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(SP-F6) The Forgotten Everything

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The 6th floor, home. His home. Arekkusu's home. Arekkusu didn't want to be home. He wanted to be home home, out of this hell of a game. Everyone only cleared the ninth floor, it has been over a year already. And here he was, what was he going to about it? Well, he is going to do what he has been doing for the past 3 months in the game. Absolutely nothing. Well, he didn't give himself enough credit, he knows something he has been doing in the game. Going through hell itself a few times and returning with a few scars... yeah that just about describes my life here. Arekkusu thought to himself as he looked at his arm. The wound he received a long time ago still hurts him today, one person to thank for that. But Arekkusu actually would thank that person, they got him closer to escaping the game by cutting his health down pretty low. His left palm had a tear through the fingerless glove, that wound he did to himself, trying to kill himself. That wasn’t something he was very proud of, he remembered how much pain he went through on that day. Then he had to take it out on a monster to stop him from continuing.


His head laid against his bed, for he had a migraine in his head. It was random, came out of nowhere. Just like his other wounds or enemies, it’s not like he tries to cause them. Well… not most of them, some were on purpose. “Here I am… I called so many people Hypocrites… but I’m not damn better.†Arekkusu said as his right arm covered his eyes. He wanted to sleep, but couldn’t find the strength to hold himself still. For one thing, it was four in the afternoon, and Arekkusu slept pretty late. There was nothing he would love more than to go to the refrigerator and get a bottle of cold water. If he wanted water, he would have to look for a stream and drink, hoping the sun didn’t take too much effect on it. He was homesick… but not broken. He really didn’t care about his problems anymore, they all happen so fast, and when he tries to prevent them, he ends up getting caught in more of them. They don’t stop. Does Arekkusu try too hard? No… maybe it was because he tried so little. Arekkusu remembered another player that was his level, that player signed up to participate in the boss fight while Arekkusu hid behind the safety of the safe zones. He could be there, fighting or at least trying to fight the boss. Instead when he I ready to fight that boss, the doors slammed, and he heard that some players were not going to make it. It was amazing how one thing could lead to another. If he went in, maybe he could’ve been a sacrifice to save someone else, at least then he wouldn’t have to worry about the game anymore, the mental torture, or even this headache.



“But what good would that do then?†Arekkusu mumbled out loud, no one was going to hear him anyways, and it was a lot more meaningful to him when he says those things out loud. He was just another low leveled player back then, now he was almost a high leveled player. Arekkusu noticed how the groups are often divided by levels. But Arekkusu doesn’t really hang out with the higher leveled players. Maybe it was because newer players are new people he could meet, and none of them could magically be a high leveled player. It was funny really, even when he was almost a high leveled player, he was being raised by the low players. They were his support in the game, maybe because regardless of his level, he was a young kid. And in the real world, these levels wouldn’t matter, Arekkusu would just be a kid. When someone looks at him with fear, he scoffed, they wouldn’t do that in the real world. But this game was designed to rank players by their level, literally showing players each other’s quality. Looks and personality don’t determine a person’s strength anymore, just a level. Classified by a number, that was all everyone in this game was to the game. A number. It made Arekkusu feel of less importance to the game anymore. Yet, he still wants to fight on the front lines. When the next floor boss arrives, Arekkusu will be joining, this time having no reason to run away.

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Arekkusu then heard a knock at the door. He slowly stood up, putting his palm on his forehead as he climbed down the bunk. He limped to the door and opened it, he seemed to have gotten some mail, then mailman. But why didn’t anyone Pm him for his attention. Wouldn’t it have been faster that way? Arekkusu looked at the letter, it was from ___... that was all it said. No return address or anything. An HUD appeared, asking Arekkusu if he wanted to open the letter, Arekkusu pressed his index finger on yes. Then Arekkusu pulled out the letter and started to read it out loud.


“Hello Arekkusu.†Arekkusu read out loud, as quietly as he could. “My name is Eril, and I have heard about your recent actions. I want to personally invite you to a half-loss duel by the tree. Don’t worry, I am not your ordinary fighter, in fact, I might be even better than you. Let’s sweeten the deal, if you beat me in a duel, I will give you my blade and possibly my Col as well. Hell, I’m willing to throw in a meal after if you would like. If you are interested, meet me by the borders of the Safe Zone at Noon.â€

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At the current moment, it was 10. If someone expected him to receive it two hours early with snail mail, their timing is beyond perfect. A player actually challenging him to a duel? That was something he can't pass down... But his head is giving him seconds thoughts. Arekkusu sat at the table and reviewed the letter to see if there was anything like fine print or poison, just in case. In the game, you can never be too careful. Arekkusu then reviewed the letter and checked the current circum lstances. His head hurt, badly, he has no control of his life, and he is trying to better himself by not engaging into fights. Then there is the fact that a fight has been offered to him, which technically, wasn't engaging in one, but... Accepting one. Arekkusu stood up and pushed his chair in, not planning to reply to snail mail. He packed up his items and walked out of the door. He was going to have a half-loss duel.

