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[SP-F1] Facing Death (Complete)

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"Well, I'm going to need more Col. I need to start stocking up on supplies if I want to survive and level up faster." Rusty mumbled as he walked toward the grassy fields. He had already equipped his rapier, so he was ready to fight at a moment's notice. Arriving at the edge of Starter City, Rusty took a deep breath. Smiling, he began to run into the fields, with a content smile that he let himself carry because he wasn't in the company of others.


This game was a blessing Rusty thought. For the first time in years, he could run to his full desire, able to participate in activities with others. In the real world he had to sit out during gym, watching all the kids play and frolic as he watched them with envy. In this world however, he faced death again. Death he hadn't seen since his father died. Death he hadn't seen since the dangerous surgery with a low chance of success that ended up saving his life. Everyone knew about death, but to Rusty, it wasn't until people were trapped in this game that the understood it fully. They never understood in the real world how it kills survivors, how it causes guilt and forces people to face their own mortality. He knew better than anybody about it in both understanding and how it works.


Not wanting to think about this anymore, Rusty approached a trio of boars grazing on grass. Ready to fight, he ran at the swine with a sword in his hand and cold frown on his face. This was the world he lived in now, where to survive, you had to face your mortality every single moment.

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Gripping his sword, Rusty got right down to business. This wasn't going to be that tough of a fight, although he was very cautious with approaching the boar. He had heard stories of low-leveled players who died to these pigs, although he wasn't that low-leveled now as he was before. "You don't mind if I kill you, right?" Rusty shouted at the boar before running at it. Grabbing his rapier, which he began to adore, he sliced at the boar two times in a row before jumping back to miss the incoming attack. The boar charged, but stepped on a spot of mud and tumbled down a slight hill. Rusty sighed before running down to continue fighting it.



Rusty: 18/18


Boar #1: 7/9


ID: 13877 BD: 6 MD: 1

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Running down the hill, Rusty attacked the boar as it struggled to get up. Kicking it with his foot, Rusty jabbed at the stomach of the boar in order to get an edge on the battle. Before he knew it though, the boar had gotten up and rammed him in the stomach, its tusks cutting into his stomach. "AHHHHHH!" Rusty yelled so loud that people in the grass fields and on the edge of Starter City could hear him.The boar threw him to the ground, Rusty reeling from the intense pain he felt from being stabbed. Getting up, fine health-wise but dizzy from pain, Rusty got ready to attack again.


Rusty: 15/18


Boar: 2/9

ID: 13878 BD: 10 MD: 10

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Although he gotten back up after the injury he received, Rusty wasn't any match for the wrath of the large pig. The boar snorted loudly before smacking him down to the ground and ramming his tusks to ground. A slight moan escaped from the boy as he looked at the sky with dull, lifeless eyes. Is this how I die? I don't want to die. I don't want to die! Rusty managed to get up from the ground and push away the boar, picking up his sword with fury in his eyes. Opening his eyes, he went in for the kill.


Rusty: 13/18


Boar: 2/9

ID: 13879 BD: 1 MD: 9

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Running at the boar, Rusty sliced at it with his rapier. This boar wasn't going to be the end of him and he wasn't going to let it.Years of being mistreated, being made fun of and being avoided was going into this kill. This boar represented the world kicking him around and Rusty was going to get his revenge. Stepping back, he saw that the boar was dead, in its wake was 45 col and 1 material. Rusty walked off in search of a weaker boar. "At least I got something."


Rusty: 14/18


Boar: 0/9 Dead (45 col and 1 mat)



ID: 13880 BD: 6 MD: 3 LD: 19

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Finding himself in front of another boar, Rusty took out his sword. This might be the last boar he fights if things go wrong, but he wasn't counting on that. Walking towards the boar, he ran at it shouting. Aiming to distract, Rusty miscalculated the boar's reaction. The pig instead of turning around to see the noise instead charged at him and knocking him to the ground. "Defin​itely the last boar I'm fighting." Rusty groaned.


Rusty: 12/18


Boar: 9/9


ID: 13882 BD: 3 MD: 9

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In order to gain an edge on the beast, Rusty had to maneuver around it. Although he was not that good at dodging, he was still barely able to miss the boar's latest attack. After jumping sideways to avoid a charge, Rusty let the boar have it by jabbing at the pig's side. Connecting with the tough hide, Rusty kicked the animal so that the rapier was pulled out before resuming a defensive pose.

