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To start I want to state that I do not agree that both light and heavy armor have the same statistics. If that is to remain the way it is, in my own opinion I think that for the sake of simplicity We simply merge both skills and call it armor.


However I do believe that I have found a way to separate the two classes and allow players to make a choice on their armor type that better benefits or suits there character and play style. I have spent the last week trying to figure out how to give players the ability to choose their own way a little better without changing the game too much as a whole, and I believe i have found a suitable idea.


I believe that people using heavy armor should not have access to evasion as a skill. Given that they are using an armor type that by definition limits movement in favor of protection, it seems that even in a game like this that wearing heavy armor (In some cases weighing as much as the character itself) a player would be unable to simply avoid an incoming attack. On that note why then would anyone choose Heavy when it gives one clear disadvantage? Well other than fitting in with a players RP style, it has no real benefit over light. This is where I suggest we implement a new effect. 


Crowd control.


I propose that players wearing heavy armor are immune to crowd control effects. What do I mean by that? Any attack that would push, pull or otherwise move a player from their current position.


How do we add these effects to the game? I propose that we use the already existing system, with one difference. If a player scores a 10 on their combat dice, they will automatically cause a knock back effect. If a boss lands a hit they will cause a knock back. (AOE is not applicable for this)


What should knock backs do? simple. If a player has landed such a critical hit, other than move someone, it should apply a -1 to the opponents damage on the next turn, for the sheer power of the strike. In the case of a boss they are usually of such size and power that this could be achieved easily. Its easily Rp'ed as "John doe was struck so hard by his opponent that he saw stars. He slid backwards a few feet and retaliated but was unable to put all of his strength behind it given his dazed state."


I propose that no skill or effect alters this in any way. You cannot improve your crowd control, it is just an automatic effect. Nor can it be negated aside from wearing heavy armor.


Players can then choose to use light armor and avoid attacks using evasion. Or wear heavy armor and take those hits and avoid the crowd control effects.


It really is a simple change that would allow for greater diversity, and strategy in player builds.


I hope that this can be taken into consideration :)


Thank you for your time.

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