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The borders outside the safe zone and towards the tree stood on front of Arekkusu. Arekkusu walked out of the safe zone and put up his blade. He didn't want to deal with everything else that was blocking him from Eril... Whoever that person was. The wind blew softly, easing the headache a little bit, and the sun warm, which somewhat kept his headache from stopping. He didn't care about what sweetened the deal, but a new player to fight sounded fun. Well... Maybe more than fun. It was more is a stress reliever, fighting monsters can work after only so long. He just hopes he doesn't accidentally kill his opponent. Then again, they said they could be stronger than him? That is something he wanted to see, he liked the lower level players, but it has been a while since he talked to a higher level play, Kiru being an exception. What weapon would they use? What skills do they have? It was a mystery for Arekkusu, but he wanted to find out.

Arekkusu continued walking, it was only 11 when he made it to the tree. It was referred to as the tree since there really aren't many trees for the next few miles. Arekkusu leaned his back against the tree and lowered himself to sit down on the grass. Arekkusu smiled as he looked up at the sun, then he looked away, his eyes phasing for a little bit. How did he forget to not look at the sun? Even if it was some virtual sun, any sun shouldn't been looked at if it was as real as a player. Arekkusu then put his hands on his stomach and closed his eyes. Inner peace, it had been a while since he had some. Nothing to worry about, this was his moment for the next hour. Then Eril will arrive and that's when he will let all his stress go. But by being outside, it seems that stress was going away already.

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"Hey, hey!" A female voice called from above. Arekkusu opened his eyes, a little bit annoyed. He looked up to see a girl player looking down at Arekkusu, her weapon sheathed so no threat there. She looked a little bit annoyed at him as well. He wondered about her story. After a short tension filled silence, the player broke the silence by speaking. "What, are you just going to blow me off like that? It's 11 Arekkusu, I told you to meet me here by 11 and you decide to sleep?" Arekkusu tilted his head in confusion. She was the player that challenged him to a duel? No, she couldn't have been. Arekkusu looked through his inventory to get the letter out to prove that the person who sent it expected him at... 11? It read 11 on the paper, but Arekkusu was so sure it said noon. He could place money on it right now that he had only read noon. He looked up to the girl. Was she Eril?


"A question for you." Arekkusu said as he looked up at the player. He then stood up from the ground and brushed off the dirt. "Are you the one who gave me this letter? If so, tell me the name that the sender used as a nickname." Arekkusu was testing the girl, mainly because he doesn't see people his age anymore in the game, to trust them is a little bit difficult nowadays. Also, he had never seen this player in the game before, yet, her equipment is really advanced. She had a long black short-sleeved jacket on with a white shirt inside. She had a blue pair of boots with two yellow circles below them. She had now sword on her, and no place that was visible for her to keep a weapon. The player jumped down, a small blue fox at her side. A familiar, a veteran to the game it seems. The girls facial expression was calm, mainly because her eyes were half-closed.


"My name is Eril, or at leat that is what the paper says. I have many names." The girl said to Arekkusu as she took a step forward. She then grabbed his wrist slowly so Arekkusu wouldn't be alarmed, then place a poker card in his hand. An Ace of Spades? She then balled up Arekkusus fist, then forced it open again. The Ace card actually turned into three throwing knives. A magic trick? If she is Eril, she would be pretty difficult to fight. Arekkusu looked at Eril again, his mouth open in awe. "Pretty cool huh? Well I had to make a living and survive right? Are you convinced yet that I am not like any other player you have ever seen anymore?" Eril flicked her finger through her menu, then an HUD appeared on Arekkusus screen, inviting him to a half-loss duel. Arekkusu for once was little bit shaken up to take such a challenge. If she can do that, turn cards into weapons, how much destruction did she have to do in order to prove herself strong and stay hidden from other players. Arekkusu never saw this player once, that's how good she was at hiding. Maybe she just picks her fights perfectly... but to be a veteran, she would have to fight a lot to be as strong as she is now. For a girl his age, she was pretty strong. For once, Arekkusu thought that this was a hopeless fight. He hesitated, but he wanted something like this. A fight, and not just a fight, a good one as well. So Arekkusu clicked on the blue circle and the timer began to count down.