Rusty: 12/18


Boar: 6/9


ID: 13909 BD: 9 MD: 5

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Rusty wanted to end the mighty pig at once, so he set his eyes on the kill. If he could get a critical, his victory would be assured as the boar would be left with two health only. Dashing at the swine with his sword in his right arm, Rusty swung at the beast's hide only to find himself falling onto the ground and rolling down the hill. His attempt failed, but so did the monster. Squealing as it tumbled down the same hill, Rusty sighed at the stupidity of it. Getting up, he dug into the dirt to strengthen his stance so that he wouldn't be knocked down easily. Locking his eyes on the now upright creature, he smirked as he ran towards it. Hopefully this time his attack would connect so that he could end the animal's life and possible gain loot. This seemed to be as his battle healing skill turned on and Rusty regained 1HP.


Rusty's HP: 13/18


Boar's HP: 6/9

ID: 14096 BD: 5 CD: 10 MD: 2

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After dashing towards the boar, Rusty somersaulted over the pig and landed on the other side of it. With determination in his eyes, he jabbed at the monster several times before retreating to avoid an attack. He had gotten his critical, although he still needed to finish it off with another one. The pig squealed as the pain from the stab sunk in. It was confused as to where the boy came from but nevertheless angry as hell. Rusty watched this with amusement as it finally spotted him after spinning around in circles looking for him. Smiling once more, Rusty dodged another of its onslaught as it charged him with hatred. "Too slow." Rusty mumbled as he did this. Once again, he readied himself for another attack. This time he hoped to end it once and for all.


Rusty's HP: 13/18


Boar's HP: 3/9

ID: 14097 BD: 9 CD: 4 MD: 5

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Swiping his sword, Rusty instantly knew that he had missed. He had stepped forward a bit too early and missed his attack. He crashed into the ground and his sword was thrown to the side. Groaning, Rusty turned his body to face the sky. Great! I missed again! I just want to kill this stupid thing! Getting up, Rusty picked his sword and gripped it firmly before looking at the boar. It had charged into the side of a hill and had just managed to get its tusk out. "You really are stupid, aren't you?" Rusty shouted. The boar turned around to see the player and snorted in anger. He had escaped its grasp again and this was the last time it was gonna let it happen. 


Rusty's HP13/18


Boar's HP3/9

ID: 14098 BD: 1 CD: 4 MD: 5

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Rusty charged at the boar, with the intent to kill on his mind. Grabbing his sword with the hands, he began powering up as usual. He was going to finally kill this thing and get his loot too. The boar on the other hand saw this as a challenge. Rearing its giant tusks downwards, it hopped to the side, letting the player hit the hill that it had previously gotten stuck in. Rusty groaned from the pain and turned around, furious at missing his attack yet again. This would be shortly-lived as the animal punctured him with its massive tusks. "AAHHHH!" Rusty yelled from the pain of the attack as he was thrown backwards from the attack. Falling on the ground, Rusty opened his eyes to look at the blue sky. He was shivering as if the temperature was freezing. He tried getting himself off the ground, but collapsed yet again. Grabbing his sword in case the swine reared its ugly head again, Rusty was able to sit so that he could see the monster. "You're about to enter a world of pain!" he sneered at the beast.


Rusty's HP12/18


Boar's HP3/9

ID: 14099 BD: 5 CD: 3 MD: 6

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Rusty was unable to defend himself as the boar came running towards him. The animal trampled him while he was still on the ground before continuing in the same direction. The pain was almost unbearable as Rusty couldn't even bring himself to yell. The swine left deep red hoof shaped wounds into his skin when he got up to look. Rusty wasn't thinking about anything else but killing the animal. "I'M GOING TO CUT YOU UP AND THEN MAKE YOU CHOKE ON YOUR OWN INTESTINES, YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" he yelled as he slowly got up. Rusty had hit is breaking point and this wasn't good for both him and the animal. Holding the handle of his rapier, Rusty dashed at beast with an anger in his eyes that neither him or anyone had seen before.


