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[PP-F8-F2] Long Death to the Queen {Wynter, Asen}

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Asen and Wynter was on the eighth floor in the midst of a cave hidden mostly behind a waterfall of a valley as the shroud of night had fallen upon them. There was a fire in the middle of the medium sized dome shaped chamber of the cave as Asen sits next to it making sure that the fire was being kept alive to provide some warmth in this place. He wasn't worried about monsters or PKers around here since it's almost isolated amongst the valley where the waterfall filling a body of water below it.


Then he received a notification which he a second later swiped open his menu to select the notifications section and sees that it was a quest. Long Live the Queen, rather an odd name for a quest and the first thing that popped in his head was that there were royalty people around here. Only to be proven wrong when he fully reads it and sees that an Queen Wind Wasp has shown up somewhere amongst the second floor which was rather odd that he would be able to get it from all the way up here. But it was something that they could do to both help level Wynter up and to also have them a goal in mind.


"Yo Wynter, you feel like taking on a mini boss yet?" He calls out to her as he glances over his shoulder to see where she was at somewhere within the cave or even near it for some reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[Changes into an SP]

Asen, not getting an answer from Wynter in days now, winds up packing his bags and setting everything in his inventory. Though he didn't want to leave a friend behind, he had to keep moving both because of the Players that are hunting him down and because he really wanted to take down this wasp queen. Even if he has to do it alone which he most certainly will if he has to. Asen bids his farewell to Wynter as he begins to make his way out of the valley and through the fields. He had to begin descending on down the floors to get to where the quest was and that was indeed a long walk for him since he can't use the Teleport Portals or even use Teleport Crystals and are rather useless in Asen's case since there is no safe zone that he's allowed to enter through yet.


As he was walking upon the Giant Forest that seems to be threatening to engulf him into it's natural beauty as bits of sun can be shined through the many jade green leaves hanging above his head. Then coming around a rather large tree was an Aarnz Hound, a rather small sized brown canine creature as it was standing up to 4 feet as it bares its canine teeth at Asen as it's sharp claws digs into the soil. These hounds are something no one should mess with when they are in pacts for they are the ferocious breed. Try running away from them and it would only entice them to chase you and they are not slow either since they know their way around these woods better than anyone in this game. Luckily for Asen, there's only one that he can see out of and hopefully he guess right when he believes that this hound is alone. He knows that its either kill or be killed at this point since there's little use in trying to hide and run from it. So he draws out his sword with his eyes looking from under the hood at the hound's drooling face as the battle was being commenced.

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The hound bared its fangs at Asen while he was waiting for the hound to make its first move. He knew that he can take these hounds on one by one, however it can easily become problematic if two or more shows up. Which means he'll just have to make this as quick as possible. So he charges at the creature in a sprinting motion closing the gap rather fast since it was small to begin with. It surprised the hound a little but eventually it catches on and attempts to strike at him as he was coming up at it. However Asen stepped to the side to minimize the chance of getting hit as Asen drives his blade into the hound's side. Letting out a yelp upon being struck, Asen quickly backs up as the hound swipes at him with its claws but misses because of that.


Aarnz Hound's Health: 20/25

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Asen was on his toes and was making sure that this battle didn't take longer than it should as he charged at the Hound once more which it prepares a more frontal attack by trying to swipe at him with its claws while trying to chomp down on Asen's body. Unfortunately that didn't happen as Asen was quick to react this type of situation and quickly jumps over the hound and winds up stabbing into the hound's back with his sword as he was in mid air. Then he wrenches his blade free and lands on his feet as he rolls forward to quickly get some distance and spins around to face the creature as it's eyes were glowing with fury at Asen's skull now.


BD: 7 (Hit)

MD: 4 (Miss)


Aarnz Hound's Health: 15/25

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The hound lunges at Asen with the intention to rip his throat out, intentions are good and all but this one was lacking results as Asen jumps to the side and the moment his foot touched the ground he lunges right back at the hound and delivers a heavy strike at the hound causing it to yelp again as it was pushed roughly to side redirecting its course to slide and smack into the tree. The hound seemed to dazed at first due to the impact as it slowly stood back up and shook it off.


