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[OP-F1] The First Day

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As Chiyo backed away from her game menu, it disappeared. No, no this couldn't be happening. No, she wasn't stuck in this game, right? RIGHT?! Yeah... this was probably a bug, a glitch in the game. Besides, they wouldn't sell this game if it would make people unable to log out, right? Chiyo couldn't believe this. She was stuck in this game. You know what, this was probably a dream. Yeah, that was right. All a dream and if she pinched herself, she would wake up. Chiyo pinched herself but nothing, nothing happened. She didn't feel any pain. She wasn't in her bedroom. She was still in this Virtual Reality called Sword Art Online. Chiyo's hand fell to her hip where she had her straight sword in her scabbard. She breathed a small sigh of relief. At least I have something to protect me with Chiyo tought to herself. Well, she was going to complete Sword Art Online if it was the last thing she did. She will complete this game. She will do it. She will return home. She may be at Level 1 right now, but she would find a way to climb the levels and get to the 100th floor. Now... what to do. Chiyo walked into a nearby restaurant and sat down at a table. She sighed and opened her inventory. She had her straight sword, 15 bread, and 10 water. This should sustain her for a while she supposed. Besides, she could always just buy some more food. Hmm, she was a pretty low level at the moment. Maybe she could try to team up with somebody...

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Xion had been walking around the town of beginnings for some time now, it was something that he did every now and then, something he did to get away from the non stop hunting. The boy smiled, even though he was trapped in SAO he was able to live and find some happiness. 

Feeling a little hungry, the boy decided to drop in at a random restaurant and get some food. As he opened the door, he noticed a lone player, a girl, sitting on her own. Worried that there may be something wrong, he walked up to the table that she was sitting at. " are you ok?" He asked, looking at her, she seemed pretty down. ' not unusual, some people are still feeling like this' he said, remembering the day that he had been trapped there. The horror, the panic, all of it. 

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Chiyo looked to the blonde haired man who asked if she was okay. He said that it wasn't unusual and that some people were still feeling like this. Chiyo couldn't lie and say that she was fine. That just wasn't in her nature. She wasn't alright. She was terrified. She was sad. She wanted to get home. She didn't want to die here. "Honestly, I'm not okay. I had no idea that SAO would do this. I don't want it to be this way... Do you know why the log out isn't working?" she asked looking to the blonde haired man, her brown eyes showing that she was hoping for an answer.

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Xion sighed, as there was no kind way of saying what he was about to say. " because there isn't one..." He said, waiting for his words to sink in. It wasn't pleasant news, but there was no point in giving the girl false hope. "Trust me, it's not easy to deal with, I spent a good portion of my first day on the verge of tears" he said, before taking a seat beside the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder in an effort to comfort her. 

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Chiyo sighed as she heard the words that came out of the blonde haired man's mouth. There were none... no ways... no way to log out of this system. He said that it wasn't easy to deal with and that he spent a good portion of his day of his first day on the verge of tears. She felt his hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath in and out. "Is there any trick to surviving?" Chiyo asked, hoping that she could survive until this game was done, until somebody cleared the 100th floor or until whatever happened. Maybe if she was lucky then she could even be the one to clear the 100th floor. It was highly unlikely but she could still hope.

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"Stick with other people, strength in numbers" he said in answer to her question, before sighing. " anyway, my names Xion, and you are?" He asked, trying his best to sound friendly as he looked at the girl properly for the first time. She had long, flowing brown hair which was tied back, and, were it not for the circumstances he was sure that she had a great smile. 'I'll have to make sure that happens' he thought.

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The blonde haired man said to stick with other people and that there were strength in numbers. "Strength in numbers..." Chiyo muttered to herself. She would remember that. The man introduced himself as Xion and asked who she was. "I'm Ch- oh right, can't reveal your real names." Chiyo laughed to herself at her stupid mistake. "You can call me Rainia." she said. "So, how long have you been stuck in Sword Art Online?" Chiyo asked Xion curious as to how long he has managed to survive in here.

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Golden had been walking around aimlessly for about thirty minutes doing nothing of interest. His shop hasn't been having customers and well... life is boring here in SAO especially when you're a peaceful person like Golden. He liked helping people out, and if he has to fight... he shall fight. Golden sighed as he sat down on a bench awkwardly placed in the middle of no where at the town of beginnings. I'll see who's available in my friend's list. Golden decided as he opened up his menu. As usual, he was unable to see the log off button... no surprise there. He scrolled through the list of his friends and decided that he would send some PMs around when he heard. "You can call me Rainina." Somewhere in the distance. Rainina? I've never heard of her before. Golden thought as he stood up with a perk of interest. As he closed in on where he thought the sound came from, he saw Xion talking with a girl. That must be Rainia. Golden thought as he ran up and waved a high to Xion.

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" as long as everyone one else... And Rainia...nice name" he said, before he noticed Golden waving at I'm " Golden you glorious bastard how have you been?" He said, smiling as he did. " golden here's a good friend of mine, oh and golden this is Rainia" he said, guesturing towards the girl. 

