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Arata Hayashi

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â—Ž â—Ž Arata â—Ž â—Ž


Username: Arata


Real Name: Arata Hayashi


Age: 17


Gender: Male





 Arata was raised a good boy. Being adopted is hard, especially when all that is known of your parents is that they left you on an orphanage doorstep when you were only 2 months old. Arata was in a bundle of blankets, in a basket, with a scarf around his neck.  He grew up not knowing who his parents were, and wondering if the reason they let him go was because they hated him. When he turned 3, he was adopted, and brought into a loving family. When one day, they went to church, and he had a fit when they made him take off his scarf, they returned him, saying he was disobedient. The next couple that adopted him was when he was 15. They were abusive. They scared Arata for live. They took his scarf away, and ripped it to shreads, and used the shreads on a spiked baseball bat, and hit him with it. Soon, when he stopped feeling pain, and stopped making fusses, they returned him. When he turned 17, a new couple adopted him, these people were kind, and were told that you had a scarf, and a picture of it. The mother worked days on end, to make a replacement for Arata. Finally she finished, and gave it to him. That was when he started to seep into their world, they let him wear it everywhere, and he never let it go. As a gift, his parents let him get a new game, called SAO. It was supposed to be a show of their love. He started it, he never was into the whole gaming thing, or the full dive. But he tried it for them, the parents he needed his whole life. When he found out he could not log out, he vowed he would live for them, even if it meant cowering in fear.



[Caring] Arata is caring, which means that he cares for even the littlest person. He will always be found looking after people, if they are nice to him, and friends with him, he will care for them as if they are his family. He learned this through his newest parents, and that even the saddest people can have a happy ending. Even the people who think they are worthless, are not. He cares for everyone, which is a trait after his adoptive mother. He holds this close to his heart.

[Responsible] Arata is responsible, this means that he takes responsibility for his actions, and never lets anyone be blamed for something they never did. He cleans up after himself, and takes responsibility of others. He will often be punished for things he never did, as a result of taking responsibility for other's actions. He will stay behind to help others, rather than take time for himself. In his free time you can find him helping others out.

[sentimental] Arata is very sentimental, meaning he will keep anything and everything that people give him. He will either use it for good, or keep it as a memory. He shows this, through when his adoptive mother found out he did not have his scarf anymore, so she made him a new one. He cherishes it all in his heart, and remembers everyone who gave him the items. He will always keep them in his heart as he goes on in his life. Whether he used the item or not.



[Gaming] Arata is not very good at gaming. This means he is not experienced at this type of stuff. It is all very new to him, and he needs tons of help. He has only played one other game before in his life, that was a small facebook game, that is not very popular. At the moment, he only ever entered Aincrad because his new parents thought of him, and got the game and the nervegear for him. So he played it. He is very cautious when it comes to things he has never tried before in this game.

[Traumatized] Arata was traumatized, he was abused for two years, before being taken back. This caused him to be slow to trust and slow to forgive. If you gain his trust you are truly special. Because he is traumatized, many things may trigger him, he can act very rude at times, but in reality he is very caring. The only reason why he would act rude is because someone set him off, or hurt one of the people he cares about. Because of this, he may go on a rampage if you say certain words.

[Forgiving] Arata is not at all forgiving, once you gain his trust, and do something to break it, he will never forgive you. He takes things very seriously, and will be cautious of you the rest of your life. Because of this, he does not trust many, and warns people before they try to be his friend. He is very calm, but when someone misleads him or his friends, he does not forgive them, and never will. You will always be an enemy if you misplace his trust.



None yet!




Points: 2



Weapon skills:





-One Handed Curved-Sword



Cloth Trousers

Cloth Shirt

Cloth Boots






Water x15

Bread x 10










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