BD: 10(Hit)

MD: 6(Miss)


Aarnz Hound's Health: 10/25

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(ID: 8118)

BD: 1(Missed)

MD: 3(Missed)


Asen was perhaps paying too much focus onto the hound as he wasn't watching where he placed his foot and winds up stepping on an awkward root and stumbles backwards a bit since he didn't want to collide against the tree. So he winds up falling on his butt which felt weird to him since he can't remember the last time he had fallen to the ground like this. But luckily that did happened as the hound was leaping towards him and probably would've snapped it's jaws on him if he hadn't fallen like this as it actually leaps over him. When his back hits the soil, the hound lands just a few feet ahead of him.


Aarnz Hound's Health: 10/25

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(ID: 8119)

BD: 4(Missed)

MD: 10(Hit)


Of course being proned to the ground is never a good idea and is in fact a terrible disadvantage anybody should get. However, since his movements are quite limited, he knew already that he wouldn't be able to get up without getting bit on by this beast. Nonetheless he rolls to get up to his feet as quickly as he could, but not fast enough as he suddenly is snapped in a vicious bite to his neck and bit down hard on his neck. Asen was a bit dazed for a moment for the impact felt like he was restricted to breath since the canines had puncture his exterior jugular veins on both sides of his neck. If this was real life, he would've been dead right here. How lucky he is indeed that this was a game based off hit points.


Aarnz Hound's Health: 10/25

Asen's Health: 41/45 (-4 DMG)

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BD: 6(Hit)

MD: 9(Miss)


Asen recovered from his little daze that his body and mind had put himself in as his consciousness was slowly being drained away from his body. Meaning that his other side is starting to reveal itself as a wicked grin soon spreads over his face as the hound lets out another yelp as he rams his sword through the hound's chest caused it to let go of his throat as Asen kicks the hound off his blade and onto the ground quite hard. In fact his attacks seems more impact now and even more vicious as he raised his crimson red eyes that now has an eerie glow about them as he has a wicked grin to add on top of that. "You're going to have to do so much better if you're ever going to satisfy my desires. You probably wouldn't even give me the same thrill in battle as the others do. In fact you're not worth much of anything since you're just a pathetic excuse to call yourself a beast." Yep, Asen's other personality that resembles his nickname, Terror of Death very highly as he is ruthless and even worse merciless and enjoys making others suffer in agony even though deep down he hates it too. With a single swipe of his sword as if he decides to make use of this ruthlessness that he possesses and quickly lunged at the hound once more to deliver a very quick strike straight through. Meaning he just sliced the hound in half with just a single attack as the hound started to split in two halves before it shatters to pieces. Asen only turned his crimson red eyes towards the spot where the hound was with the still wicked grin that spilled out all of the evil flowing through his veins. "As the saying goes, a good dog is a dead one, and you just had to be put down like the savage creature you were you damned mutt." Then his grin slowly faded as his wounds were already starting to heal on its own and his usual personality was starting to come back.


CD: 10 (+2 Health <<Battle Healing>>)

LD: 20 (20 x 5 = 100 Col)


Asen's Health: 43/45

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He let's out a sigh of relief as he was glad to have dealt with this situation without too much trouble. However he knew of all things that he couldn't wait around here for long or else more of those things could show up. So he hurried up and began to make his advance towards the dungeons that descends to the lower floors. Of course that is probably the most risky thing just about anyone has done since it's just easier to work up the Col and get a Teleportation Crystal to warp down through the floors. However, Asen doesn't have that luxury as Teleportation Crystals are rather useless in Asen's case since he can't enter safe zones nor can he even buy one. So naturally the only way for him to travel from floor to floor is to actually go through the dungeons to get where he needs to go. Not that it's really a big deal since Asen is more than capable on handling himself. But it is very time consuming and is also the fun part for Asen since he quite enjoys going on adventures like these especially if there's a little boss involved. He's more than willing to beat the boss into a bloody pulp and strike it down in exchange for an reward anytime of the day. Anyways, he successfully descends to the 7th floor entering the usual mountain ranges that looms before him as he exits from the entrance of the Floor Dungeon. "Oh for the love of... Did you seriously have to show up you big fat furball?" Asen complained as looming over him was also none other than one of those problematic bears that he just loves (exaggerating) to mess with them because god do they hit hard not to mention they have a lot of health to top it off. It glares down at him as it bared it's fangs while standing up on its hind legs being now really taller than Asen could ever be even if he tried without having to fetch for a ladder. He let's out a sigh as he draws his blade once more. "I guess you're not leaving me from this one eh? That's alright I suppose, I can use an extra warm up anyways."


