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[PP-F1] Another Random Day (Miriko)

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Golden had been bored all day. He didn't know whether he should go fight mobs or maybe gather some materials... either way, it would be boring as heck if he did either of those. He'd been quite bored of this world lately and it would be nice to meet some new people for once. He sighed as he exited his shop before seeing how great the weather was. He never really noticed the weather in this death game but it really was quite remarkable and beautiful. Golden sighed before walking to the park so he could find a small bench to sit on before most people were awake from their sleep. Eventually, after some slow strolling, Golden was able to reach the park in good time before he sat down and enjoyed the moment.

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Miriko had been lounging around. It was early morning and most people were asleep but not for miriko. She coudnt get to sleep so she decided to take a walk. She strolled around, stopping at a few shops and inns. Miriko soon came to a park. The sky was a soft blue/grey, streaked with clouds. Miriko spotted a figure sitting on a bench. Fed up with boredness, she decided to confront the player. She made her way over. "Hello" Miriko spoke

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Golden was about to fall asleep on that park bench when he heard a soft "hello" right next to him. Am I dreaming? Golden asked himself as he slapped himself to ensure that he was still awake. He looked around to see a girl that he'd never seen before. It appears that she is close to his age... maybe a bit younger? Golden decided. He, having been silent, decided to say hi back. "Hey." Golden said as he looked onto the sky to see that it was still of a light-dark shade... a transition between dark and light. Golden sighed, in real life, he would be deep in sleep in his bed this early in the day. "The name's Golden... haven't seen you around before. Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" Golden asked, not sure of the reason that the girl was awake this early into the day.

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Miriko watched the player slap himself. He looked up at Miriko in confusion and then said "hey" He introduced himself as Golden and said "Arent you suppose to be asleep?" Miriko giggled. "I coudnt go to sleep so I decided to take a walk around the place, explore I guess." Miriko sat down on the bench next to Golden. "Im Miriko by the way." She smiled and held out a hand for him to shake it.

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Golden smiled when Miriko sat down next to him on the bench. One can tell many things about a person from looking at them. He'd managed to improve that skill quite a lot during his time at SAO. Of course, Golden was unable to pinpoint her exact age but he could tell that she was around his age... like many different SAO players. Sixteen seems to be quite the age to play SAOGolden thought. Also, she seems like the shy type, given that her introduction was simply a hi. She also seem quite honest and innocent. Not the type that drinks. Golden thought. I've met many girls during my time in SAO... Most of them I've gone to a bar with. Golden thought as he took the hand and shook it. "This world can get quite boring sometimes."

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Miriko Nodded her head in agreement. "This world can get boring but i guess you will always find something to do. Its not that hard." Miriko looked at golden and smiled. She leant back on the chair. Putting her hands behind her head. "What are you doing so early in the morning on a park bench?" Miriko asked, hopeing to start a conversation.

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"Me? I just couldn't sleep.Golden said as the girl made herself comfortable on the park bench. He didn't want to share to strangers about his recent nightmares as if it's foreshadowing his death. Having been unsettled with the fact that he's having these strange, scary nightmares, Golden usually awoke from them with his hair full of sweat and desired fresh air. This time, it was the same. He wasn't feeling very energetic and preferred to keep the contents of his nightmares to himself. He didn't even tell Thorrissia, his lover, about these nightmares of stunning frequency. With a sigh, Golden decided that he might as well make himself comfortable as well. 

The day was beginning and people have already appeared from their homes and shops, starting yet another day in this death game of Swords Art Online. Golden's always loved the moment when the sun came out from the horizon. He loves it... the beauty of the scene and the warmth on his face, provided by the sun. He sighed once again, this time in pleasure from the amazing sunrise that he's loved since he was a kid. Almost forgetting that Miriko was sitting next to him, he crossed his arms and closed his eyes in pleasure. Suddenly, he jerked himself to reality, realizing that the girl was probably feeling quite awkward at the moment. He stood up, "May I invite you to a cup of coffee?"

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Miriko sat there a bit awkwardly for a while as Golden seemed to faze out. Suddenly, he snapped and stood, asking if she wanted a cup of coffee. "Hmmmm a cup on coffee on an early morning like this would be perfect." Miriko agreed, She stood up and faced Golden. "And where are we going to have this cup of coffee? Not many Inns or shops around this part of floor 1 are open this early in the morning." Miriko told Golden


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Shameless advertising is shameless. Golden thought as he began to speak about his cafe located on floor 1. "Well... I happen to own a cafe around here, even though I haven't cooked for a while, I'm pretty sure I can make some cups of coffee." Golden said with a smile, before leading the girl to his shop. "Follow me." Golden said with a hand motion signaling her to follow. He kept his shop clean, organized, and tidy, just like his personality he might add. With a swipe of his classic anime hair, he opened the door, showing her the deserted place. It was his home and cooking place... but really, his work place is practically his kitchen and the stairs up leads to his room. With a sigh, Golden walked in, allowing Miriko to sit down on one of the empty seats... not to say that all of them were quite empty before walking into the kitchen so he could make some coffee for the two.