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About Eril (Fake Player)


Level: 27   Max Health: 62/62



-Project R.B: Rose Petal Dual Blade (Quality: Perfect): +1 Dmg, +1 Thorns, 1 Life Steal

-Project R.A: Rose Fire Thorn Armor (Quality: Perfect): +3 Dmg Mit

-Magnolia Arm Bracket Shields (Quality: Perfect): +3 Dmg Mit



Athletics:+1 Dmg, +5 Health

Sprints and Acrobatics: +1 Eva

Long-Sword Straight: +5 Dmg (Grandmaster)


Sneak and Hide Rank 3


+8 Dmg, +6 Dmg Mit, +1 Eva, +1 Thorns, +1 Life Steal

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When timer went down, Eril took no time to make a first move, materializing a sword in just a few seconds, she didn't even need to put it in her inventory. A secret storage, well that was convenient. Arekkusu was ready to dodge her attack, however, he had to admit that she was faster than he expected. Maybe that was because he isn't used to facing players that are his level or higher, once again with the exception of one. Arekkusu and Eril got into a sword lock before they went into a flurry of blades spinning everywhere. Arekkusu was trying so hard to keep up with Eril's speed, she was right, she wasn't like my of the players he ever saw in the game. Arekkusu had so much fun fighting her, even when he wasn't even landing a hit. Arekkusu then lost his blade as it was hit out of his hand. Arekkusu ran to get it, but he was stopped by a slice to the back, causing him to fall to the ground on his knees. No one ever did that much damage to him before, so this was something new for him to go through. Arekkusu stumbled and grabbed the blade from the ground so he could continue to fight.



ID: 6789  Bd: 4  Md: 9-3 Eva  (8+1-1= 8 Dmg)


Arekkusu: 52/60


Eril: 62/62

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Arekkusu looked at Eril again, this time he saw a clear opening to take a strike at her. If he can aim his shot just right, he would be able to do the devastating damage he would need to do to send her flying. Arekkusu got up to Eril and got into another sword lock with her. Arekkusu felt a little bit drained, taking a bit more damage from his own attack. "How!?" Arekkusu exclaimed as he pushed further. He finally got to Erik and sliced her with as much impact as possible, but... She didn't get launched back. How strong are her defenses!? However, she seemed shocked by the damaged she has received. "Whoa... That attack power was insane..." Eril said as she fixed her hair a little bit. Arekkusu struck her with 9 attack power, she shouldn't even be standing! But there she was, and Arekkusu took some damage in return. This wasn't good, Eril was by far one of his strongest opponents.

ID: 6954. Bd:7. MD:8-3eva



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Arekkusu kept trying to get to Eril, her defenses heavy for her heavy armor. What can't she do!? Probably run, she made sure she didn't need to run either, which made things much worse for Arekkusu. She had absolutely no flaws in her plans at all... And if she had hit Arekkusu and use Life steal, the three damage she takes would just about return to her. She made such a perfect strategy, he needs a strong player like this to help him. Eril, she is unlike any player he had ever seen. Arekkusu strategy was obvious and easy to mimick, Erils was unique and destructive, much more destruction shown in her plan than his. Also, if she hits him, he takes a huge amount of damage as well... But she doesn't need to! If her opponents hit her, they pay a much bigger price for doing so. Arekkusu clenched his teeth, how does he get around that? Well... With those stats, the accuracy must be pretty low, not even close to upgraded. Landing a hit on Arekkusu would be difficult... But again, she didnt need to. Her evasion would be pretty low as well, she can't be too hard to hit... But if she is hit, he takes damage greater to the damage he inflicts. Was there some way to get passed this beast!? Arekkusu had to find one, or lose the duel otherwise. Arekkusu jumped back when Eril sliced at him, then spun his blade backwards before slicing through Eril with a swift thrust through her armor. Arekkusu had her knocked back a little bit. So she can be broken, it just takes a little time. Arekkusu looked back to see that there was blood on Drops armor... That's why!? She can't block effect damage with her armor. She's going to take heavy damage that way. Eril placed her hand up and a green glow swarmed her body, she did have healing... Great.