//Battle Commenced\\


Bear's Health: 30/30

Asen's Health: 43/45

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BD: 6(Hit)

MD: 8(Miss)


The bear goes to deliver a mighty and strong swipe with its claws at Asen as it was coming down to all fours. Unfortunately for it, Asen was quicker than it was as he evaded that strike by jumping to the side a bit before jumping right for the bear and slices into the thick hide of it's body leaving a nasty gash on its side as it lets out an angry roar at him for dealing damage to it. Asen might be a little cocky, but he has power to back it up if not for his strength his speed comes into play to where it's almost impossible to land a hit on him unless its pure luck or with a lot more skill than he could ever hope to possess.


Bear's Health: 25/30

Asen's Health: 43/45

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BD: 10(Hit)

MD: 1(Miss)


The bear tried to turn around in order to grab a hold at the player, but it was about as slow as a rotten zombie moving in very slow motion to his eyes as his eyes were already focused on the attack. Asen quickly ducks under the mighty swing of the claws before he quickly slashes in a upward arc actually severing the bear's arm off. Yes, Asen just legit chopped a bear's arm clean off leaving a Decapitation status on the bear's life bar. Asen had just delivered a very heavy strike on the beast as he didn't even need to unveil his other personality into this fight. It was simply too easy for him, but he supposed that he shouldn't be too surprised since he is higher leveled than last time he fought a bear.


CD: 11 (+2 Health <<Battle Healing>>)


Bear's Health: 15/30 (Dealt critical damage)

Asen's Health: 45/45 

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BD: 4(Miss)

MD: 2(Miss)


Asen goes to try to swing at the bear once again however the bear was becoming more unstable since it lost one of its legs and was wobbling and shaking a lot as a result his blade winds up slicing nothing but air. So he quickly jumps back a few paces to get some distance so that he wouldn't accidentally get caught on the bear's unstable attack patterns. This bear was certainly a lot quicker to take down than the last one he faced when he was hiding on this floor about a month ago or so. However he isn't complaining since he needed to spend as less time with this beast as possible since he has to attend to the quest where it tells of the <<Wind Wasp Queen>> of sorts on the second floor. This was the seventh so he has to go through five more now before he reaches the second floor.


Bear's Health: 15/30

Asen's Health: 45/45

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BD: 9(hit)

MD: 7(miss)


Asen lunges towards the bear in attempt to strike the bear once more with his blade as he feels another two or so strikes would be good enough to kill this bear off. However it seemed like this bear was timing itself on when to counter as it suddenly lashed its remaining front arm to claw him. Unfortunately for the bear, Asen was quick enough to jump over the swipe and drive his sword into the skull of the bear's and performs a flip over the bear to wrench his blade free from the skull as he lands on his feet. Then he quickly rolls forward using the momentum to his advantage while spinning around to face the creature with his blade in front of him.


Bear's Health: 10/30

Asen's Health: 45/45

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BD: 7(hit)

MD: 5(miss)


Asen lunges out to the bear once more as he slashes at the bear cutting into the thick skin of the bear's hide while it was trying to turn around but winds up falling on its side where the front leg is gone. He was going to finish this in this next attack that he has planned for this beast and hopefully it would be the end of it as he raised his sword above his head like he's about to deliver a downward arc strike. He didn't let his other side show itself nor did it manifested in his brain yet, probably because he isn't focused on really killing this creature just he's concentrated that he needs to get going so that he could reach the second floor before it gets dark.


