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OP-F2] Rock Climbing [5 others join max.]

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Jacob sat at the bottom of the mountain range on floor two. This was not a very hard place at all. The highest monsters had about ten... eleven hitpoints. Jacob was now a little more mature than the little child who was dependent on friends. This was thanks to the fact he had been by himself four about two weeks alone in floors one through six. Jacob was dressed in  his usual attire. He has blue jeans and a black sweat shirt on. He was nearing seven fast. another week and it would be time. Jacob sat at the botton ready to climb the first stretch of the mountain. He had his sword, Shadow Stinger, strapped to his back. He got up and moved ready to move on to the challenge ahead of him. He was expecting a mini-boss at the top. The griever waited for him. He heard it was a huge golem that had about thirty to fifty hitpoints and when it was beaten it would split in to and make two golemites that had about ten hitpoints. Jacob was ready.

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After leaving the almost completely filled first floor, Glenn began to explore the immense woodlands that was Floor 2. Trudging through the dirt, step by step, he frowned upon viewing how lacking it was compared to the other floors. He had expected creatures of different nature, colorful trees and majestic views. If he wanted to see a dark forest densely packed with redwood trees and of such, he would have went 10 blocks from home. "Well, I've been walking for a while now, might as well keep going." After walking for what seemed hours, Glenn found himself approaching the bottom of a towering mountain range. "I did hear that there was mountains in this floor, but not like this." He then noticed what seemed to be a young boy, posed as if he was beginning to climb the enormous mountain. Glenn mumbled "What the heck?" to himself, as he slowed to a stop. He then became to think about whether or not he wanted to be involved with this child.

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The warrior marched through the thin woodlands in search of loot. He came across a few people that had told him that he could possibly find things if he just looked for them. That was his intended goal for the day. Much like his stay as of late, Date was still trying to gather as much information as possible. He wanted to know what materials could produce what items and based on his finds he would decide what profession he would enter.


[13154] LD: 18


As he rounded the wooded area, he caught a glimpse of player in the distance. He seemed to be on a rocky surface. As he neared the player, he soon realized that the boy was going to attempt to scale the mountain. He crashed through the forest, knocking brambles aside, and crushing the bushes beneath his feet. As he neared the player he yelled out, "Isn't that dangerous? What are you doing?" 


A glinting object caught his eye as he stumbled up the rocky ledge. Averting his gaze from the boy, Date squatted to pick the item up. He had obtained a <Mineral Ingot>. I wonder what this can be crafted into. I assume since it is an ingot it'd be better suited for a blacksmith. Returning his gaze to the boy he continued to follow him when he saw a familiar face. Is that Rusty?

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Jacob was about to climb up to the fist ledge when he heard a faint sound. First, it was something moving hitting the earth, the sound of rocks cruched across the almost stone ground. Then a faint mumble. Jacob turned around quickly to the sound pulling his blade out behind it. A boy stood staring in confusion at him. He studied the boy noticing he did not have his sword out. Jacob sheathed his weapon and quickly ran to the start of the mountain. He jumped his foot landing on a small ledge then he jumped up to the first flat part of the mounatin. The mountain was almost like a stairway, with just very big steps in height. If the boy would follow. Then maybe Jacob would talk to him and maybe become friends. He did have a green cursor after all. Jacob walked over to the ledge to see what the boy did next.

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"He's testing me, isn't he? I mean he saw me then continued going up." Glenn thought to himself. "Sure, I'll follow." he was about to yell out to the boy, when someone else did the job for him. He stepped back to see a shadowy figure get up from the bushed and yell out to the child, inquiring what he was doing. Backing up to a tree, Glenn prepared himself to take out his rapier as he couldn't figure out what the intentions of the shadowy figure. "Hey kid, stay right there, I'll come up once I find out who this is." He said to little boy as he approached the other player.

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The two players before him seemed to begin climbing the mountain. His outburst had however grabbed the attention of the one he thought to be as Rusty. They had briefly met a time before but he wasn't sure if it was the same person. As he gathered himself on the first ledge, he continued to move towards the two. That one doesn't seem to be more than a mere child. Why are they climbing this mountain? Is there treasure at the top? 

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Jacob watched from the ledge as the boy was about to follow then acted like he heard something. He turned to the right and seemed to watch for something. Jacob was curios himself. He jumped. He grabbed the ledge he put his foot on. He dropped to the ground. He moved silently over to where the boy was looking the other way. Jacob looked. He knew to people were there. They both yelled at him. He could not hear the words they said. too many echos from the mountain to hear clearly a shouting voice. He seen the origianl boy and then another. Jacob stood behind the one and the only person who could see his was the onee that had come out of the bush.

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"This is getting way too weird, first I see little kid about to climb a mountain and now there's a person coming out of those bushes" Glenn thought to himself.  He then noticed that the kid had stepped down and hid behind him. "Is he that scared that he would hide behind me, a stranger?" He wondered. Walking towards to the person in the bushes, he realized that this wasn't some stranger, it was a person he had met at an inn. Not sure if the person remembered who he was, he stepped to the side so that both the player and the child was in his views. "First of all, you should at least get up from the bush before you spoke." Glenn said to the player, who's name he also remembered was Date. Turning to the child, he spoke "Why were you about to climb this mountain?"

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Jacob watched as the boy he was behind began to talk. He said " First of all, you should at least get up before you spoke." Jacob silently agreed then the boy turned around first looked at the spot where Jacob was then he seen him and faced at him. The boy said to him "Why were you about to climb this mountain? Jacob rolled his eyes and replied, "I still am for one. For two, There is a sorta strong monster up there I wanna fight. Also, it would be fun to climb. Anyway, it is training for a solo player. Question is whay are you judging" Jacob was having fun. "Now how fast can you climb? Oh, the name is Jacob!"he said to the two. Jacob began to move to the mountain again.

