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[PP-F1] Blue Eyed Kitten (Shaya)

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The girl stood near a corner, in the center of the Town of Beginnings. She smiled widely, and looked down at her clothing. She was wearing a short pink skirt, with a black undershirt on. The black undershirt had small straps, about one centimeter thick, with an off the shoulder black long-sleeved overcoat/vest-like shrug. About two inches under her pink skirt, was a black band, with a small hole in the center of it. Her left sock goes to below the knee and has two white stripes, while her other sock goes up to two inches under her pink skirt. Her right sock, is fully black, while her shoes are white boots, with a pink band in the middle of them. Her long blonde hair goes down to her left sock, and has two front pieces in braids. Her eyes are a nice blue, and she is wearing a pair of blonde cat ears. Her posture is relaxed as she sits upon a bench.

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Shaya was in her most memorable place in Aincrad, The Town of Beginnings. She had her usual attire equipped, a short yellow dress that goes just a few inches down her thigh. Her black thigh high socks stopping just below her dress leaving enough skin showing to make someone blush. Her long brunette hair was pulled into a ponytail that stretched down to her lower back. She walked along the streets of this rather large town, noticing a girl sitting alone on a bench. She walked over to the girl to speak, getting close she bent down in front of the girl. Whatcha doing hun?

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As the girl was sitting on the bench, the small clicking of shoes upon the stone-paved road, was enough to make the blue eyed girl look up. Her kitty headband did not look at a headband, in fact it looked more like a pair of cat ears. She noticed a girl with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, with a yellow dress walking towards her. She gave her a wide smile as she reached the bench, and listened as she spoke to her, Well, I am just sitting here, enjoying the quiet. I think it is going to rain later. She could smell the rain in the air, as she watched the girl, she seemed about 2 years younger than her, Most likely in her 18-19... Maybe 20? The girl was 21 years old. She had been recording the time as it passed, and knew that yesterday had been August 7th... Her 21st birthday. She hadn't spent it very nicely, she actually had spent it by herself with a small cupcake.

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Shaya looked at her closely, admiring the girl's catlike ears upon her head. She lifted her hand to poke the girls ears, I wonder if these are real.. She brought her hand back before making contact, thinking it must've been rude of her. S-sorry, my name is Shaya. She sat beside the girl, And you are? She gave a warming smile noticing that the clouds overhead were beginning to build together, Huh, maybe this girl is right. It looks like it will rain soon. She swung her legs back and forth playfully awaiting the response that the pretty girl to her side would come up with.

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The girl let out a soft laugh, as the girl was about to touch her 'kitty ears' and she listened once again, with wide ears as the girl spoke, Well, I am Kitty! At least that is my username. She wasn't completely sure she could trust the girl just yet, Although she looks like she won't harm me! However, our real names... She just shrugged it off, and looked back at the sky, her gaze trailing across the clouds, making shapes out of them, she saw one that looked a bit like a kitten, and her sparkling eyes instantly looked at Shaya, as her finger jabbed in the direction of the cloud, It looks like a kitten! She let out a bit energetic.

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Kitty huh? That's so cute! Shaya clapped her hands together barely holding in a squeal. The name really suits her, those ears look so cool! I wonder if they're a special item. Shaya looked up upon the Kitty's order, noticing a cloud that coincidentally looked like a kitten. She smiled brightly, It is a kitten! She looked up at it as the cloud started to fade out of their visible range. What are the chances of that happening? She looked back to the girl beside her, Are those real? They look so lifelike. She almost reached her arms out once more to touch them but she stopped herself before they got too close

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As the girl asked the question, she felt a small chuckle bubble up to her lips, and escape, Thanks. No, they aren't real, however, you can touch them! I got them specially. In fact, Kitty had searched two whole days, before stumbling upon an adventurer, and finding the kitten ears. They were quite expensive, but she managed, by doing a little something for the NPC who had been selling them, it involved lots of stuff, and she had to bring back tons of materials and crap for her to obtain them. Her hands reached up, as she carefully grabbed the headband, and passed it over to the girl, the ears certainly felt real, however sadly, they were not. Her eyes scanned the girl's face wanting to see her emotions, I may certainly be trusting by giving it to the girl, but I want them back. Make sure to give them back... Her face resembled the popular emotion: ^-^ as she gave the girl a cute face.

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Shaya nearly exploded with happiness as she felt the ears be put on her head. She could feel the warmth as Kitty set the band on her head. She nodded listening to the girl's instructions to return them, I will. Shaya wondered to herself how she looked. She walked over to a fountain nearby and clapped her hands together giggling, I look almost as cute as you do Kitty! She looked back giving a warm smile, after a few minutes of acting like a cat she returned the ears with a smile. Thank you hun, that was fun!

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As Shaya acted like a kitten, she couldn't help but smile, Such a cute kitten! She accepted the ears back, before putting them back on her head, almost perfectly. Like she had done it a lot before, I enjoyed watching you, your welcome sweetie. I am glad you had fun! She smiled widely, and let out a soft shrug, knowing that she could now trust the girl that was in front of her, she let herself get lost in her thoughts as she thought of her kittens back home, I hope they are okay... I also hope my brother... Her thoughts trailed off, Let's talk about girly things! Like makeup and dating and stuff! Her eyes were lit up with excitement, To be honest, I have never had anyone to share any sort of girly things with, except my sister... We were quite close, but then she went off to college and never speaks to me. Not that it matters, but I was just wanting to have a nice friend whom I can talk about girly stuff with!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shaya grinned Girly stuff eh? Well, whatever you like hun. I'm sorry to hear about your sister though... But! Shaya let off a little chuckle at her choice of word. You're such a child Violletta. As far as dating goes, I have a girlfriend named Jevie. She is perfect! I'm certain you'd love her! Makeup.. hmm... I don't really use it all that often. These lashes are natural. She winked at Kitty as if to show them off to her. What about you? Have anyone you like, or use makeup for that matter?

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Her eyes brightened at what Shaya told her, I might be interested in someone... Might not be... I still need to get to know them better. Her gaze brightened, as she showed her eyes back, batting her eyelashes, I love you eyes. Quite pretty. Jevi must be someone special. I'll meet her sometime, Her smile brightened further, as she spoke, I rarely use make up. People should like me for who I am, not for someone I am not. If someone likes me, they won't care if I had make up or not. Plus, its the inside that matters.

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