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[PP-F4] Day at the Bar (Hasai)

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Golden was feeling quite down... having just lost the position of co-leader to the newest recruit of the guild. He sighed as he rolled out of his bed early in the morning... He needed someone to talk to and it couldn't be his girlfriend... not guild stuff anyway. He got dressed and brushed his teeth... Man, I'm depressed. Golden thought. I'm willing to talk to anyone by now... Golden thought as he looked through his friend list. Eh... I'll just invite Hasai to the bar... Golden thought as he sent a pm to Hasai.


To: Hasai

From: Goldenarroz


Hey can you meet me in the bar on floor 4? I'm quite depressed and need a drink.


After sending the PM, Golden slowly walked out of his bed and ignored the messy pile of blanket before walking out of the door to his shop and going to the bar on floor 4... where plenty of snow lay. Golden sighed as he walked into the bar on floor 4 before sitting down. He didn't know much about alcohol, he was prepared to ask Hasai to order one for him.

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Youno had been staying late, working in her shop, and when Golden messaged her, she was more than happy to help, she knew that he was depressed after loosing the position he wanted, and she felt bad. Jeeze. If only there wasn't a council, at least there might not be, if I can get what I want. She entered the bar on floor 4, and spotted Golden standing nearby, looking confused as to what to order, she chuckled lightly, Still himself. I wonder if he hasn't had something like this before. She walked up, Hey Golden. If this is your first time drinking, I wouldn't recommend for you to get drunk, especially if you are feeling the way you are. It could lead to death. She looked at him stern, before ordering for herself a cup of Schlitz Beer, even for a game, they had tons of types of alcohol. She looked at Golden, If you don't know what to order, just get what I got. Or get something that sounds fancy to you. I will pay. She was more than happy to pay, as she had tons of col.

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Golden smiled when he saw Hasai walk through the bar door before she started teaching him about how not to drink so much. "Come on Hasai!" Golden shouted. "Don't ruin my night... this is a video game! I'm not gonna die drinking!" Golden said before ordering two bottles of Schlitz Beer. He wondered how strong the beer was considering the fact that Hasai only ordered a cup but honestly... he didn't care. He was going to drink all night today. Golden smiled when Hasai suggested that she pays for him but Golden refused. "I'll pay for you this time!" Golden said... he had 3000 something col... He had enough for a small drink. Golden then opened up the bottle of Schlitz Beer.

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Youno took a small gingerly sip of her beer cup, and sighed as it tricked down her throat. She looked over at Golden, SAO isn't just a game. It is a death game. You can't treat it like you won't die if you mess up. She let out another sigh, This kid though. She looked back at the bar counter she was sitting at, For a virtual reality game, they sure do replicate beer pretty well. She giggled inside a bit at the thought of that, and she took another sip. She just kept on thinking, and drinking, Well, Anything you want to rent to me about? Maybe I should wait until he is drunk, so he can tell me the truth.

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Golden had only begun drinking the second bottle when he felt something unusual. His face burned with heat as he sensed something was wrong. So this is what getting drunk feels like. Golden thought as he chugged another drink in. Golden let out a burp, having just lost his manners due to the drink. Suddenly, Golden couldn't control his body, his mind was unclear... he looked at Hasai, unable to recognize who she was before his vision became blurry. Next thing you know... he passed out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Youno just rolled her eyes, and decided she would do nothing to help him, Just leave him.. She ordered another cup, and drank it, she still was not drunk, as it was hard for her to get drunk. She looked over at Golden, and sighed. Why not... She called over the bar tender, and asked for a strong male. He sent out a tall man, with black hair, Can you help me bring him to my shop? When the man nodded, and picked up Golden, she lead the way out of the tavern, and towards her shop. She had the man set him on her couch, before she went in the back, to open her cupboards, to find what she wanted. She pulled out the honey, and started to just eat it, a nice sweet treat. She saved some for Golden, and sat behind her counter, she rested her head on her hands, and let out a sigh.

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Golden couldn't remember much when he woke up inside Hasai's shop. He knew that he'd been at a bar but not much after that... Having woken up in a coach in someone's shop, or at least it looked like a shop. Golden looked around to see that the place was full of weapons. A blacksmith's shop. Golden realized before he yelped when he realized that this shop belonged to his guild leader. He hurried up and looked around to see Hasai, sitting comfortably with a finished cup of honey. Golden sighed to see that she was relaxing on a chair behind a counter. I remember this place... I bought a weapon here before. Golden thought... But... what am I doing here? Golden punched himself in the head from frustration and went up to Hasai.

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As soon as Golden awoke, Youno stood up, and brought him a cup of honey, Drink this. Upon handing him the honey, she went behind her counter, and into her living quarters, and came out with something ground up, This is somewhat of a medicine. It will help if you have a headache, or a hang over. She handed him the fine powder, for him to drink, along with a cup of warm water, Remember, warm is better for your health. After handing him the cup, she took a sip of her own cup, she did not have a headache, Why did you drink so much? She asked him, wanting to know the reason, as she was quite curious, I didn't want him getting so drunk he passed out...

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"I can't believe this." Golden said as he was offered honey as medicine. Since when did that work? He wondered but took it regardless. Also, he was handed fine powder along with warm water. He wondered what the loose powder was... Can't be anything suspicious... Golden decided as he took it anyways... It wasn't like Hasai would bother poisoning someone like him. As he was taking the materials Hasai had given him, she asked him a question, "Why did you drink so much?" She asked. Golden shrugged. "Why I drank so much..." Golden paused as he tried to remember. "I honestly don't remember."

