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[PP-F1] Just chill

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KAAABAMM!!! The Inn's door was excitedly pushed open with a young man with a look of curiosity. I had dark blue hair, black eyes and a tanned and slender body size. My age was really seventeen, but since I was bearing my eighteenth birthday I decided to say I was eighteen anyway. What harm would it do? I dusted off my attire that looked rather dull. The colors werent really matching and they made me stick out like a sore thumb. Even though I like being the center of attention. My outfit was a white collar shirt popped up with a blue, red, and gold long trench coat that hung to the back of my knees, or maybe when passed them. My pants were black of course, and my boots were so lengthy that they almost went above my own knee caps. Talk about unmanly, but I like to create new looks and get the crowds eyes on me. I stretched my arms out, yawning which led my mouth to open up bigger than it should. Sometimes I can be idiotic and do unnecessary things. "Ahhhh!! GOOD DAY AINCRAD." You'd think I would get some negative comments but surprisingly players were fond of hearing such positively comments. "Guess I'll head outta town for a bit....but first...." I mumbled to myself before bowing in front of a young woman. "Excuse me ma'am. Which way would lead me to a nice field with less spotted monsters?" After she gave me her long and dried out answer I gave her a polite smile. "Thank you." I calmly said while turning my back and walking outta town.

"I wonder what kinda idiot I'll run into today? Maybe I'll be able to deceive them into giving or helping me with stuff. Well honestly I just feel like relaxing. Maybe have a nice conversation with someone as exciting as me or even more. Though I doubt that'll ever happen. Damn....I talk to myself a lot. That's the power of loneliness. Dahaha!!" I tried laughing my comment off which did make me feel better.

Suddenly I made it to the empty field the lady was mentioning. The perfect green grass, a few trees with such fine and detsiled-ness within it. The only thing that ruined this sight was a player....a player killer to be exact. This could get ugly if I try to pickpocket him or something of the sort. I thought to myself while walking slightly near him and sitting on the firm ground. "Freaking sick view isn't it?" Those words slipped from my lips to the stranger.

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Why on earth was Asen even wandering around the First Floor one might ask? Well it's where the monsters there simply don't even bother with he toggles on his Hiding Skill making him seeming to be invisible to the monsters as he was simply walking past them. Asen wore his armor of course as he had his hood down though his cloth still masked the bottom half of his face revealing only his crimson red eyes and his silvery white hair. Plus who knows? He might be lucky enough to find a Mat somewhere around here.


His casually blank face turned into a questionable frown when he was asked by a strange player who simply stated a question on "Freaking sick view isn't it?" Asen didn't know what the player meant by that as he never really paid much attention to this floor's beauty except for the monsters and the quests. Regardless Asen shrugged his shoulders as he really wasn't here for sights. "If you say so." That was all Asen said as he kept his hands in his pockets while walking a slow pace now near the player.

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This guy....not only was he a red player, but when he turned my way I saw his unusual silvery white hair along with some freakishly crimson red eyes. And not only did those eyes call out to me, but they shouted for freedom from sadness. Even someone as nosey as me would know not to bring up whatever it was that had this young males heart in pieces. The stranger walked near me with a dull response to my excited comment. I shrugged and looked out to the beautiful sunset. "You're name? What is it pal? Actually I'll freaking tell you a little about my epic self. I mean just look at me. I'm godlike. Dahahah!" I made a stupid joke to cleanse the atmosphere of this unusual conversation. "All jokes aside, Shulkten, it's my real name but I go by Shulk. It's shorter and frankly sounds a lot better in my opinion. I'm just a guy that craves for as anything adventurous. It gets my blood pumping almost as much as doing bad--" I quickly cut myself because I was about to spill the beans that I love deceiving and stealing from others. I couldn't let him know I was a pickpockets.. or mainly just a crook. Exactly why Im known as "The Crooked Swordsman".

My dark blue hair slowly picked up in the wind. "So who exactly are you? And what is your goal of getting the hell outta here. I'm honestly relying on everyone else to get they're hands dirty so I have a free tickets out. Dahahaha Smart, huh?" I looked over at him with a goofy like expression. In my mind I was simply trying to figure him out. In short terms... I was worried about a total stranger.