Rusty's HP11/18


Boar's HP3/9

ID: 14101 BD: 3 CD: 1 MD: 7

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Dashing at the spot where the boar was, Rusty swiped furiously again and again. "THIS IS FOR EVERY SINGLE TIME I'VE BEEN IGNORED, EVERYTIME I'VE BEEN CALLED WEIRD AND CRAZY AND FOR MY DAD DIEING YOU IDIOT!" Looking at the ground, he found that the boar wasn't even there anymore and what was left of his attacks was a dozen deep holes in the grass. He had missed once again. The boar on the other hand was in a secluded spot, trying to get away from the anger of the player. Maybe it had gone too far in its last attack, although it couldn't know for sure. Rusty got up with his rapier in hand, still shivering, but with a crazed look in his eyes. He had finally snapped from the world's abuse of him over the years and he was gonna have revenge.. "I HATE YOU!" Rusty yelled.


Rusty's HP11/18


Boar's HP3/9

ID: 14102 BD: 5 CD: 2 MD: 5

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Angry as hell at the swine who had trampled him, Rusty charged at the beast, barely touching the groun beneath his nimble feet. He charged his weapon to the max before finding himself being impaled in the back and thrown forward into a hill. He had messed up again, this time he didn't even had the chance to hit the animal at all. Ignoring his pain, he pushed himself to get up and keep fighting. The boar was going to have it. He really was going to. 


Rusty's HP10/18


Boar's HP3/9

ID: 14405 BD: 1  CD: 2 LD: 18 MD: 8

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Rusty was sick and tired of this boar and he was going to put an end to it right away. With his sword in hand, Rusty dashed at the creature with the intent to kill. Leaping at it with his hair flowing backwards, he sliced at its head. He had gotten a critical and the blast made the small animal explode into millions of tiny crystals. In its wake was 45 col on the ground. Rusty crouched down and picked it up. Standing back up, he looked at the sun as it began to set.. Maybe he should fight another boar, he could possible get more loot. Heading out, he looked over yonder to find another boar grazing. "Brace yourself." Rusty mumbled.


Rusty's HP11/18


Boar's HP: 0/9 Dead (+1 Mat & 45 Col)

ID: 14612 BD: 10 CD: 11 LD: 12 MD: 5

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Rusty decided to instead try finding material in a non-combat way. He didn't need to fight a mob to gain anything, and if he wanted something, he should get it in a non-risky way. Looking around, Rusty searched for a place tobegin doing this. Finally, after searching for a few minutes, he found a large path of exposed stone ready to be mined. He walked over to it and began to start breaking it with with rapier. Unfortunately, he failed at this and the stone was broken with no material to be found at all. It didn't matter though, he could still try again.


ID: 14822 LD: 10 - Failure

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Rusty continued to mine at the ground. It was hard work, but it was infinitely better than fighting a boar and facing his posdible death. Although, it would be nice if he had a better tool to us besides his own weapon. It didn't matter though if he used a rapier or pickaxe, it was all down to whether he was lucky or not enough to actually find a piece of iron ore. Finally, he broke down into the dirt and found himself with no luck as he couldn't even find a piece of metal. "D​amn it!"


ID: 14824 LD: 5 - Failure

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It was getting late and the sun was setting on Aincrad. Rusty hurried up his little excavation mission and started to dig faster. After a lot of digging and excavating, he was finslly able to find a piece of iron ore and dig it out so that he could collect it. All he needed was a few more pieces and he would be able to finish up today's material gathering. Rusty got up from the now used area of stone and headed over to another one. This would be over soon.


ID: 14829 LD: 16 - Success (+1 Material)

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Rusty continued to dig more and more before hitting a piece of rock harder than the others. He had  found another piece of iron ore, and it was a chunk of it, unlike the one had found earlier. He smirked at his success and this gave him the energy to keep searching for more, hopefully before nightfall. If he was going to make the weapons in his shop that were requested, he was going to need to find as much material as possible and this meant continuing to search as vigorously as possible. What bothered Rusty somewhat was how he snapped at the boar earlier. That wasn't like him at all and all that anger scared him a bit. He stopped this thought and decided to focus on the task at hand.


ID: 14832 LD: 15 - Success (+1 Material)

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In the end, a streak of receiving materials weren't going to be. Rusty had not found any other types of metals and it seemed to be that this little mine wasn't going to yield any more pieces of iron. Rusty decided that he was going try at another patch of stone and possible get better results over there before ending today's material search at that. 

ID: 14833 LD: 3 - Failure

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