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The girl raised her eyebrows, You don't remember? She was questioning him now, and she sat down near him, sitting on the same couch that her and Takao had kissed on... A lot... She let out a small chuckle, as the memories surrounded her mind, I love Takao... But that's besides the point... She looked back at Golden, Did something happen to make you want to drink that much? She asked him that serious question, Was it Thorrissa? She then thought back to those who had hurt him, Maybe one of those people....

Edited by Hasai
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"Eh... Thorrissia?" Golden asked as he tried to remember that name. That name sounds familiar. He thought as he tried to think who that person was. Suddenly, he remembered bits of his memory. He remembered that Thorrissia was the one that he loved... been through quests, boar fighting, and ice skating together. Golden felt a headache as he stood up to go to the bathroom... but he didn't get very far... since he didn't know where the bathroom was. He looked back at Hasai, "No... It's not her that's bothering me... But I still don't know what made me drink so much... perhaps it was just enjoyment? Or curiosity?" He said as he looked onto the ground. After a while, "Eh... Where's the bathroom?" He asked.

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The light chuckled, that bounced off the girl's lips was quiet, as she thought of why he had drunk so much, Maybe he really did feel bad he didn't get Co-Leader? Her head tilted, and she turned around, leading Golden behind the counter, she walked through a small room, before opening a door, that showed her bathroom. It was very girly, with pink walls, and a mirror made of silver, with butterflies on the edges. Her sink was an elegant white marble pillar, with the faucet a nice silver, her toilet was white as well, with a nice fuzzy pink covering over the lid. Her seat was a light green, and there was a carpet that lay on the floor.

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Golden was quite surprised that Hasai's bathroom had been so well decorated with pinkness. He sighed... She was a girl afterall... Even if she's a mean witch sometimes. He studied the room, the mirror was made of silver with butterflies surrounding the glass and her toilet was well designed. Even her seat was colored and she had a carpet. Golden sighed. "Now... if you'll excuse me." Golden said before closing the door.


Golden didn't feel well. He had almost thrown up in the toilet and if he did... Hasai was sure to have yelled at him for messing up her bathroom with his puke. Golden sighed. What's wrong with me. Golden thought. He didn't find any particular reason for being so sick and sad. He needed to be back to his normal self.

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Indeed, Youno had felt no remorse that Golden was sick, it was after all his fault. She gripped the edge of her counter, He can throw up, just not all over EVERYTHING. Her gaze hardened as she thought of her life so far here in SAO. IT had been terrible. Not that it mattered. The only person that has made it worth while, was Takao. If I level to a higher level, perhaps I can join the front lines and make new friends. Perhaps we could work alongside Azure Brigade. Not that it will happen. I would like to do somesolo work with the Azure Brigade sometime. Perhaps, carry out a quest, defeat a boss... 

Edited by Hasai
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After coming out of the bathroom, feeling much better, Golden began to notice a variety of different details of the shop. The shop was a lot more lively than when he first purchased an item here. Golden sighed... the SAO world has changed quite a bit... not gonna lie. It seems as if more people were living their lives here instead of fighting to get out. People were having relationships and those relationships really got in the way of fighting sometimes... he would know, since he, too, was in a relationship. Golden sat down in a chair nearby, feeling quite refreshed.

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As Golden came out, she gave him a nod, before turning back to the countertop. She opened her HUD, and continued in her studying of blacksmithing. Want anything to eat? She had purchased some NPC made food a while ago. She had packed it away carefully, so the durability wouldn't fade away. Her eyes were still focused on her studying, as she looked at the different materials she could get, for new weapons, Jeeze. I wish I had a unique... Guess I got to get stronger to make it to the front lines. She was in a slightly better mood, now that she was studying and thinking of what she could do.

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Golden watched as Hasai started doing her own stuff and he felt quite out of place just sitting there. He scratched his hair before standing up to take Hasai's NPC food. After taking a bite, he wasn't sure of whether it was good or not... but one thing for sure, he'd rather eat his own food. "Thanks for the food." Golden said simply as he finished it off. He was quite sure that it was getting rather late. "I guess it's time for me to go... Thanks for the company. Wanna go fight some boars and other mobs like we used to do all the time?" Golden asked. He remembered back to all the adventures the two had when they were both quite low-leveled. He remembered when she helped him become a cook. Golden sighed... bringing himself back into the present.

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With a swift nod of her head, Youno closed her HUD, Sure, why not. She gave a grin, before speaking again, Although, on this floor, there are no boars... Unless you are talking about snow boars... We could fight the yetis... Her voice trailed off, as she made sure she had all of her equipment, she had her new sword, and her old sword on her, I just need to use my old sword, until I get the other two items I ordered... Her gaze fell on her door, as she headed towards it, letting Golden follow her outside.

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Golden already had all his equipment on his, ready to go. He was quite curious about how much better Hasai had become at fighting. It's been quite a while since the two had fought mobs alongside each other... Golden guessed that the two were just busy with other matters and concentrated on other people or matters. He sighed once again, all his memories trapped within his head, this world really was a cruel place. Golden followed Hasai out of her shop before getting out his blade, it wasn't the one Hasai had made for him... but he'd made sure to keep that one in good shape. He smiled, "Lead the way then." Golden said.

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She nodded her head, as she continued. She started towards the exit of town, as she arrived, she looked back at Golden, Alright. Pick a yeti. There were at least 4 yetis nearby. They were all by themselves, so they wouldn't be fighting two at a time. She wondered which one he would pick, and she waited to take out her new rapier. Her gaze scanned the area, to make sure they wouldn't be cornered by any other monster, before looking back at Golden.

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