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[SP-F1]Blade of Dreams Quest: Forging the HardEdge

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The next quest was a thankful hint by Calrex, a man Lindow had met on his journey into the grasslands. Thanks to the ample load of information by this young, veteran player, Lindow was able to catch a few choice quest names that would help direct him towards some better equipment than just his starting gear. As he made his way through the shop district, he came across the Quest NPC shop SAI’s Forge. He marveled at the bold design of the sign and entered the shop and triggered the quest event.

“Hey there little Miss! I am looking for a new two handed blade to replace my old one here. Think you can help me out?”

“Oooh! A two handed swordsman, huh? Well for such a blade I will need twice the material than normal to forge something so big and heavy. I tell you what, you go hunt for these special materials and I will gladly craft you a weapon with great destructive capabilities! Here ya go!”

The girl was sweet but she had a blacksmith’s heart, one passionate about their work. Nodding, Lindow accepted the journal entry and looked over the materials. Good thing he started early, it might take a full day or two to get everything on the list. First up was the ore. 

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Lindow was looking at the list of materials he needed, they were all able to be picked up within the first floor so there was no danger there, however the number he needed for each was impossibly high. Scratching his scruffy beard and adjusting the behemoth starter blade behind his back, Lindow headed out for his second quest. As he reached the exit of the safe zone, he made sure he had everything he needed before going out on his journey. He had ample water and some loaves of bread still left over from his starting. With everything in check, it was time to get things started. 


The grasslands were nothing short of monsters as he dodged most of the team encounters and made his way further north towards a mountainous region. Walking seemed like a pain in the butt, but there was plenty of that going around. He could run, but there was no enjoyment of visualizing the area, plus it was a great chance to fundamentally learn the ins and outs of the area as this place was going to be his starting home for quite some time. Dodging most of the mobs that were being driven away by other players, Lindow came upon another path down a rocky road. He could see the vines of ore reflecting in the sun light. He came upon and took out the instrument used to chip away at the ore to see if anything could be salvaged. 


ID: 27694 

LD: 19

Ore: 1/10

Hard Wood: 0/5



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A few pieces of shiny rock dropped to the ground, one of them was good enough to place in his inventory as a quest item and he quickly went about his business to the next segment. The next vine of ore was something to behind, massive specs of silver glinting all around as he use the pick axe once more to mine the ore. Lindow used his heavy hands to crack down on a spot of of ore where the thin part of the pick was lodged into the rubble and he pulled a massive heap of rock from its enclosure. The pathway seemed to jostle at the expense of the look rock formation falling down from above him. Quickly moving left and right he dodged several boulders that had fallen down. 

Kneeling, his callous hands rummaged through the dirt and broken rocks to see if any quest items were appeared. 


ID: 27697

LD: 1 [Nothing]

Ore: 1/10

Hard Wood: 0/5


There was nothing in the first pile of broken rocks, most of them was ordinary slabs of broken boulder and no specs of shiny material within. Lindow got up and dusted his hands off, there was another formation straight down the road. 

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As he searched for the next ore mine, he came across a small fork in the road, two different paths leading in different directions. He scratched the back of his head and weighed his options. There seemed to be more rock formations on the left path and right now that's what he needed. The sooner he could finish this quest, the sooner he would be back within the safe zones. 

Taking the path that seemed to have more mines Lindow was had his pickaxe at the ready and slammed the pick into a loose crag and pulled with all his weight until it collapsed onto the ground. He knelt down and rummaged through the dry rock, there was some specs here and there but it didn't seem like he had found anything worth keeping. 


ID: 27698

LD: 16

Ore: 2/10

Hard Wood: 0/5


There was a slight glint to the corner of his eye as he turned around on his feet. The shiny piece of rock was part of the quest objective and therefore gained another material for SAI. Getting up he chose his next location, a cave seemed to be in sight as he continued this gloomy looking trail. 


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Lindow scratched his beard with his rough hands, he had never been this far out from the Starting City and it was somewhat unsettling to him. As he was coming up to a small clearing there were three other players discussing something when they caught him coming out of the clearing and towards the cave.

"Yo!" one of them said flicking a hand in the air.

"Hey there. Are you guys going in that cave?" Lindow asked.

"We were thinking about it, but our HP is a bit low since we just finishing raiding a mini boss off the beaten path here. Man, that was a close one."

The female seemed to be the leader of the party, she looked strong and was probably being humble about her current stats, "I see. I'm just hunting for some ores for a quest. Do you think there might be some in the cave?"