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So it was Rusty. Date thought as the player came into full view. The young kid trailed behind him. Rusty addressed some points of concern. "Yeah I didn't think that bit through haha. How have ya been Rusty?" Date extended his hand tot he player as he approached. Then Rusty echoed the same question Date had asked earlier. The warrior looked towards the boy and awaited his answer.

I hope it's something good up there

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"You sure didn't." uttered Glenn with a stare so deep that it looked as if he was staring into people's souls, although that was how he always looked at others. " He was surprised at the fact that Date was so upbeat and friendly when the two of them barely that much to each other. "Why is being so friendly?" he thought. With quick swipe of the finger, Glenn had his rapier out and shoved it into its holster. Ignoring the request of how he is doing, Glenn started to climb them mountain, spitting out that the two players should hurry up if they wanted to reach the top before sundown. "I guess I'm doing this then." he grumbled.

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Jacob reached the first flat point before the other two did. He had used the standard way of jumping to get places. Also, wall running was good for this to. Jacob looked down from the ledge and watched the two players. Jacob looked at them and said "C'mon hurry up! Try running up the wall catching your feet on the rocks you would normally put your hands on!" Jacob ran up the wall catching his feet jumping from rock to rock until he reached the next flat point you could have a campsite on. He hoped the players would catch on fast. If not, they have not had much fun lately.

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Rusty gave him an icy glare before sheathing his rapier. Forgot how fun this guy was. The young boy began to clamor up the mountain once more. He ushered for he and Rusty to follow. Even going as far as to give them tips on the best way to climb up. Rusty responded first before following the boy. Date heaved a sigh and hefted himself on to the ledge. Guess this is better than searching for materials. Date trailed the other two as they climbed up.

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"I'd like to take my time climbing instead lying on the ground dead, thank you very much." Rusty mumbled as he climbed upwards and upwards. Looking back down he saw Date a few meters downward climbing up towards them. "Oh I thought you had left, you were really quiet." Sighing, he continued to grab each ledge higher and higher until he found himself on top the flat plateau.

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Jacob looked at down at the two other players. Jacob himself was about half up the mountain. Rusty was shortly behind. Jacob looked at Rusty and said, "I never did catch your name. What was it again?" Jacob tried to put his hand on a rock and it fell down. Jacob looked down to make sure he didnt hit them. They were friends now. Lets see if that mini boss can even live.

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The boy and Rusty continued their trek at a pretty decent pace. Date brought up the rear, but was no more than a couple meters behind. Rusty looked down and seemed to be surprised Date was following them. "Yeah not much of talker nor a noise maker if I don't have to be," he murmured as he continued the climb. The smaller one was about half way with the other not far behind. The boy shouted something to Rusty, but Date was a bit to far below to hear him clearly. Something about a name? I wonder who? Maybe- "Woah!" Date exclaimed as he avoided a falling rock. Looking up, he could trace its fall pattern back up to the kid who had knocked a piece of the ledge loose. "Falling rocks....fun..." Hope this doesn't become a recurring theme.

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"Um.. its Rusty. Cause that's my username." Rusty answered. He was growing tired of this climbing, stepping onto rock upon rock. This isn't something he enjoyed as he wasn't very capable of this. A few times during the climb, his footing slipped and he had to hold on for dear life before getting his footing back. He was relieved to find that he had reached the top, so relieved that he sat down and let out a small sigh before getting back up and requipping his rapier.

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Jacob watched as Rusty made it to the top. The other boy was right behind him. Jacob looked at Rusty and said, "I don't think you should sit down just yet. Remember what I said why I'm going up here?" Huge rocks began to move forming together making a colossal rock figure. Jacob grabbed his blade. Jacob notice the only thing that was not rock. The inside was weak probably. Jacob held his blade ready to fight.

Jacob 15/15

Rusty 9/9

Date 7/7

Rock Golem 30/30 1 base damage

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The top of the mountain quickly approached. The boy quickly clamored over the edge followed by Rusty and finally by Date. Rusty seemed to be relieved that they had finished the climb. Just as they seemed to relax, the sound of grinding rocks rang through the air. The youngest member of the trio pointed out that a <<Rock Golem>> had spawned. Grabbing the broadsword attached to his back, Date moved first.


Running towards the Mob, he brought his blade up before quickly bringing it down to his waist and going for a horizontal slash. The creature easily evaded the blow, and stepped back. How did I miss so easily? That was beyond embarrassing. I bet 100 Col Rusty will say something about that fail. To bad I have no Col to bet with...


[13366] BD: 1


Damage dealt (Rock Golem): (Miss = 0)


Hate: 0 Jacob 15/15
Hate: 0 Rusty 9/9
Hate: 0 Date 7/7


<<Rock Golem>> 30/30 1 Base Damage (-0) 

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Getting up to see what the young boy was referring to. He looked at the <<Rock Golem>> and curse out "Son of a-" before the curse was cut off by a huge stomp made the rocky giant. Date had already begun to take and had failed,  but Rusty was too worried about its health to care. If they miss at least 3 more attacks, somebody was going to be in danger of dying. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, as Rusty was already making progress to stop that. Instead of the usual dash & run tactic Rusty loved to use, he instead baited the Golem. As planned, the giant smashed down its right fist and Rusty side-stepped the attack, although for some reason it got stuck in the ground. This would give more time to attack the beast, so he ran up on the extended arm and stabbed at the eye before sliding right back down to Jacob and Date. "Keep attacking, don't stop to heal!


Jacob 15/15
Rusty 11/11

Date 7/7


<<Rock Golem>> 28/30



ID: 13368 BD: 6 MD: 1 

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