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[SP F1] Prelude to Destruction (Complete)

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Ahti stepped out onto the wide fields of floor one, happy to breath the fresh air. "What a wonderful day! Good breeze, great air, not a cloud in sight!" She stretched and walked out onto the field; before having watched somebody die to a boar. That's right, this is the death game. She looked at the player carefully as he broke. Even to a level 1 monster players where helpless at her level, their gear simply was not good enough- and players could only succeed by getting lucky. Or by having better gear; the stuff they started out with was barely good enough to beat the first monsters by themselves.


So she decided she was gonna hunt for materials to trade in to the local blacksmith for arms and armament before fighting things; as much as she hated to wait brawling, death was not an option! She wandered out into the field, avoiding the spawn zones for today and looked for herbs, or rocks, or even sheep she could extract materials from.

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She wandered out for a long while, until she finally found a herb spot; she quickly ran up to harvest it before one of the other players tried to do so. Reaching it she started to use the gathering action, hoping it didn't fail! Working fast she picked the plant and watched as it added into her inventory. Good, that was one piece of marital down; a bunch more and she could trade it in for some good stuff. She moved onwards, enjoying the nice breeze.




ID: 17890

LD: 15 (Success)

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Moving on to the next spot she reached a large bolder, a ore location if she knew one! She looked all around it, before finding a crack in the large stone, tapping it and watching the gathering pinwheel spin as it decided if she got some ore or not. She smiled as a item called Carbalite Ore was added into her inventory, and walked off, scanning the distance for the next one.




ID 17891

LD 16 (Success)

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The crunch of grass under her shoes was relaxing as she walked over to a sheep pin fence, seeing a rather large one near the fence line. Going up to it she pet it a few times, before tapping it on the head, attempting to harvest it before it wandered off. Another successful gathering, it made three so far. She was roughly half way to her goal. A few more walk through and she was going to trade this all in for a reliable set of gear.




ID 17893

LD 19

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With three successes in a row she wandered off towards the original spot where she found the herbs, seeing that the bush had popped back into being for now. Weather or not she would get to it in time and get a successful gathering was another story. Unfortunately before she could get another step closer to it another higher level player stepped up and snatched it away. A sad fact but she'd have another chance to farm it again later on.





ID 17895

LD 4 (Failure)

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She head into the forest this time, being extra careful not to go too deep into the danger zone, as she looked for a certain flower, hearing that it was a extra special material. This gathering took especially long, spending almost an hour looking for it in the light underbrush. But she had failed once again, a shame but part of the cold reality, not everything was gonna go perfectly, and her first three successes where easily chalked up to the fact that beginners might have a bit higher luck stat than other people, as she saw her level had increased to 2.




ID 17898

LD 12 (Failure)

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After a short break she decided to head back to the large rock, to see if the ore inside had respawned yet or not. Tapping on the crack once more she tapped her foot as she waited to see if it would yield it's valuable contents or if it would stubbornly withhold them. Unfortunately nothing was to be gained, and she let her head hang low in shame. Letting out a light sigh she wandered away, maybe there really was a beginners luck system, and she wasted it farming instead of fighting a high level boss?




ID 17901

LD 11

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She wandered back over to the sheep pin; there where 3 sheep right next to each other!!! Taking a quick, and shady, look around her she saw no players where here to steal this beautiful bounty of wool! She hopped the fence and started to click on the sheep with joy. The first and the third where busts, but the second gave a big heap of wool; and it was all hers. "Yosh! That's four, a few more and I'll be good! This was my best idea yet!"



ID 17902

LD 6


ID 17903

LD 15


ID 17904

LD 5

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Unfortunately finding those three sheep in a row must have put the system on reset, and she couldn't find any more gathering spots for quiet some time. Having spent a good 3 hours on just gathering she decided it was time for a more sizable break. Sitting down under the barn of the sheep pin she pulled out one of the waters and drank it dry, being in the heat all day was just as tiring as fighting off the spirits of purgatory back in the multidimensional rift two years ago!

