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Haseo Katasuki

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Username:>> Haseo


Real Name:>> Nanashi Katasuki


Age:>> 17


Gender:>> Male


Height:>> 5'7"


About: History/Personality


[History: Nanashi is a highschool student or rather was before everything went down. He was also an Otaku and a Gamer which means that he has played various games ranging from MMOs to standard games. He also spent his time watching anime and collecting manga from any series that interested him. Though he's called an Otaku, he doesn't go to the extremes like collecting figurines nor does he cosplay. Instead he just dressed his own way and nominated himself as the main anime character of his story. However not everyone shared his hobbies and thus was made fun of and in worst cases even beaten in fights of other students. Nanashi has had a long term of constantly being pushed around since the beginning of middle school, and occasionally he stands up for himself until he just gotten to the point where he simply doesn't care about them anymore nor does their insults affect him. Instead he's known as the smartmouth for he'll come up with some comment that'll usually creep them out. Sometimes he even grosses them out, and he'll just be smiling looking at their faces. But that's what they made him to be. However, before that happened, he would just lock himself up in his room playing games. Hardly ever going outside simply because he doesn't have any real friends nor does he want to deal with stupid people. It was just something to keep his mind off things and not think about negative things such as suicide for example. It worked of course since otherwise he wouldn't be where he is now.]


[Personality: In the game, Haseo is known to be a loner and usually creeps people out to draw them away from him. Leaving him pretty much alone most of the time which is best in his case. He's afraid of getting attached to anyone and thus pushes everyone away that tries to get close to him. Some might even say that his flaw is that he like to live in a solitude life and that his heart is almost made out of stone for the many walls that he built around it. When someone gets annoying or tries to get close to him, he'll usually retaliate by spouting insults or worse feint an attack towards them. This is a game afterall, but he still doesn't want to be attached to anyone. He hardly opens up to anyone, but he'll party up with people only if he really has to like on boss fights or whatever].




[strong Will] - Due to the years of constantly being harassed and beaten numerous times by students in his school, Haseo, otherwise known as Nanashi, has developed the point to where mentally he has a hard to break will which means casting threats or insults at him won't really have much of an affect nor does he feel the need to crack under the pressure.


[solitary] - Haseo is more of a solo player than anything else which helps him because it minimizes the chance of being stabbed in the back. It also means that he'll be more or less take just about anything on his own even while in a party. Another way you can see it as is if someone needs someone willing to sneak around a bit he'll be your guy for a price of course. As his service doesn't come free, he'll actually charge people depending on what they plan to do. Such as they explore the dungeon, he'll more or less just take what he needs such as healing potions and such. Or should there be a rare item he'll be generous on forsaking his medical items for it. Of course, if someone does obtain the item and finds some use of it he'll respect it as long as they earned it. Stealing it on the other hand is pretty much where he puts his foot down if he catches them.


[stone Heart] - Similar to his Strong Will Virtue, he's put up a lot of walls in his mental state to where mere insults or even signs of seduction would prove meaningless to him. So say he's partnered up with someone and they encounter a group of PKers. They threaten them and even demanded to give them all of his equipment. Or if they try to bribe Haseo into walking away, he would simply blink at them. Of course he's not stupid as he'll analyze the situation and his surroundings, but least to say that he won't chicken out easily.




[stone Heart] - Like most things, everything comes with a price. He doesn't mind partnering up with somebody only if he really has to, but should someone try to friend him or even talk outside of business he'll shut the conversation down. Meaning that he'll have a hard time to make friends and even less chance of finding that special somebody.


[Hermit] - Haseo prefers above all else to be left alone, meaning he eats by himself, hunt by himself, craft by himself, and mostly adventure by himself. Which is due to his Solitary attitude, but he pretty much would be an idealist to be a solo player.


[Crazy] - This is a flaw that Nanashi had personally forced himself to have, meaning he'll do crazy stunts, crazy way of saying things, and sometimes crazy way of moving too. Which also means that he's more likely to creep people out that's around him driving people away, which is how he prefers it to be.


Profession: Alchemist




Non-Combat: >>


Passive: >>


Combat: >>


Weapon Skills:

One Handed Curved Sword: Rank 1


Inventory >>

Basic Scimitar


Roleplays: >>


Relationships: >>


Story Thus Far: >>

Edited by HaseoTOD
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