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[OP-F1] Information [COMPLETE]

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Date hadn't been in Aincrad very long but he already understood the importance of gathering information. He wanted to learn as much as he could about this place before trying his hand at combat. Knowledge is experience as well and with it he can he do more for himself than just blindly running into battle. 


He meandered around the Starting City looking for a hub or hangout. Somewhere, where he could gather information about the floors, the monsters that spawn and gear he could earn. As he crossed the central plaza he spotted an inn that seemed to be quite on the busy side. Strapping his sword to his back, he waltzed in and hoped he could make some new acquaintances as well as learn some things.

Edited by Date
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Glenn gazed outside the window of the inn, debating whether or not that he should get up and explore. He sighed, his breath making a foggy shadow on the glass and then stared upwards when he noticed what seemed to be another player entering the establishment. He mumbled to himself that he shouldn't stare and then continued observing the evaporating fog that his breath had left. At this time, Glenn didn't want to introduce or involved himself with anyone but himself and talking out loud or even looking at the player would bring said player to notice him, even though he knows staying silent will still make a bit out of place compared to the various other players and NPCs.

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I was skipping along the road like I usually do, trying to figure out the way pack to the inn that i was staying at tonight. I was humming a tune that I couldnt remember the name of, but it was a soft, welcoming melody. As I passed a few inns and shops I noticed a boy with dark hair gazing out the window of an inn. He had a lonly look in his eyes and there didn't seem to be anyone siting with him. He didn't look like the one to socialise either. Maybe he had a glum day. Normally I would go inside and sit with him but I really needed to head back to the inn I was staying at before it got too dark. So instead I waved, catching his attention and gave him a bright smile. Hopefully his night will get better, I thought as I went back to skipping along the road, but this time with a smile on my face.

(OOC: Just a tip, you should really use your SAO name when RPing, and not you real name-Amber/Aika)

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"Are you sure you can't just give me a small part of the meal", Axios tried to haggle with the NPC taverns keeper.

"No", the NPC replied again. The same way he always did. In the same monotone voice, even though many of the other NPCs had a bit more colorful personality. Axios, finally beginning to realize that persuading the NPC was not going to work, goes into the corner taking some bread and water out of his inventory. Right before he was going to eat the same food that has been getting him going since this death game has started, the door opened. A tall sword-user was entering, a bit eager to be in this place. Most of the players there, and maybe some of the NPCs, usually hung out around these taverns to forget what was happening.

While still looking at the sword-user, Axios took a bite out of his bread and a swig of the water. Has this guy already visited a tavern and drink a bit?

((Excuse me if I'm using the word taverns in a different way than most do. It's just that I was usually taught that taverns were a public living space. Also Date, you learned the one-handed straight sword but use a two-handed straight sword?))

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He had been thinking about it referring to himself as his username when what seemed to be a female player waving at him. "Is she waving at me? Why would she be doing that?" Rusty thought. The girl then smiled at what he assumed to be himself. Deciding that this was a sign to cheer up, he perked up a bit more than usual, although when he went to wave back, the girl has already disappeared past the side of the building. "Oh well.." he mumbled as he went back to observing the busy streets.


(OOC; I'll take the advice, I'm gonna write it as if he wants to forget his old identity. Its just feels a bit more natural with his real name, that's all.)

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The scene inside was rather typical for an inn. A few fifteen to twenty players huddled inside murmuring and drinking among each other. He caught a glimpse of one fellow sitting next to a window alone and another odd one that seemed to be arguing with an NPC. Why would you argue with an NPC, Their answers are predetermined more or less. Quarreling would get you nowhere. Shaking his head he decided he'd bug the one off by himself. Sure he may not want company but maybe he knows something of use.


Date walked towards the table and cleared his throat. "Mind if I sit here?"

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"Yes, so bug off." Rusty grumbled at the boy as he turned to face him. "If you're looking for company, I'm not it, so go look for someone else to bother." Then, he noticed what seemed to be another player bargaining with an NPC for what looked like food. "I found you a new friend to bother, so go annoy him, not me. " Rusty then looked back at what was happening outside the window, which was starting to look like a fight to him, although he wasn't going to get up and go stop it.

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"Tch." Snappy this one is. Wonder what he's all upset about. "Your mannerisms are rude, but if you wish to be left alone, so be it." Date nodded to the player and headed towards the noisier fellow. That guy rubbed me the wrong way already. His tone and attitude is just unbearable. Hmph. Date approached the player that had been arguing with the NPC earlier. "May I bother you for a chat? 

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"Ya, I don't mind", Axios replied to the player that came over from the table with the man staring out the window. "Lemme guess, he's the kind who doesn't like to have company. It's best to not bug him too much. I haven't seen a fight start in a while. Let alone in Starting City. Last time I remembered one was...", Axios trailed off. "Never mind that. What do you need? Just to let you know, I'm basically broke and have nothing to give you. So unless you want bread or water, I can't give much to you..." What does this guy want? Either he's looking for something or someone. He wouldn't have been going from him to me unless so... Either that or he just really wants to talk...

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"Nice. My name is Date (Dah-Tae) and yeah you nailed it right on the head. The guy had a nasty aura about him and wanted to be left alone." The young man trailed off regarding the topics of fights on this floor and made it known that he had no funds or items he could give. Date chuckled before answering. "Relax. I don't want your money or items. I just wanted to learn about the game. The guide you start with is helpful but the tricks of the trade and loot spots are omitted. What do you know about this floor? Any specialty items that can be found? Any special loot or Mobs?"

