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[PP-F3] <<Search For The Hoya>> (Silver Moon Guild)

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Hasai, Golden, Scarlett_, Beatbox

(Anyone else can join if they have permission from Hasai.)

Lots of people in his guild were in a relationship... and what does a relationship need? A ring. Where to get a ring you ask? There is a quest that has recently been accepted by Golden for the entire Silver Moon Guild to participate in. He guessed that most people in his guild were in need of a ring. Also, most people were in need of experience. This would be a great opportunity for some battling as well as one great reward that will be given to one of the guild members. The quest takes place in the forest of wavering mist... where screams were heard by a local NPC. There are rumors that there were two Minotaur... waiting on the inside of the maze created by the forest itself. Who knows what the guild would find inside the forest... death? Or success in treasure?

Golden smiled as he PMed the guild members that he thinks would have the ability to successfully beat the two Minotaur telling them to meet up on the outside of the forest itself. The day was already ending. Golden shuddered at the cold of the night. This could be one hell of a scary night. He thought as he felt his guts telling him to leave the place. Golden sighed... maybe it was because he was alone?

Edited by Golden
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Eliza hopped onto the couch with a cup of tea in her left hand. She laid down and let out a sigh of relief as she could finally get some rest. She had been walking around the town for a good few hours in the hopes of finding some equipment. Sadly, her wish wasn't granted and there was absolutely nothing that grabbed her interest. As she was about to close her eyes for a bit, a screen popped up infront of her. The girl groaned as she read it. Liz was far too lazy to go, however the request was from a guild member so she couldn't really say no. Eliza got up again and walked out of the shop.

She ran through the dandelion field infront of her shop, constantly looking around to make sure that she wouldn't bump into any mobs. Eliza wasn't too keen about the forest as she had been told to completely avoid it. Liz spent most of her time on floor 3, so she had heard a lot of rumors about it from NPC's and players. She was somewhat scared of going in, however she couldn't show that to Golden. 

In just a few minutes of running, Golden appeared in her sight. She stopped running as she could see him and took a few deep breaths before walking towards the man. With a smile on her face she greeted him with a quick hug.  "Hey Golden, it's nice to see you again" she said as she equipped her dagger. 

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James woke up from his hotel room on floor 3 after a good nights sleep, and noticed that today was the guild quest and let out a sigh and prepared his equipment and let out a yawn, "Come on Audio... lets go..." and walked out of his room very tired. He walked with a tired motion as he grew closer and closer to the current party and saw that it was Golden and Eliza. "Hey Golden... whats up..." and turned his tired head to Eliza and gave her a hug "Hi love... how are you..." and gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting go and went into his inventory and drank some water to wake him up. Audio was in a sleepy mood and continued to sleep on top of James' head.

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As the girl got the PM, she had been fighting a good quantity of monsters, in an attempt to get some col. She groaned, Why? Before heading out of the meadow she had been. She drew close to the forest, before spotting the group, Last to arrive, oh well. She shrugged her shoulders very carefully as she drew closer, within hearing distance. She ran at Eliza, and jumped on her back, Liz-pooh!

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Having been hugged by Eliza, greeted by Beatbox, and... well... shrugged from Hasai, Golden smiled as everyone was here. They'd waited quite some time for Hasai to come over and it was quite strange considering how she's guild leader. Golden had had a cup of coffee beforehand and he was pretty energetic and pumped for this quest. Golden snickered. Seems like everyone's pretty tired and grumpy... Well, I'll just have to deal with it. Golden began discussing his simple tactics that he hadn't really thought over. "Alrighty then... I'll tank while the rest of you guys deal damage. Simple enough. Now let's head into the maze."

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Eliza smiled widely as James appeared infront of her just a few minutes after she arrived. The girl hugged the boy and giggled. "Amazing, I missed you" she said and slowly let go of him. Liz looked over to Golden to see if he wanted to say anything when suddenly someone lashed onto her back, making her almost trip. Her confused and panicked expression immediatly vanished as she heard her guild leader's voice. "Hi, Hasai" She said with a giggle. Eliza wasn't the strongest so it was very hard for her to keep the girl on her back. She tried to keep hold of her guild leader but it got too much and Liz fell to the side, pulling her guild leader with her. Eliza quickly got up and brushed the dirt off of her clothes. The girl put a hand out infront of Hasai. "S-sorry!" she mumbled. Once again, Liz had messed up and felt incredibely guilty. Dropping your guild leader onto the ground wasn't the best thing to do. Liz looked over to Golden and nodded as a reply. She quickly looked back at her guild leader, obviously concerned about Hasai being mad at her for dropping the girl.


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