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[PP-F2] Back-Bitter (???)

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Earlier Shinex was wandering Urbus. At the moment, he rests on the bench. He is currently lying down, which covers up the whole bench. Lately he's been overworking himself by fighting a lot of mobs. He's trying to level up. That is Shinex's biggest struggle. His guild mates easily surpassed him. Because of that, Shinex tries to train as much as he can at the higher floors. Now he rests. He rests until he gets back up and starts his training once again.

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??? did not know what he was doing in Urbus, but he had to know the reason. Maybe it was destiny that had brought him here, or fate, ??? thought destiny and fate were the same but he could not be sure. ??? walked on, searching for something. He could not be sure exactly what it was exactly, but...... It was dragging him through the huge community of players. Quite easily the second most populous city in Sword Art Online, second only to the Town of Beginnings on Floor one. Soon he saw a player lying on a bench. Why not? The player seemed to be taking up the whole bench. ??? wanting to hurry things up, slightly poked the man's cheek.


(OOC: Sorry for the short post, in a hurry!)

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Shinex currently had his mask on. He still felt the poke on his cheek. He was sleeping with his right forearm on his forehead. Surprisingly, he woke up from the poke. Shinex quickly sat up and looked at the man directly in the eye. That's an odd username. I'm probably gonna call him Unknown. Shinex then thought of something. The guy probably wanted to sit on the bench he was lying down in. Then again, there were a bunch of benches in the area. He decided to speak. "Hey buddy, you know there are a bunch of benches right? Perhaps there is something else you are after?" With that Shinex would continue to stare. He expected an answer that wouldn't come from a smartalec. Still, he doesn't know this guy. His username could be a glitch, or it was question marks in the beginning.

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Watching the  man almost immediately sit up and with the question he asked him, what would he say? He wouldn't be able to say, here I am to be your best friend! Come here, lets be buddies! No that would just be completely stupid, he needed a better idea. "I was looking for a partner to go into the mountains with me," he quickly blurted out, staring into the man's eyes, trying not to lose the players gaze. "I have never been in a party before, you see, excluding that time our guild explored floor 1, and just wanted to know.....if you..... you know, if you could............party maybe?"

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Shinex looked at the man confused. It's not everyday people come and ask him to tag along. Plus, Shinex is the type of guy who doesn't like the socialize. The thing is, he kinda needs to at a time like this. He has nothing else to do. And he's already overworking himself in training. Maybe this will cool him off. In the end Shinex decided. "I mean, I got nothing else to do so sure. Are you just training or getting materials? Ah it doesn't matter." Shinex got up. "Alright, I don't want to stay around too long. I'm pretty tired from a lot of stuff already."

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