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SP-FL 1: Practice in the field. (Complete)

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Claire let out a sigh, looking up at the night sky, despite it being fake it was quiet beautiful. All the twinkling stars and the great big crescent moon aloft high above the world. It was almost peaceful, but she had a task this night. She needed to get better equipment so she could follow her new friend to higher floor levels. But this was a secret mission, She wanted to surprise him with her new gear and skills, perhaps even get better than him? That was a pipe dream, but worth a shot!


"I will slay 5 boars by myself! Cette je le jure!" She spoke out, heading to the gate while most of the world was still dreaming. The green fields looked peaceful at night, nothing around for miles, with the moon illuminating the world with its light. She started to run across the field, almost like a child, still being happy to have her legs once more. Doing so caused a boar to spawn, thought it didn't look as scary as the ones she was fighting with her friends.


She grinned as she waved her blade and dashed at it, preparing to carve it up. She felt her blade dig into its body, and watched as it came out the other side form her dash. The boar's hp dropped to one, and she grinned, taking her eyes of the fight and getting slammed in the stomach by the now very angry boar.


ID: 17585

BD: 9 (Crit +1) 3 Damage

MD:9 (Crit +1) 2 Damage



Claire 9/11

Boar 3/6

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Unhappy with the beast not being dead in one hit, Claire took a second swing, hopping to finish it off in as few of attacks as possible to fulfill a personal goal. Her attack missed unfortunately, and the boar was then able to sneak in a second attack on her. Pain reached through her body and a brief thought went through her mind; was she going to die to this? No, she refused to die to such a simple enemy!





BD: 4 (Miss)

MD 7 (Hit 1 Damage)



Claire 8/11

Boar 3/6

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She then launched herself forwards again, seething with rage and refusing to lose to such a simple creature! Her curved sword wove a crescent arc- And it impacted across the beasts face. This only angered it more as it slamed forwards, attempting to gore her thoroughly with its tusk. After jumping back from the attack she hunched herself to prepare for another strike.





ID: 17591

BD: 8 2 Damage

MD: 8 1 Damage



Claire 7/11

Boar 1/6

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While waiting to attack the boar struck out first, Catching her off guard, Slamming her in the shins. "That really hurt, Perish cochon!" Slamming her blade down at the boar that nailed her, carving right through it's body for bonus damahe, watching as it shattered to bits! She saw a victory menu as well as loot, noticing she had gotten something rare! "Qu'est-ce que c'est? What could this be?" She asked nobody in paticular, clicking on it. and waiting for the results to show. Clicking on it further she saw that it was a bonus Material; she smiled, it was just what she needed!




BD 10 (Crit + 2) 4 Damage

MD: 9 (Crit +1) 2 Damage

LD: 20 (6x5= 30 Cor, +2 Mats)



Claire 5/11

Boar Dead

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Having gone through such a hard slog she decided it would be best to eat some bread until fully healed, spending a long time looking at the stars while munching. After her meal was done and her health was recovered she stood up and equipped one of her new items- she didn't want it to get dirty so she had saved it until tomorrow, but survival was more important in her eyes. With her new dress-armor she fel much more fluid and limber and she struck out into the field, noticing that she had also leveled up~ "Magnifique, just what I needed!" She spoke to herself in her thick accent, walking back into the field ready to keep training; one down, four to go.On her way to the field she looked for herbs or ore viens to try and aquire soem sort of bonus profit while out here.


And she was successful, finding a large bush of very valuable herbs that would go well if sold to the right alchemist, she quickly stored them in her inventory.



LD:19 (Gained 1 Mat)

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After her break she ran out into the field, causing another boar to spawn right behind her, spinning and drawing her blade she slashed at it, attempting to slay it as fast as possible. Unfortunately she missed, which caused the boar to run forwards at her. She easily leapt over it in a single move, easily avoiding it. "This armor really does help! So wondrous!" She chuckled to herself and prepared to attack again.


ID: 17601

BD: 4 (Miss)

MD: 5-2=3 (Miss)



Claire 13/13

Boar 7/7

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The boar then struck at her first, trying to mow her down with a charging squeal, Slamming right into her body with massive force, knocking her off her feet and out of air. She clutched her stomach before taking a pot shot at it going by, feeling her blade make deep contact with the pig as it continued past her. That fight ended about even, much to her disdain.



BD: 9 (Crit +1) 3 Damage

MD:10 (Crit +2) 3 Damage



Claire 10/13

Boar 4/7

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Taking the initiative this time she slashed at the boar just as it's charging at her, causing then to fly by each other after their attacks. She quickly checked their hp values, seeing that both of them had missed! With a growl she made a second attempt at the boar, trying to hit it this time. They both made contact, but the boar had made only a graze, where as Claire's slash hit the boar right in the face, cleaving it in half with a red line, watching it shatter into bits. She saw she only got a Mat from the mob and let out a groan, felt like that entire fight was a waste.




BD: 1 (Critical Miss)

MD: 3-2=1 Miss



BD: 10 (Critical +2) 4 Hp

MD: 8-2=6 (Hit) 1 Hp

LD: 6 (Nothing)



Claire 9/13

Boar Dead

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Brushing off her dress she kept her weapon drawn, seeing her health see decided it wasn't needed to take a rest, so she pressed on, watching another boar spawn,this one looking much meaner. She charged forwrads, bringign her talwar down at it's head, But the blade missed by a long shot. The boar also tried to attack her, but she side stepped the attack, ending up right behind it.



