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Hello, all! :) I've been stalking this site for a while, and I finally decided to join! I decided to join the ALO portion, and I already made a journal if you'd like to check it out! I'd love to meet anyone else who's active in ALO; perhaps we can RP sometime! Anyway, it is great to be here, and I am excited to get started.

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ALO doesn't have to be accepted, you can go right ahead and RP! As for GGO, Zero has been busy with other things I think because of his recent status updates.


I would join SAO if I were you. ALO and GGO aren't as developed or well run as SAO, plus SAO has more people to RP with and is basically the same as the others just a lot more focused on out of the whole website.

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ALO, is Sao with Ranged weapons & Magic and No staffs.

Sao is No Ranged weapons & Magic but staff members.


and there is also like a gazzillion more SAO players then Alo, but take your tiem to learn the site, we would love to Rp with you in the Sao part if you ever decied to go up there and make a char.

The Alo part is player runned so no thanks, 


And last welcome to the site hope you enjoy your time and stay, no need to stalk around the site we got plenty of people to do that already

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Thanks for the welcomes, guys! :) I'm gonna stick to ALO because I don't want to risk my character dying, haha. A few of my friends also joined ALO so we'll be able RP together at least! I'd love to see that part of the site be more active, but I understand the preference for SAO because it is more highly regulated.


I might make a new character for SAO later on though!

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One of Zin's buddies here, reporting for duty! XD (And to hijack your introduction thread with a hello-I-am-here instead of making my own thread, huhuhu.)

I rejoined after a long absence. I was only here for the beginnings of the site~ (it was fun, why did I stop RPing?! I DON'T REMEMBERRR)


Thanks for giving us all an excuse to do this Rene. U BRAVE SOUL.

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