Id:7133. Bd:8 Bleeding Triggered. MD:8-3 Eva


Eril:56/62 Bleeding: -3 for 2 turns

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Eril then looked at Arekkusu with a high amount of determination, mainly the fire in her eyes helped that look. Arekkusu stepped back, intimidated by a player for once in a long time. He raised his blade to threaten that he will attack back if an attack is attempted. Eril then ran, rather fast for her heavy equipment. Arekkusu blocked the attack with his blade held up high, he countered by spinning and slicing with a backhand. While he spun, he felt a sword pierce through his body and painfully. Then he was hit far out of range, causing the sword to exit in an even more painful way. Arekkusu rolled on the ground and coughed a little bit of blood when he stopped. "Are you ok?" Eril asked from afar. Did she just seriously ask her opponent, who she stabbed, if he was ok? She was the cause of the blood and the terrible knockback. He had never been struck so badly. Arekkusu looked to Eril to see she still had the life steal green glow. He then stood up weakly. He was about to lose the duel, there is just no denying it. Why should he even use a potion? Eril was way stronger than any MPE, any field boss, and almost any palyer he had ever seen.


ID:7146  Bd: 2+1 Acc  Md: 10 (10 Dmg)


Arekkusu: 36/60


Eril: 55/62 Bleed 1/2 turn left

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Arekkusu looked at Eril, she still stood up strongly, ready for more impact than Arekkusu could ever be ready for. He held his blade up, sure he had no chance of winning, but Eril would be disappointed if she had no opponent that actually would face her. Arekkusu ran to her again, she was ready for him too it seems. When both blades collided, sparks flew from them both, the pressure of the two opponents. They both want victory, that is how people should truly fight in a battle. Neither of them seems to be getting the upper hand this time. Could things be shifting?

ID:7170. Bd:4+1=5. Md: 7-3 Eva



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Neither of them were getting the upper hand in the struggle among the two, and no skills were being activated at the current moment either, which made his life a little bit more of a struggle than he expected. But Eril was clearly showing effort on her part as well, her facial expression not so confident anymore. Arekkusu released the blade and sliced to the side from Erils neck, but Eril ducked neatly under understands the blade, then Eril sliced upwards at Arekkusu from below. He saw the counter coming and spun his right leg to the left, causing his whole body to spin with it as well. What a bright player, she knows how to counter any move in any position she is in. Where did she learn her skills from? He had to find out soon, right after he finishes the duel. Arekkusu took the moment to use his Parry skill. This time, he didn't burst into flames, but he lifted his sword, and the sword glowed with yellow light. The light injected into Arekkusu, making him feel a little heavier, but a little more resilient as well. Arekkusu leapt at Eril again, but Eril took Arekkusus arm and swiped his blade quickly before he could even think. He was then pushed backwards away from Eril, leaving Arekkusu without an item. "Does this seem familiar?" Eril asked with kind taunt in her voice. And the funny thing was, it did.

ID: 7209. BD:1. MD:4



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Arekkusu snickered a little bit, which gave Eril a confused facial expression. He knew what to do in this sort of problem, like that sword was going to be a problem to receive, he had done it once, he is willing to do it again. Arekkusu quickly ran at Eril, who seemed to be ready to strike at Arekkusu. When he got to Eril, Eril striked to spin strike Arekkusu, and if he were caught, a devastating dual wield combo would've kicked into the equation. Arekkusu slid on the grass with both of his knees. Miaking sure not to lose his chance, he got up from below Erils arms and was on front of her, but behind her arms, and if she tried to risk herself by stabbing at Arekkusu, she would inflict heavy amounts of damage in herself, but Parry will save Arekkusu from the heavy damage. Or... It would, if he had his blade. The good thing though is that Eril is completely ignorant to that fact. Arekkusu gave her no options in attacking, but she tried to put distance between him and his blade by holding it behind her back. Arekkusu used her other arm and swiped the blade quickly. He through it in the direction where Arekkusus blade was, then let go. Eril ran for the blade, but Arekkusu snatched his back quickly and drop kicked her from behind, causing her to stumble as she picked up her blade. Arekkusu then raised his blade, activating Charge, causing his body to swarm with blue light instead of fire. When Eril picked up her blade clumsily, Arekkusu ran at her from behind and struck her with as much force behind the strike possible. This time, there was a knock back, a huge knock back as a matter a fact. Eril was bleeding, showing that the blood effect kicked in... Could it be possible for him to win the duel? Eril laid limp, it must've been a while since Eril took so much damage in a fight before. But she didn't shatter to pieces of data, and there was no duel winner motivation shown on an HUD either, so Eril had plenty of health left to fight with.

ID: 7210. BD: 10. MD:2

Arekkusu: 36/60

Eril: 45/62. Bleeding 2/2 turns. -3 health.

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