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This guy talked a lot for someone who is near a player killer which is like signaling a red flag that he could easily slice the man in half without batting an eye really. Thankfully though Asen is the patient guy and to boot another good trait is that he doesn't kill for no legit reason. Though Asen here gazed at Shulk's excited face and his ears listened to the excitement in Shulk's tone. It makes Asen wonder if this guy was one of those people who just talks a lot or if this guy just doesn't get company very often. Seeing as this guy was still a green player one would think this guy would be in a group already. If not then either this guy just gets with the wrong people or does some other act that'll drive him out from the groups.


"I'm afraid I can't give that information to you, its just business. Nothing personal." Asen stated rather bluntly when Shulk asked for his name, it's not that he's worried that Shulk would attack him which would be rather asking for a death wish. It's also the fact that the mere mention of his name anywhere would only attract hunters that's after his head since the price is ridiculously large. "Plans?" He looked a bit confused as he just wanted to beat this game. Though he never really gave it much of a thought so he shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose wherever the wind carries me i'll go. If it takes me up to the 100th Floor and complete it then I won't have a problem with that. This game already has been one hell of a nightmare in more ways than one."

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Shulk wasn't an idiot, whoever this Asen guy was he was a strange apple from the tree. Like he's hit his head and some glitch happen so that he did nothing but gaze around. Or was this just some tough guy act that I wasn't too fond of. He gave me a gaze that shouted "shut up you talk too much". It made Shulk's facial expression change from his cheerful self to his second personality. It was were I stopped being goofy and cheerful and more so calm and collected. It didnt seem like a good idea to keep talking to this guy with a kid like or clown like personality. This Asen guy was too strange for his own good. Was he gazing at me trying to figure something out about me? Anyway...he finally opened his mouth and it was a blunt comment with one of those "Nothing personal" remarks after it. I stood there with a straight face and turned to look him in the eyes. His crimson red eyes and my moonlit black eyes, just giving each other a stare down.

"None of my business, huh? Why are you so afraid to tell me what's wrong. Well actually, don't even bother answering that. Either way you don't need to do much talking. I'll tell you something and make sure you open those big ears of yours. Whatever is happening in your life in sao, don't let that red cursor stray you too far from a path of light. The look in your eyes cry for help. I'm sure you have some people that want you dead with that red cursor. I'm only assuming man. I don't know much about your situation, but there should always be a solution. If you've run outta those...then i'll only say this once. You're as good as a dead man walking. Which i do not wish on anyone in this world....good or bad. Everyone deserves the life they have...AND NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT!! The lecture was finally over and Shulk's face had a serious and firm look. It was like I had turned into a different person that was like a leader of some sort. I've always been the type to get straight to the point of things unless it's meaningful like this situation.

I let out a cough and shrugged afterwards. Listening to the boy once again, but this time about his plans. Seemed like he was in trouble with a plan like this. "Tsk... tsk. I haven't seen what you've seen. It scares the hell outta me just imagining how much hell you've been through, but don't waste your life following the wind. Letting it drift you to your very own death...make that wind follow you, along with everyone in SAO. CHANGE! Become who you were before this game...otherwise it's hopeless to think you'll survive on your own. You do have a guild, right? They'll protect you. Ugh. I'm not fond of them but I'll eventually join one and be a frontliner. I wanna help the people." My long trench coat blew in the wind while the look in my eyes stayed firm and pure. I wasn't the time to lecture someone, but this guy needed it. He won't take my life if he understood the whole point of the lecture. I thought to myself before patting Asen's shoulder. "Don't bare the burden alone....it's too hard."

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A faint smile crept on Asen's face though it was hidden underneath the mask. It's not that he hasn't tried to change, for if he hasn't then he wouldn't have tried to join a guild in the first place. Instead he's pretty much just bidding time until he's called up once again. Though it's not really much of a guild anymore since there's really only three of them if one of them hadn't left yet. But even on that low amount they still managed to participate in Monthly bosses and Floor Bosses. Granted Asen hasn't done any Floor Bosses since he helped Shark and a few other people out on taking the Fourth Floor dragon down. After that was when Asen disappeared in the shadows and left the Knights of Christ to do what he thought he was best at.


"I'm well aware of that, as for my guild that is something I cannot discuss either other than i'm currently on break per say until I've been called on." He stated bluntly once more though his smile never faded despite how faint it was. "But... I suppose I should say thank you for the lecture anyways." That was probably the closest thing to the part that sounds human at least as Asen could ever show to Shulk. Still at least the man said thank you even though he does dismiss the fact on how the guy's personality changed.