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Listening to what the boy said about him being rude just sorta ticked Rusty off in the wrong way and then of that, to listen to him agree with the other player about him being nasty just provoked him. "Why is that you people can just leave people alone? I'm sitting right here listening to you while you pretend as if I can't hear you and I'm sick and tired of people talking behind my back, so screw off!" Getting up, Rusty stormed out the door of the inn in an hurry, not wanting to have anything to do with those two snobs.

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"Not much... That I remember at least... What I know is that Starting City is in the epicenter of this floor and that there are vast plains surrounding it. The plains aren't very good for hiding and boars catch up to you easily so I haven't been able to make it far yet.", Axios started. "I've heard of some quests here and there for quite a bit of items and if you want specialty items, go ahead and buy some. Easiest way I can think of.

"Oh... And the wolves. I haven't seen them in person, and I don't want to in a while. Also, this floor is where a lot of PKers pass by. Not sure why, except possibly wanting to easily kill people...", Axios finished when he looked up. "I'm not an information broker. Best thing I can tell you is to find some strong people. The guy you just met might be one. You should go and ask him for help. I'll go with you." Axios started getting up after finishing up his jug of water and the loaf of bread. As soon as these two start talking, I could possibly get one of the two to get me some actual food... I hate my bread and water... That was when the man ran out. Axios, starting to realize that this was becoming a bit of a one-sided conversation after explaining everything that he remembered to Date, said, "Let's go after him... I'll be right behind you."

  • -1 bread
  • -1 water
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The outburst startled Date. After having listened to the guy speak, he was ready to try his luck again with the previous player, only to be yelled at and stormed out on. Echoing the player he had just met, he agreed they should chase after the guy. "Our words  weren't to pleasant to his ear huh? Then again with the way he was acting it'd only be natural." Date burst from the inn and looked both ways before spotting the player up ahead. "Lets go..er..um ...what is your name?

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Looking behind to see the two players following threw Rusty off as he didn't expect anyone to follow him. In order to get them off his trail, he ran faster and faster through the horde of players in Starter City. "They don't learn to leave others alone, do they? This is just friggin great!" He mumbled. He was still mumbling about how annoying some people are when he bumped into another player, knocking them to the floor. "What the?" Rusty dashed off in another direction, ignoring to help up the dazed players he knocked to the ground, deciding to hide in alleyway to escape the pursuing players.


(OOC: Anybody wants to be the player I knocked down go for it, I didn't mean to make it ambiguous.)

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I was sitting silently on on old bench in an alleyway after I decided I should probably sit down somewhere and think about how to get back to the inn I was staying at. It was obvious that it was going to be hard to get back tonight. Especially since there were so many people out and about already, crowding the streets. So I was a bit surprised when a player suddenly ran into the alleyway, panting and pressed his back against the left wall, watching the entrance intensely as if he was expecting someone else to follow him. I looked closer and relised that it was the player that I waved to earlier. Was he in trouble? Was somebody chasing him? I slowly stood up and walked behind him. "Are you alright?" I asked with a soft, but concerned tone.

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"My name is Axios Deminence... Nice to meet you", Axios replied when he looked forward and saw that the man they were after had knocked into another player. The worst part of it was that the man decided not to worry about the player and just ran off into a different alleyway. "I'm going to make sure that whoever he knocked down is alright. You can go ahead if you want", Axios told Date waiting for his response. This day just gets crazier, crazier, and even crazier...

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"Likewise," Date replied. They trailed the player for a bit and witnessed as he tossed a player to the ground. Axios offered to help the player up and told Date to finish the chase. Date nodded and kept tailing the guy. He lost sight of him as he ducked and weaved through the crowded plaza. Perplexed for a moment, he was surprised when he caught a glimpse of the brunette ducking down an alleyway. Gotch'ya Bolting down the sidewalk, he burst into the alleyway huffing and puffing. 


"Stop it right there man. We just wanted to apologize. Our words and actions were just as bad as how we made you out to be. On behalf of Axios, we apologize." Finally gaining his breath, he was surprised to notice there was another player with them in the alley. "Hey there miss. Hope our commotion didn't bother you to much. My apologies."

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Annoyed at the fact that everybody had been able to catch up to him, Rusty muttered "Should've used my skill points on Sneak & Hide. Mental note; have teleport crystals handy." Turning to the girl, he answered that he was running away from the players that had just arrived. Under normal circumstances, he would've ran at that very moment, but it was too obvious and he was too tired to run anymore. Turning back to the two players who seemed to chase him across half the city, he gave them an icy glare as he began to start talking. "I get it, you're sorry and all that, but did you really have to chase me? Hey, I left that place for a reason, but that reason wasn't to practice trying out for the Olympic track team." Sighing, he sat down on a seat nearby. Hopefully, he could find a store for books if there was one when this was over nearby.

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You could say that I was a little more than confused when another player burst through the opening of the ally, explaining that he was sorry to the other player. Why would he run half way across the city just to apoligise to someone that obliviously didn't want to talk to him, since he was running from him, and they both seemed like complete strangers to each other. As the dark haired player walked over and sat down of the seat that I was previously occupying, muttering to himself about teleportation crystals, I couldn't help but want to know what happened.

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The boy seemed to not care for the apology but accepted it nonetheless. He began to mutter something under his breath. Inaudible to Date, he ignored it. The girl in the alley had a perplexed look about her. Then Date suddenly remembered the other reason for tailing this guy half way across the city. He directed his next few words to the boy taking a seat. "So there's also another reason I chased you this far. You seem to be the only player that I've interacted with aside from Axios and I was wondering if you could help us gain some experience. I know it's a longshot considering our circumstances but you're one of the few higher leveled newbies still stalking this floor." Date exhaled and glanced at the girl once more. "You're more than welcome to help or tag along to miss." He stated as he flashed genuine smile.

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