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Xion said that he's been stuck just as long as anyone else. That didn't really help her much. He complemented her name. Of course it wasn't her real name but it was still nice to get a compliment. Xion seemed to look past, over her head to something. Chiyo turned to see a dark haired man waving to Xion. Apparently his name was golden and evidently the two of them knew each other. Golden was a good friend of Xion's. Xion introduced Chiyo as Rainia. Rainia smiled and gave a small wave to Golden. "Nice to meet you Golden." Chiyo spoke.

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Golden bowed. "Glad to be of acquaintance.Golden said as he looked at Rainia. She doesn't appear to have much gear. Maybe she was a starter or a newb? Golden asked himself... but that didn't make much sense. The game has started quite a while back. "So. What have you been doing recently? You don't have much gear." Golden asked, wanting to enquire about the problem and if she needed help, Golden can probably provide help... not to mention, Xion was there as well. Strange not to have gear this far in the game... Most people have already gotten perfect items and uniques..

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Xion nodded as Golden spoke "Yeah what have you been doing? Not to be mean but it's unusual for people to not have any gear nowadays" he said, thinking about the blade on his back that he had forged himself. 'Unless she was disconnected somehow...but that's unlikely' he thought, scratching his chin as he did. "Matters not anyway, if you need any help Golden and I are more than capable of providing it" he said with a smile. 

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The two of them seemed puzzled that she didn't have a lot of gear or equipment with her. They were wondering what she has been doing all this time. "Well, you see, I sort of just got here. This is my first day in SAO." Chiyo said. Was it abnormal for this to be her first day playing SAO while so many others have been trapped in this game longer then she has? Hey, at least they said that if she needed help, he and Golden would be happy to provide it.

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"I think we could probably help you get started since it's your first day..." Golden said even though he found it strange that the girl would play SAO even after news got out that people were dying in there. Eh... Whateves. He thought. "So do you have any questions? I am probably experienced enough to tell you the answers... and Xion's here too." Golden said, having pity on the girl that she'd just started playing yet she was unable to find the log off button. Must've been scary for her. Golden thought... But who wasn't scared when they learnt that they couldn't escape this world..

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Vasth was on F1 check out where to set up his shop after some time he,walked into the park and laid down on a bench to take a nap and dream about Miriko.Just before he went to sleep he thought he hear Golden,but he wasn't bother to look,he was up all night learning how to craft items as a Artisan.Vasth yawned and stretched,then he went back to snoozing. 

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(Vasth what the actual? XD)


Xion's eyes widened in shock "Didn't you hear about people DYING in this game? Why..." Xion said rather surprised that somebody would log into SAO after it's release day. 'Unless she didn't know....damnit why, why' he thought,  close to hitting the table out of frustration. "Anyway... unless you have any questions I suggest that we start hunting, it's a good way to level up and earn col and materials. Golden will probably end up tanking, while you and me deal damage" he said with a smile, forcing it in an attempt to calm himself. 

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Xion's eyes seemed to widen after she said that this was her first day. He asked if she's even heard about the people dying here. Chiyo's eyes widened. "They die?! Like, in real life?" Chiyo exclaimed, her eyes widening too. "There hasn't been any news of this where I live... Even the no log out thing..." Chiyo said with a frown. Golden said that they could probably help her get her started since it was her first day. He asked if she had any questions and that either he or Xion was probably experienced enough to answer them. Xion suggested that they do some hunting. Hmm, hunting... She could try that. It would be a good start for her. "Well, I do have one question. If I wanted to be a fighter who mainly works on speed, was a straight sword a good choice?" Chiyo asked.

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Golden shrugged. "Well weapon doesn't really matter all that much... what you want is a decent amount of  evasion stats so you could easily dodge enemy attacks." Honestly, any weapon would work unless it wasn't anything too heavy to wield. Golden smiled, continuing his lecture... well... it was kinda like a lecture. "I think straight sword's a decent choice... of course, there were probably better choices like daggers but like I said, weapon matters not... You just gotta work on your stats so you could easily dodge enemy attacks." Golden took a deep breath after speaking some sentences in continuous succession. Golden frowned before looking at Xion, wondering if he had anything to add to what he thought was a pretty good explanation.

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(I don't know man.ahahaha)

Vasth couldn't go to sleep for some reason,even through he was tried,he sat up and sat properly on the bench.He heard a bunch of people talking behind him,he couldn't focus properly but he recognised two of them,Golden and Xion but the other one was a female voice,the voice had a surprising tone in her voice.He got up and went around to see Golden and Xion.

"Hey guys!" Vasth waves at the three.

"What are you guys up too?"

Edited by Vasth
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Xion nodded as Golden spoke "It's a good choice as they're well balanced and easy to wield, also because they're one handed you have more defensive options as you can equip a shield in the off hand. But yeah as Golden said as long as you work on your stats you should be fine, strengthen yourself before your blade. And anyway I have a shop in this town if you ever want a better weapon I could probably make it for you...for a price of course." he said, before Vasth appeared. "Hey Vasth, long time no-see how are you?" he asked with a smile. 

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