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«Monochromatic» The all encompassing grayness


» Username: Monochromatic

» Real name: Sam Gray

» Age: 16

» Gender: Male

» Height: 5'7

» About: Sam's upbringing was harder for him, as he had no father figure. At a young age his mother and father separated. Due to this he wasn't as social as you would expect someone of his age to be. He would usually stay inside and play video games, and this affected him greatly later on in life. As he got older he didn't really know how to act; he was always a kind of loner, still playing video games by himself. He had a natural kind of intelligence and with it came a natural arrogance. This, partnered with his lack of friends, usually got him bullied at school. This pushed him further towards video games; they were his only escape from the real world. Eventually his recluse and video game filled life led him to one important game - Sword Art Online.

Sam tends to be a kind person, but will mostly look out for himself. His moral compass typically falls in the middle, but if anything it leans towards good. Due to the bullying he tends to keep to himself, and is wary of relationships with others. He is generally anxious with people he isn't close to, but tries to assert his authority and gain power. Although nervous, he does want more friends, hoping that it will get him kick started on being popular, and no longer the lonely boy that he currently is. Sam is a person who thinks problems through, attempting to analyze and find out the easiest and safest solution.

» Virtues:

Planning. Sam likes to be strategic and figure out the smartest solution to any problem. He doesn't charge in, guns blazing, but instead will sit back and make sure that all is going to plan.

Perceptive. Sam pays close attention to his surroundings, taking it all in and does not miss out on many details. Additionally, this works with things such as other people's facial expressions.

Dexterous. Due to his many years of playing video games, Sam is rather dexterous. He has good hand-eye co-ordination and can use his hands extremely effectively.

» Flaws:

Vain. Although he is very nervous, he does think quite highly of himself. He thinks that he is far more intelligent than most and can outwit most or almost anyone. Even if proven to be lesser than someone else, he finds it hard to accept this.

Nerves. Sam's constant years of escapism in video games means that he didn't have many friends. As such, he gets very nervous around others. Although he is adept at hiding it, it will typically cause him to avoid contact with people. This is especially true with that of the opposite gender.

Weakness. For many years Sam was bullied and as such, when he is being threatened physically, he gets incredibly scared. Due to this he will not be on the front lines, but will instead stay back so he cannot be harmed.









Weapon skills :






» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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