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Receiving a Message and some stuff from a fellow player she smiled as she no longer needed to be out here gathering mats. Did that mean she wasn't going to keep gathering mats? Pfht, no! She adventured further out, finding that same bush again. Repetition was boring, but gear to slay said boars would not be. She failed to get the herbs necessary and the bush despawned. Better luck next time~



ID 17922

LD 11

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She was originally going to the boulder but she found something odd about it. The Crack, it had gotten larger, like somebody had mined a hole into the large rock. She peaked inside and saw a wondrous thing, gems! Gems as far as the rock could see! Had the boulder have been a geode this whole time without her knowing so? She took a couple attempt to gather the multicolored stones off the inside of the tiny cave. The first time she tired the rocks crumbled, they where extremely fragile! Working more delicately for the third she managed to pry off a deep blue one, before the rock-face collapsed, the mining spot becoming off limits.



ID: 18025

LD: 2


ID 18027

LD: 19

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She moved along, looking or more items to collect; the more she could find the better off her beginning experience would be after this! There was a odd looking log, and not thinking she put her head into the log to see if anything of value could be inside. Alas, there was nothing within, and she pulled her face out of the log, before going deeper into the pleasant smelling forest.



ID 18046

LD 10

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Going deep into the forest she kept heading towards the direction of the scent; perhaps it was a rare flower or spice? Ahti was determined to find out, and she quickly neared a clearing. Pushing herself through the last of the brush she looked ahead and saw, no spice, but a flower sitting in the middle of the clearing. When she walked up to pick it a rumbling could be heard as the monster popped out of the ground, ready to fight!




ID: 18047

LD: 3




Ahti 9/9

Deathroot 5/5

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The plant creature took it's chance to beginning the fight and slumped forwards, vines whipping out to grab at Ahti. "An attack like that won't work! Breaking Blaze!" She said, attempting to cut the vines in half, the attack looking much cooler in her mind. She was able to break all of them however, and while cutting it's arms did do damage she still got hit by some of it's appendages




ID: 18048

BD: 6 2 Damage

MD: 8 1 Damage



Ahti 8/9

Deathroot 3/5

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Ahti lept into the air with a loud "Yahoo!" And brought her blade down at the creature, hoping to destroy it in another blow. The sword came down, but narrowly missed the plant creature. It responded with a spray of liquid from it's flower, but Ahti avoided it, watching as it melted into the digital tree behind her. Acid attacks too? This was totally not low level okay!



ID 18052

BD 3

MD 5




Ahti 8/9

Deathroot 3/5

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Rolled towards the creature she brought her blade upwards, digging across the grass as it came up at the fiendish flower, trying to cut it down to size! The blade impacted and sliced off a sizable chunk on the plant. Which was a bad thing, as she must have cut into it's acid sack; a spray of burning liquid slashed out, catching her and digging into her body, drop shaped red-lines glowing.



ID 18053

BD 6 2 Damage

MD 8 1 Damage




Ahti 7/9

Deathroot 1/5

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"Burn in the Flames of Rage!" She cried out and she stabbed the great-sword directly into it's body with a heave. Watching as the beast shattered she smiled, happy to have won, and saw that she got a lucky charm. Seeing that it gave a minor +1 to her luck. She equipped the item and saw that it was a pair of golden armlets. Smiling she placed her blade on he back with a corny laugh




ID 18054

BD: 9 2 Damage + 1 Crit

MD: 4

LD: 18 (+1 Conquest Bands)



Ahti 7/9

Deathroot Dead

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She decided to get back to the task at hand, looking for more Mats. She came across a weird looking patch of fungi on yet another overturned log. Not having learned her lesson the first time she once again went to try and collect it. And she did, picking the fungi up; apparently it was some sort of cooking mushroom! She happily stored it in her inventory and move on, happy to have gathered so many mats so far, sure she could buy some good gear with all this.




ID 18115

LD 18

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She looked up and saw it was starting to get dark, and made her way back towards the city. On her way back she checked back at that boulder once more, seeing that it had rebuilt itself, and was just an ore spot once more. sighing she tapped on it's side and waited to see if she would be lucky or not. She was not, and she sighed as she moved onwards, all her beginners luck powers have evaporated into thin air, and now she was getting a whole lot of nothing; even with her new lucky armlets!



ID 18129

LD 12+1= 13

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Walking towards the sheep pen on the way back she noticed there was just one, small, scraggly sheep inside- the rest must have despawned for sleep. She hurried over and tapped it, before it could disappear, trying to get some more loot. But ti wasn't meant to be as seconds after she tapped it she watched as it vanished in-front of her; being teleported away by some unseen puppeting god of this world. She mumbled these thoughts to herself and kept walking, making a final pass by the herb bush.




ID 18131

LD  6+1= 7

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