally, but stays vigilant in his stride and concentration. Give me something to fight. 

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They walk for around 2 minutes before, down the road, another boar is grazing. The small beast grunts as it sheepishly moves across the dirt path. As Gerrick got closer the boar perked it's head up and it's beady, red glowing eyes seem to burn with some ferocity, It turns to face Gerrick and it stomps it's hooves in the dirt, kicking a small cloud of dust as it begins to charge at Gerrick. London walks over to the side of the dirt road and stands in the shin grass, flowing in the breeze.

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Gerrick draws his sword, a scimitar with about a three foot steel blade, slightly curved back on the end, with a cross guard handle. taking it in his right hand, he studies its full weight, and feel. He looks at the boar, and once more his focus sharpens. Taking to heart the battle he witnessed earlier, he mentally readies himself, thinking of retaliations for possible moves on the boar's part, but always as on guard as possible. He inhales, and lets out a long breath, relaxing. Let's go... I'm ready.

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