"More than likely, there is ore all over this place. We'd help but, we don't have the potions and like I said...our HP is a little on the low side. We could get by with the trash mob up ahead but we are still waiting on a friend of ours. He said he would be right back...I'm a bit worried. We'll hang around the entrance though if you need help. Be Careful in there." 

Lindow nodded and walked forward, the three of them step aside for him to enter the low lit cave. His eyes darting back and forth...he prayed this was not some kind of trap. 

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As he was now a few feet into the cave, there were torch lights all over the place and the ore was bountiful. However there was a deep grumbling further in the cave and he would not risk his neck any further, not with the idea of having starter equipment. He thought of his family and he stayed put. He got his pickaxe out and started to chip away at the iron looking ore right above him. Hands on the handle, he gave a good chomp out of the section of wall until it fell towards the ground with a low rumble. The ground felt like it was going to shift as rock and debris filtered into the air. Waving his hand to clear the dust, he dropped to his knees and scrambled to look for any precious metals or ore he could use for the quest. 


ID: 27703 || LD: 9


He sighed, nothing was good enough for the Weapon Quest. Getting up off his knees, he pat his pants clean of the dirt and went a little further to the next node. 



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The torch lights gave enough light to see where he was walking though the terrain was very unsteady and he felt like he was going to slip and fall on his butt several times. Hugging the left side of the node, he came to an incline and fastened himself with his sturdy boots. Taking out his pickaxe, he aimed for one spot, both hands on the grip and slammed the pick into the crag and jerked back to see if anything came loose. The rock fell from its formation on the wall and splintered when it crashed into the ground breaking off into several larger pieces. Lifting the pickaxe over his shoulder, he gave a mighty swing below and cracked them into smaller pieces. His blackened hands searched as he knelt down to see if any of the broken rock were questing materials. 


ID: 27704 || LD: 3




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Lindow fell over on his hands and knees searching, there was nothing valuable here. He grunted and laughed getting up, then he heard a shout from the cave entrance. His eyes widened with almost a fear like look, but he gripped his blade and came running out of the entrance where he saw a monster of a wolf, much larger than the ones he saw earlier. 

"Hey! What happened?" Lindow said.

"Newbie! Run away! It has already killed Cloak!" the female leader of the remaining three had shouted to him, her shining rapier in her hand thrust at the wolf as she was protecting the two members behind her. What in the world happened here? Someone...died? The stoic expression on his face didn't change, but he couldn't help but feel emotional as he tightened his hand on the blade. He looked at them, they were scared apparently of this malevolent looking wolf. Lindow took a step back, the focus of the wolf and its snarling mouth were at attention to the Rapier Wielder. He sidestepped to look for a way to help if he could, "Come on, Gordon...this is what you are good at. Tactics..." he said to himself.  

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"Rapier! Can the two behind you fight?" 

"They can, but they need some time to heal with their battle healing skill. I am just waiting for an opening so we can high tail out of here. There is no point in us all dieing...You better leave, I'll draw it's attention!" 

"No! There is no need for you to be the Hero, a life is lost...there is no need to add another to the kill list. Let me help you defend." 

The wolf howled in a distorted sort of way as Lindow darted towards the Rapier Wielding woman, "Thanks...my name is Opal, by the way. And you are?" 

"Introductions later, watch out!" Lindow used one hand to push her to the left as he upheaved his sword with one hand and placed it one his back to defend from the brunt of the attack. He was pushed forward but he ended up taking some damage as well. He cursed under his breath as he got back up, the woman standing also and nodded. They rushed the beast with a double attack, the heavy basic two handed sword carved a notch on the beast's snout, while Opal thrust her weapon into the hide of the wolf. Bright lights coming off the tip of her sword as her speed was unmatched in display. The howling demon wolf backed away with a snarl as they circled it once more. 

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"Lindow to your left! Watch out for it's paw!!" 

Lindow stopped short, swinging his blade to block the attack. As he did so, Opal came with a running charge, her weapon drawing in that familiar light as her triple thrust landed on the hide of the beast once more. Lindow got up from his knelt position and struck as the beast was staggered by the previous attack. Uplifting his sword over his head he charged in and slashed downwards, the mighty blade crashed into the skull of the demon wolf and it backed away slowly nursing the injury on its head. It yelped and snarled alike as it ran away leaving them victorious...but at what price? 

The others were thankful to be alive, but the loss of the friend was a bit much. Their sullen looks left the victory bitter and sweet. 

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Opal sheathed her rapier and knelt down to the others, "Thank you, Lindow. I might have lost the ability to protect these guys if you didn't show up when you did. I'm eternally thankful."