ID: 17613

BD: 4 (Miss)

MD: 2-2=0 (Miss)



Claire 9/13

Boar 8/8

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With a grunt she tristed in place, spinning her attack up before letting it launch outwards at the pig, which missed yet again. This boar was prooving more agile than the last two. It counter attacked, and while she tried her best to backflip away it still nicked her, doing some damage. She prepaired for the next attack with clenched fist, she would slay this thing, she wouldn't die to it!




MD:8-2=6 (Hit) 1 Damage



Claire 8/13

Boar 8/8

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She waited for the boars next attack, standing her ground until it charged her, planning to dodge it and slash the boar in one go. After a moment, the thing started to run forwards right at her, and she couldn't side step it! Sticking her sword out to meat him she felt herself knocked aside by the beast, dealing damage to it at the cost of taking more herself! Crap it it kept going this way she really would die!




BD: 7 (Hit) 2 Damage

MD: 9 (Critical +1) 2 Damage



Claire 6/13

Boar 6/8

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It was starting to get down to the wire, so Claire took the next hit, dashing right at the beast in a rage, desprate to kill the thing before her health dropped any farther! Her blade raked across the boar, which displeased it causing it to counter attack. To which she was beign too careless to dodge effectively! Crying out in pain she got back into battle stance, a small pant as her health dropping so low started to make her panic.





ID: 17616

BD: 8 (Hit) 2 Damage

MD: 8-2=6 (Hit) 1 Damage




Claire 5/13

Boar 4/8

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She played more defesively once more however she didn't wait, but attacked it at the first opening she had. The boar squeeled as the blade curved through it once more, and atempted to gore her again, but she lept back before the attack hit. Good, there was no trade off, just one more hit like that and she'd win, and could take a break to heal! Just one more good hit....



ID: 17617

BD: 6 (Hit) 2 Damage

MD: 5-2=3 (Miss)



Claire 5/13

Boar 2/8

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She quickly stepped forwards to take that last hit, blade making a full arc through the sky in a cresent motion, atempting to cleave the boar in twine. And the blade found it's purchase! Cutting into the beast she watched as it exploded before gettign a chance to attack back; getting a loot list showing that she also got col from her effort. "And break time again. So two is as far as you can take me, no?" She said, looking to her starter weapon, she hoped her comishion for a new one at that quiet little forge that seemed to be all the buzz was going well.



ID: 17618

BD: 9 (Crit +1) 3 Damage

MD: 4-2=2 (Miss)

LD: 13 (8x5= 40 Col added)

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After a breif break she jumped back into the fray, spawning another boar by walking past a bush. With zero hesitation she dashed forwards and atepted to cut it down before it could do much damage! Her blade missed, and she quickly pinwheeled awayy standing 10 feet away from the beast after they had both missed their chance to do damage. "You'll be number four~"




ID 17630

BD 5 (Miss)

MD 6-2=4 (Miss)



Claire 13/13

Boar 7/7

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Re-engaging with the boar her blade curved through the very air, and right past the boar! The boar took the time to smack her in the hips, knocking her off balance and doing minor damage. "Get on my dinner plate!" she yelled at it, getting ready to swing again as the boar skittered off a ways over a large rock.



ID 17632

BD 1(Crit Miss)

MD 8-2=6 (Hit) 1 Damage




Claire 12/13

Boar 7/7

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Dashing after it she leap from the rock at the oversized pig, blade crashing down upon it's back wounding it. It tumbled back, and sliced her arm with it's tusk enraged. It wasn't going anywhere htis time, and did a hoof stomp at her to prepair for it's next attack!



ID 17633

BD: 6 (Hit) 2 Damage

MD: 8-2=6 (Hit) 1 Damage




Claire 11/13

Boar 5/7

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The boar charged at her, frothing at the mouth with anger at the human that had ingured it, Trying to gore her for all it had. But it passed right by as she did a spin in place, dodging ti while cutting it's sit with her blade in one fell movement. After the pig had stoped and turned around Claire taunted it with her other hand, telling it to come at her again.



ID 17634

BD 7 (Hit)  Damage 2

MD 4-2=2 (Miss)



Claire 11/13

Boar 3/7

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Another charge, another spinning slash to the back of the body with the boar missing as it ran by, still goreing air. The boar was on it's last leg and it turned to limp away, but claire was having none of that and ran after it, jumping off a fallen log and hanging in mid air with blade raised high and ready to strike. She landed a bit off and right infront of it however, before turnign around and readying to finish the weakened beast!



ID: 17635

BD: 8 (Hit) 2 Damage

MD: 7-2=5 (Miss)




Claire 11/13

Boar 1/7

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Her blade came down, slicing through the head of the boar, where goar and blood would have came out only red lines remained. Even those only lasted for a bit, as the monster promtly exploded into shards from it's death. It never even got a chance to attack back at her. she quickly exepted the loot before narrowly dodgeing a new boar that ran out of the bushes, huffing and ready to avange his comrade!







BD 9 (Crit +1) 3 Damage

MD 5-2=3 (Miss)

LD 1




Claire 11/13

Boar A Dead

Boar B 10/10

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