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[OP-F1] The First Day

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Golden said that a weapon didn't really matter that much, what she would need was a decent amount of evasion stats so that she could easily dodge enemy attacks. He said that a straight sword was a decent choice but a dagger could have been a batter choice but then again, weapons didn't really matter much. Xion seemed to say that a straight sword was well balanced and such and since it was 1 handed, she would be able to equip a shield at the same time. That was good too, she supposed. Another man seemed to come over. They apparently knew each other. "You guys know a lot of people, don't you." Chiyo said, just merely making an observation. Also, Xion said that he had a shop in town where he could make a better weapon for her, for a price of course. "And yeah, once I get some Col, that would be great!" Chiyo said to Xion.

Edited by Rainia
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"Yo Vasth wassup." Golden said with a chill. "You know what? I can probably take you material hunting or mob killing on a later date so you could get some material or col and buy some equipment." Golden thinks that equipment is quite important in this game. "You know what else is important?" Golden continued with a grin. "Materials... they can be used to buy stuff and make stuff as well." Golden finished. Taking the girl on a MAT hunt of mob grinding would probably help her out a lot and he could use some exercise after hours of cooking in his shop day by day.

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Xion smiled as Golden and Vasth exchanged greetings, it was good to see that they were happy. But his eyes practically lit up when Golden mentioned MATs "Did someone say MATs?" he asked with a grin on his face, the statement being obviously humourous, but with a slight hint of truth, as Xion barely had any MATs, and he had a pending order from a client that he had to finish soon. But he shook his head, before turning to Rainia "So you want to go hunting then? The boars will have to be a little high levelled with Golden around but that just means more loot" he said with a slight chuckle. 

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