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PP - F1 The Duelist and The Swordsman [London & Gerrick]

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Rolled a 7 on the d10 (mob) dice.


The boar picks up some speed and whilst Gerrick is preparing himself he fails to notice the boar's distance and the boar ram's straight into Gerrick's left leg, there is an unpleasant thud sound from his leg, it'd be miraculous if that didn't bruise or become sore later on. The boar continues to charge and it makes a wide turn, almost comically, and begins it's charge again towards Gerrick.


Gerrick: 4/5 HP


Boar: 5/5 HP

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[battle Dice Roll: 8 on D10]


  Gerrick, recovering slightly annoyed from his falter, slashes at the boar, cutting its back with his blade. The boar makes a high pitched squealing sound, taking 2 damage from the attack, but aside from that continues to battle. Gerrick prepares for its retaliation, hoping to not make the same error twice. OK, let's try to DODGE this one. Come on!


[Gerrick HP: 4]


[boar HP: 3]

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Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice.


The boar squeals from the hit and falls down, skidding across the dirt raising a cloud of dust for a moment. London is still standing silent with a serious and analytical glare, watching every move Gerrick and the boar makes, Gerrick most likely has forgotten his presence due to his dead silence but the stare persists as the wind blows, there is no sound besides that of a slashing sword and the squeals of boar as it fights to for it's life and to defend it's territory.


Gerrick: 4/5 HP


Boar: 3/5 HP

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[battle Dice Roll: 4 on D10]


Gerrick, trying to take advantage of the Boar's fall, tries to retaliate, but his leg is a bit more hurt than he originally thought, and he stumbles, missing the boar completely, and doing no damage to it. Frustrated, he resumes his battling position. This is getting ridiculous, what's going on here?!


[Gerrick HP: 4]


[boar HP: 3]

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Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

Rolled a 7 on the d20 (loot) dice.


Gerrick, irritated by his mistakes, and the little progress he is making in the battle, uses his all of his might to slash right through the boar, killing it instantly. Looking back towards London, he begins to walk and sheathe his blade when suddenly a notification pops up in front of him:


LEVEL UP! 1 -> 2. 


Alright. Finally getting back on track. Feeling satisfied, he looks back to London, who is in a nearby blind of grass, after collecting the Boar's Material, and finding no other loot.


[New Item: Material x1]

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London seems a bit indifferent about the whole thing he says "Good job though, you were reckless at points...."He looks like he was about to say more but decided to save it. "I think we should head back." He looked at the sky, it looked to be somewhere around 3 to 5 pm. "Next time though, center yourself a bit more so you don't have that great of chance stumbling. Also, you're gripping your sword to tightly, if you were facing a real opponent with a sword, they would have knocked it out of your hands long ago."

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"I've... Been having a rough time getting used to the feel of this game. It's... just off to me somehow. Maybe its nothing but it's been throwing me off since i got here. I know the workings of swordplay better than you might think." He replied, "Either way, thanks for taking the time to help me out with this. I feel ready to face more of what this game can show me." He added, his gaze beginning to draw into the distance. "Though perhaps i still need to learn more before doing else yet. Again, thanks for your help...? Sorry, I don't remember catching your name." Gerrick smiles a bit, and extends an arm "Again: Name's Gerrick."

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