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[PP-F6] Unlikely Partners Ascending Floor 7

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Zelrius looked over to notice Miles on top of someone and Light was ready to attack. Zelrius was a bit spooked at this, someone did actually come for them, He hated when he was wrong.

"MILES! Down boy!" he yelled not wanting Miles to hurt anyone just yet.

Then he recognized Clarence, His old friend. With that he ran over to help him up and greet himself and Welcome Clarence to Floor 6.

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I get up as I hear Zelrius's voice.Wow, what the luck, hope his friend doesn't kill me though >.> I think ot myself as I say hi to Zelrius and Light. A large cracking noise and a yell in pain and annoyance comes from behind me."I know that voice... Garou!" I yell and turn around, to see my friend laying on the ground.

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Zelrius was about to get up and greet another friend of his. He stopped himself and turned to Aria.

"We may have a problem..." He said quitely to her. Then turned to Garou and Clarence

"Do you guys have provisions? Food, Crystals, Sleeping Bags? Because if not, We certainly do not have enough for everybody. " Zelrius asked concerned that this party might be disbanded because of a little shortage.

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The Chained Werewolf kipped onto his feet in ease. He brushed some leaves off of his Victorian era suit and sighed, recognizing Aria from the Red Diamond Hunt. "My, you couldn't have done a less efficient move to drap out the eavesdropper..." He looked about to see Clarence and Zelrius. "Heed, gentlemen. I have some extra supplies. I thought I was going to need them, so I stocked up back on Floor 5." Garou's voice was calmer and more eloquent than before. It seemed his comfort in Aincrad was growing with time.

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I smile weakly and rub the back of my neck."Yeah I have some extra food and potions from my shop I brought just in case. Also about being a orange player. Me and Garou turned orange fighting a bandit Pker camp. Zelrius was there, same with Me, Garou, our friend Kieth and Kir- oh sorry that guy wasn't there never mind." I frown slightly and sit down by the fire some what sad.

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Zelrius cringed at remembering the scene it was in which he joined that fight.

"Aria, it's fine. They are orange partly because I attacked them. They are good though, I swear, Not to mention you are a higher level and could probably take em both yourself." He said just as confirmation to her. Moving on with things, He laid out an assortment of ingredients for cooking looking at Clarence and smiling

"Do your magic."

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OK we could make sandwiches, stew, steak,..... ummmm I got it! I think to myself and start cooking. Cutting the lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and other vegetables. I start peeling oranges and I bring out a secret ingredient from my bag."Dinner is a surprise okay? Zelrius is the only other person that has ever had part of this food, its the desert I made you during Gem of Alderon." I say to Zelrius as I cook some meat over the fire.

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Garou sat cross-legged on the ground in front of the fire and crossed his arms. He could see where Aria was coming from, seeing as he had questioned Rage and Zauis' allegiances as well. The boy yawned as Clarence asked for recommendations, and Garou simply shrugged. He then waited for Clarence to finish the desert in silence.

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Zelrius got all giddy when he heard Clarence's announcement. A smile popped on his face and he couldn't stop bouncing up and down. So far, that stuff was some of the best Player made food he had within the game. Of course you can always buy good pastries from the Inns and local shops, but player made items were always Different no one could exactly tell how, you could just know it. As the desert of making it went on Zelrius continued to move around, like a little kid.

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I look over at Zelrius and smile slightly."Jesus Zelrius if I didn't know any better I would think you were 7 years old. And we are not just having desert! Even though I make good desert, or so I have been told, we actually need a meal." I say, acting like a adult. I finishing cooking the meat and I take 4 of the dishes set out in front of me. I also prepare one bowl. I shrug at everyone's weird stare."We aren't the only people eating." I say and point at Miles, Miles is drooling slightly.

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I hand everyone else the ice cream. I then finishing cooking the actual meal and hand it to everyone."This is the closest you can come to making steak on Sword Art Online." I say, eating my food. I stand up."Oops forgot some drinks one sec." I say and bring out some Saragossa, a fruit only from Sword Art Online."Don't worry these taste great!" I start making the juice.

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Zelrius looked around the Dark jungle. Despite it's already being a near pitch black, one who has been here for a while could tell when It shifted from day to night. This being because there was a slight hint of gold within the Jungle at sunset. Zelrius walked around a bit inpatient to get moving. His excitement drained, but was almost instantly refilled when he was handed a Ice cream cone.

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Garou devoured his steak very slowly, savoring every bite. You never know which bite will be your last... he thought. Upon hearing Aria, the Chained Werewolf spoke once more. "I believe the wisest route is to first go full force, then pull back if anyone goes below half-health too fast. This dungeon may be easy, but then again it could be a potion-burner."

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