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"What a nice place you have here." Miriko said to Golden as she looked around the room. It looked a bit like the cafe she used to work at in the real world. It was very organized and clean, not a speck of dirt in sight. "Do you get many customers?" Miriko asked as she sat down at one of the multiple seats in the cafe. The place was empty. No one in the room other than herself and Golden.

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"Customers?" Golden repeated. "Not really." He said with a shrug. "See, there is an NPC shop next door... and the owner is pretty good so most people go there instead of here. As you can see, the place is completely empty." Golden said... not exactly disappointed as if he wasn't able to live without making profit from his shop. The NPC shop next door was the shop of his tutor... or teacher. He had been the one that trained Golden to become a good cook that could satisfy every player's tastebuds. Golden sighed as the old face belonging to his teacher popped up into his head. Despite the fact that he's been stealing all my business, I still can't get mad at him. He thought with a smile before remembering that he still had to make Miriko some coffee in the kitchen. "Wait up, let me get some coffee." He said, before heading to the kitchen where he could make the refreshments.

As he walked to the kitchen, he skimmed a look at the clock hanging on the wall to see that it was still surprisingly early despite the fact that he was fully awake. With a sigh, he started the coffee brewing and after a while, he finished and got a serving plate to serve the coffee. I should've made a cup of tea as well. Golden thought before bringing the two cups into the service area and after handing one cup to Miriko, Golden kept the other cup to drink for himself... but not yet since it was still extremely hot.



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As Golden went to go get coffee, Miriko looked around the small cafe like shop. It was cozy and had multiple tables and seats. Golden came back with two cups of steaming coffee. It was very hot so she put it down on the table to cool. While she waited she decided to ask Golden a question. "So why did you come to SAO?" Miriko asked a bit awkwardly, that was always the question that she asked when she meets someone new.

As Golden went to go get coffee, Miriko looked around the small cafe like shop. It was cozy and had multiple tables and seats. Golden came back with two cups of steaming coffee. It was very hot so she put it down on the table to cool. While she waited she decided to ask Golden a question. "So why did you come to SAO?" Miriko asked a bit awkwardly, that was always the question that she asked when she meets someone new.

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Golden took a sip of his home-made delicious coffee. He loved his own coffee: The flavor of the cream and milk, the outstanding temperature... (Some may consider it hot but to him, 'tis perfect as it can be.) Golden's eyes closed in satisfaction before Miriko asked him of his reason to play SAO. Golden thought about it but really, he just wanted to play the game and have fun. SAO was a game different from all others... and he thinks everyone can agree with that statement. The game was interactive and incredibly realistic for an RPG game. Golden sat his cup of coffee down before speaking again. "Well... I guess I liked the game and thus I played it... How 'bout you?"

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"Well you could say that I came to SAO to escape reality." Miriko answered, not wanting to share to much. Miriko picked up her own cup and took a sip. This coffee is amazing! How did he make this? Miriko smiled and took another sip. It was just perfect, not too strong, not too weak, just perfect. "How did you make this? or Is that a secret?"  Miriko crossed her legs and sat back into her chair.

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Golden scratched his head in embarrassment. "Haha... Well... technically, I do not make the coffee... but the system does. It's because of my cook profession and rank." Golden explained... Indeed, his cooking rank was below what most people thought was the medium rank but that didn't matter. No matter how low a cook's rank is, they could probably make coffee and if one is lucky, they will probably be able to make decent if not amazing coffee... However, this coffee topic brought up a thought in Golden's mind. "So, Miriko, do you have a profession yet?" He asked, quite curious.

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"Ooohhhhh I forgot." Miriko laughed. "Well the game makes the best coffee ever. A profession you say? Well I am planning to get the cook profession." Miriko answered. "My boyfriend and I promised to help each other with the quest." Miriko took another sip of her coffee. She had always wanted to become a chef when she was young. Miriko would always help and the kitchen and even got a job at a small cafe down the street. So getting the cook profession was obviously the best choice for her.

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A boyfriend? Golden thought when Miriko brought up a boyfriend. Perhaps it's Vasth? He realized, remembering that he did tell him that he had a girlfriend. Golden shrugged as he took a sip of coffee. "Well.... that's another cook again." He said. "There's like five player cooks in this world already." He smiled. Being a cook wasn't the best profession especially with so many cooks around. Most cooks do not obtain business as easy as other professions but he was not going to say that in front of a hopeful.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Miriko took another sip of her coffee. The cup was almost empty. "Vasth promised that he would help me get my profession. I helped him with his profession, he decided to become an artisan. That was a fun day." Miriko glanced at Golden. "If you dont mind me asking but do you have anyone special in your life?" Caution could be sensed in her tone of voice, also a hint of curiosity. Miriko didn't want to invade Golden's privacy, that just wasn't her character. She wanted to know more about him. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I can get a bit pushy without even noticing, so tell me if I get too personal." Miriko grinned. 

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