Bear's Health: 5/30

Asen's Health: 45/45

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BD: 8(hit)

MD: 1(miss)


Though the bear did tried to get away from him as it knew it was facing its fate right before its very own eyes. But Asen brings down his sword to the bear's neck cutting half way through as it remained still. That's all it needed to watch its health go down to zero as it shatters into pieces. That was certainly a good sign for him because it means that he can now move on to the other Floor's Dungeon that descends to the sixth floor. With his speed and skills he should be able to reach around the 4th Floor in mid day or so as he quickly rushes towards that Dungeon's direction.


LD: 20 (20 x 5 = 100 Col)


Bear's Health: 0/30

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Asen finds no trouble on seeking the Dungeon out as he slips past all of the monsters there by activating his <<Hiding>> Skill to move past them without them noticing him. It took him a while, but he finally manages to reach the fourth floor where he is met with the familiar white sheets of snow shown before him. He decides to go to one place where he knows he can relax at, the Frostbite Lake. Its one of the main places that he goes too because its not necessarily a safe zone but it is free of monsters so that was a great place to start resting up since he's been doing nothing but fighting, running, and hiding for the past four hours now.

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Asen only spent about half an hour at the lake resting his mind and legs for a bit as he gazed at the beautiful surroundings that he is in right now. It helps him be reminded that it is worth on staying alive or else he wouldn't be able to see this magnificent sight. However, he couldn't help but also be reminded of the lives that he took with his own hands. 'How many lives have I taken to get this far?' He asked himself mentally as he can't seem to remember how many times he saw health bars go down to zero. Which is why he uses his reputation to scare off other people from facing the same fate. Most of the time it works, however there are times where it doesn't work at all. Nevertheless he shakes the sense of doubt from his mind before he makes his way towards the Dungeon that descends towards the third floor. On his way near the dungeons however, he wasn't paying attention to the fact that some creatures also use the Hiding skill as he accidentally bumps into a human sized ice cluster looking thing that shimmered into existence. It took him a minute before he realized it was alive as an ice hand bursts from one side of the cluster in an attempt to grab him. But he reacted rather quickly as he quickly lashed his sword out to it while flipping backwards in a spinning motion to get some distance from it.


BD: 6(hit)

MD: 5(miss)


Ice Golem's Health: 20/25

Asen's Health: 45/45

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(ID: 8162)

BD: 6(Hit)



Asen sees that this was an Ice Golem, one of the things that he kind of dislikes due to the fact that they're simply annoying. No other reason other than he thinks that they're the most annoying things on the planet for it defies logic. It's an nonliving thing yet still moves like it has a heart of its own. However in another sense he finds them interesting as well, regardless he charges at it once more as the second arm breaks off on the other side of the cluster but was too slow to catch Asen as he delivered a rather simple slash into the golem's chest as it seemed to be having trouble with something as it was moving a lot slower than Asen remembers it being.


Ice Golem's Health: 15/25

Asen's Health: 45/45

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BD: 5(Miss)

MD: 1(miss)


Asen goes to try to swing at the Golem once more and almost made contact as the Golem seemed to have some trouble keeping on its own ground since it falls back a little and crashes into the snowy field. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on with the monster. It seemed different than the others as it is slow and quite clumsy as well. Maybe he's dreaming but just maybe this thing is having trouble with its footwork and the reactions are kind of delayed by a second at least.


Ice Golem's Health: 15/25

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(ID: 8565)

BD: 6(hit)

MD: 4(miss)


Things seems to be looking a bit better on the Golem's form at least as it rolls over and stands mostly up on its feet. Then it charges towards the swordsman as he still has a smirk on his face, one that tells anyone that he was enjoying this as it swings its fist at Asen. It was good considered on how horrible it was earlier, but it was still not good enough in Asen's mind as he simply steps back and watched it miss him even without him moving while slashing upwards to cut into the Golem's arm. If anything, these Golems are very predictable due to how slow they were moving. Granted they do hit hard nonetheless, but that's only good if it can hit the target. Without it hitting anything, all of that strength is pretty much useless. The same can be said about his stats as well though. He can hit pretty decent and is hard to hit to begin with, but he needs something that'll increase his ability to hit his targets more. Perhaps he could forge an item of some sort to help boost that ability. In any case he's doing well at the moment as the creature is now in the danger zone being below half of its health points.


Ice Golem's Health: 10/25

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