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[PP-F6] Unlikely Partners Ascending Floor 7

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Zelrius walked through a small village. The villages in this Jungle will always built around trees and elevated. None were at ground level because of the ferocity of the monsters down below. They were always built on Large Wood circles that surrounded a tree and were connected by large bridges to other massive trees. The sun was almost never seen here, the place was lit up by hollow Cocoa bean cases with candles in them. Zelrius was already sick of this place. He had spent a little too much of his money paying for lanterns and Oil to light up his way from one village to the other.

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Zelrius looked at the girl asking him a question. It took him a second to get out of his thoughts to register what exactly it was she asked.

"Probably more then anyone else. I need the sun! But this place has the best prices since the least noobs can make it up here." Miles, following the mood, only stayed laying down with his head only slightly turned in the direction of the girl.

"I would go clear alone, Only problem being that I may be a tiny bit too weak to go alone, If I had someone my equal level or higher, I'd be good to go..." he said wishfully in his voice you could really hear the hope that the girl might meet those requirements.

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Zelrius was almost overjoyed at her level. Anyone with eyes and some light could see it on his face.

"I too, am Level 8 almost level 9, in fact, If we kill some enemies on the way to the tower, I am sure I'd level up! This is great, I cannot believe my luck running into someone with a level THAT close to mine. And yeah sure, we can go to the weapon shop, I need repairs anyways." He said, eager to hurry and get to the tower to get out of this god forsaken jungle and on to the next hell hole.

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Zelrius began unequiping his gear item by item until he was in his Under clothes, A Blue t-shirt and black pants, With this he handed all that gear to the blacksmith and then the blacksmith began the process of repairing the gear.

"I am Zelrius, and I see you use Rapiers, any particular reason?" He asked trying to make small talk with her and get on her friendly side so that teamwork would be a little easier while they were in the dungeon.

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Zelrius re acquired his gear from the Blacksmith then turned to Aria,

"Actually, it has already been found, By Info brokers of course, Along with a bit of the inside too for open loot and such along with safe-havens throughout where, if need be, we can set-up camp. Of course this information will cost, and I sure as hell ain't paying for all of it myself, We pay half and Half, Mkay?" He said, the words flowing out smoothly, naturally running along with his charisma that followed him every where he went.

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Zelrius accepted the money. Then stopped for a second to think of anymore provisions. Suddenly a rush of them came through.

"Not really, Just basic stuff. Teleport crystals. Food. Sleeping bag, Lanterns, Oil, Little Mundane things like that, Shouldn't cost too much..." He finished with a tone that suggested he was still thinking. Unsure what else would be needed he merely shrugged and walked on to the shops that sold these trivial things.

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Zelrius sighed, a little embarrassed to say what it was he was about to say.

"To be honest, I haven't even been IN the tower yet, Like I've hung around it and Camped and farmed exp from the local monsters, But I was always just a little bit too afraid to go in by myself in case there was something that could kill me." And with that all said he pushed open the final store, a Small food shop that served only one purpose: To sell provisions to those headed for the boss.

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To this question, Zelrius wasn't sure how to answer. If they pressed on, They might get lucky and run into some timed appearance chests that only popped out at night. But they would also risk the Fatigue affect. Zelrius shivered at the thought and decided against it, Last time he had fatigue, it was terrible.

"Let's set up camp, Get some rest, and get a start on it tommorrow." He said not worried about PKers

"There will also be no need to set up a watch Cycle, So far only 28 people have moved up this high, and I do not think many of them are strong enough to make this far AND attack us."

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"Great going Clarence, out in the 6th floor by yourself, there are only 28 players on this floor, why should I be up here. I'm going to get eaten by something terrible aren't I?" I mumble to myself as I walk through the forest, my daggers drawn. Out in the distance I see a red/orange flickering light of possibly a fire at a camp."Oh please be friendly people, please be friendly people!" I beg as I run toward it.

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Zelrius stood up to pop his back. Miles laid by the fire, not too close as it was already hot, but close enough to feel it's welcoming warmth. Zelrius kinda just paced back and forth near the camp, Hoping that he could come up with a plan good enough to defeat whatever was inside the Tower. Zelrius smiled at the thought of maybe finally accomplishing something without someone like Shark or Zauis around. If he could clear this floor, before them, It would be enough satisfaction.

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I run and get closer to the fire, seeing two people and.. a wolf familiar.Could this be Zelrius- no how could I run into him right now... I come really close but then a wolf growls and jumps at me, pushing me to the ground. It on top of my growling at me ready to bite me."Miles its me Clarence remember? Gem of Alderon?" I say, calming Miles down slightly.

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Garou swung through the trees on vines almost like Tarzan, flipping through the air like it was natural to him. Good thing I'm an acrobat, he thought. Unlike most of the small group of players that made it to the Seventh Floor, the chained boy enjoyed the dense jungle environment, even the tall canopy that hid the sun. While seeking his next destination, Garou spotted a clearing with a couple of people readying a camp. He swung onto a branch to watch from above.

Hmm... I think... they look familiar...?

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