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Maybe it was all in that big head of mine, but it felt like the atmosphere had lightened up by a lot. It was exactly what I wanted, when I seen this guys eyes it made me share some of his pain...which I'm glad I did. Even without knowing the situation I can get a grasp of the things he's been going through. Not only that, but his mask isn't only to keep people from noticing who he is, but it hides his shame for the wronging he's done in SAO. I could be way off but that's just my thoughts at least. This day was being interesting, but could it even get more? There's no telling what things you can get into tagging along with this cool guy. My face lightened up and a huge smirk appeared before Asen's very eyes.

"Dude, I totally understand why you can't discuss guild matters so don't even worry about it. Just glad your in one no matter if it's not as many players in it. Ah....being on a break doesn't sound to bad, but me, I'm always on break cause I haven't decided on joining a guild just yet. Even though I plan to...or I plan on making one. That's only if I can maintain the qualities a leader has. There's no jokes when it comes to lives on the battlefield. Players are giving it their all so I'd have to do my part to. Anyways... don't mention it. Sometimes lectures are necessary. I've had like a million....ugh."

I move my hair outta my eyes and walked forward a little and stretched my arms out. "So were are all the cuties at? Haven't seen many...even though I'm not too much of a catch myself. Dahaha. Enough fooling around though. Would you help me raise my level and show me how to battle? I haven't really done much....I'm pretty low at level myself." Sighing slightly, my head crooked to the side trying to look at a shape of a cloud. It was an unusual looking one.

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Asen raised his brow when Shulk asked where the cuties at. To be honest he would've suggested Mari but she would more likely just get annoyed by Shulk. So he simply kept his mouth shut on that subject. When Asen heard that Shulk asked him if Asen could help Shulk raise a few levels and get the hang on fighting Asen didn't see anything wrong with that. "I suppose I could spare some time, though I wouldn't suggest fighting players just yet if you're just starting out. Something like that thing over there would be more up in your level." Asen takes his hand out from his pocket to use a stinger of sorts that's being held like a pen almost at the boar not far from them accompanied by a pair of wolves. "What kind of weapon do you use?" 

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Once Shulk asked the questioned about all the babes, I noticed Asen went silent for a while kind of like he was avoiding the question. Must not think I'm up to par with getting a lady friend. Not that I care much. "Tsk." Only a grunt left my lips, but it felt reassuring that he decided on helping me out. He was friendly after all. But as soon as he pointed at the boar by wolves I shook my hands side to side. "I'll die trying to fight all of those at once. I'm level one you crazy nutcase. Anyway... the weapon I use is a basic long sword. It's not even long really so I don't understand the name or nor do I care. So I'm a one handed swordsman user without any knowledge on battling or battle tactics. I'm a quick learner though so don't worry." I clenched my trench coat and shrugged slightly before unsheathing my sword with a look of bloodthirsty. It may not look like it but I have always loved bad things which included fighting. Though I hide things well and hasn't fought in a very long time since ive been slowly changing.

"Well are you going to show me how it's done or should I challenge a monster and go all out. I don't like the sound of death but you gotta learn.... "

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"It's actually pretty easy, all you have to do is keep note of your surrroundings and use whatever you can to your advantage. I mean it would be kind of pointless if I was to just tell you I suppose. Here let me show you." Asen tucks his hand back in his pocket as he approached the boar and wolf who soon looks up at him approaching them. "Using the sword is easy as all you have to do is either stick them with the pointy end or hack and slash at them. However that's not where the Swordsmanship lies. Sure having a sword is a recommendation for being a swordsman, but it'll be like putting a cart before the horse and expect it to know what to do when it has no training or idea at all. The main goal in this game is to stay on your toes and do your best on not getting hit at least that's in my opinion. For example."


Asen doesn't draw his sword or the like as the boar goes to charge at Asen only to strike nothing but the air as Asen spins around it entirely. The boar tries to stop but with it's built up momentum it winds up toppling over its front legs and flips forward. With the boar lost its balance, the wolf snarls at Asen who still seemed way too calm as he knows their damage and how these things fight. Even if they did hit him thanks to his skill in armor they couldn't hurt him let alone hope to do just one point of damage. "As long as you stay on your toes you can evade and counter in many ways, at least that's how I view fighting in my eyes."


(ID: 10698)


MD: 3-2= 1(miss)

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