"You can't thank me, had I come sooner your friend--" Lindow couldn't finish the sentence, he was somewhat choked up. It was never easy to see someone of your team die during a raid in the real world, so many times he had seen it because of bad information, or something had gone wrong. Unfortunate circumstances. Lindow walked to the group of players, their voices heavy with mild sobs but it seemed no one else was injured. 

"You are hunting for ores, right? Here take these..." Opal moved to her menu with a flick of her finger, a few button presses and she sent a one sided trade for three ores. I was doing the same quest earlier in the month, but never got around to finishing it. I won't need these right now, so you can have them."

Lindow was hesitant to take the items, but with his looting luck at the moment, it would take another half of forever to get the rest. He smiled and nodded his head and accepted the trade.

"Ok guys! Come on, we need to start heading out. Lindow, be careful of that cave. There is a pretty vile beast in there from what I have gathered. Sometime down the line, if you wanna take it on when we are stronger. Look me up..." Opal once more accessed her menu and slid her friend request card to him. Lindow smiled, it was his 'first' official friend. 

"Thank you for the ores and the Request. Do you guys need help getting back to Starting City?"

"We'll be fine from here on, we're gonna drink to our lost friend and tell everyone about the Demon Wolf roaming this area. Really, be careful Lindow." He nodded once more and they left down the hill.


Ore: 4/10

Wood: 0/5 

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Lindow couldn't stay depressed for too long and he would mourn the man named Cloak after this quest was over with a drink. Picking himself up, he decided after the recent events that the cave was just too dangerous especially after what he was told about a vile creature being in there. Taking a route to the left side of the cave, there seemed to be more mining nodes for him to sink his pickaxe into. Lifting it over his head once more, Lindow smashed down on the crag of rock and smashed it open. 


ID: 27710 || LD: 19

Ore: 5/10

Wood: 0/10


Lindow bent over and searched his greedy hands through the rubble and collected another piece of ore to add to his collection. Half way through with the ores, a few more nodes like this and he'll be finished with this quest. 


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Walking with his pickaxe over his shoulder, Lindow came to another mine node. He looked around to make sure there was nothing sneaking around behind him while he did his mining. Hands on the pickaxe, lifting the weighty tool over his shoulder and came crashing now into the slag as it burst open with debris. Lindow looked down into the crag and found a few pieces of junk and sighed. Nothing happening. He took off further down the untraveled road, well...it was traveled, more like less than traveled road, he thought to himself. 

Stopping nearby he found a good spot to have some lunch. Putting his back against the wall so nothing would sneak up on him, he slid down and felt exhausted. The dark earth crust underneath his fingernails gave him a dirty appearance. He would have to shower sometime to get all this junk off. Taking out a bottle water and a half loaf of bread, he enjoyed what he could of his meager meal. As he was chomping down on some dry bread, a glint of a rock caught the corner of his eye. Crawling over to see its worth...


ID: 27711 || LD: 16

Ore: 6/10

Wood: 0/5


His eyes opened wide and he snatched the ore in his hands almost choking from his bread. Inhaling the rest he got up and it was placed in his inventory. He decided to keep a close eye on the ground as he had better luck of stumbling upon something valuable instead of doing some dirty work. 


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As Lindow was making another turn he found that a huge single sided wall to be covered with glittering rocks and fragments. It was one giant node it looked like. He pushed his hand to it and marveled at the massive amount ores that could be obtained within it. Taking out his pickaxe, he took a few steps back and got a running start at the wall. When he got close enough to it, using both hands on the hilt of the axe, he drove the wedge into the wall. The attack left the wall in a rumbling state and Lindow had started to regret his action. He was now dodging left and right from fallen rocks and debris as he tried not get hit by the rocky avalanche. The area was consumed with dirt and smoke debris as he coughed and waved his hand in front of his face waiting for the area to settle. On the ground before him were several mounds of broken rock. He started searching to see if there was anything he could get his hands on. 


ID: 27713 || LD: 10 [Pile One]

ID: 27714 || LD: 5 [Pile Two]

ID: 27715 || LD: 10 [Pile Three]


What a grave mistake it was, none of this rubble had anything good in it. Perhaps he should just stick to searching the ground instead of looking for mining nodes. He sighed, that was a lot of work for a bunch of nothing. Shaking his head, he set on the path once more, he would not even look at another mine node unless it looked 'special' to him. He'll stick to looking for rocks on the ground. 




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His eyes scanned the dirt road, he would stop; lift something up and then toss it back and rub his hands free of the dirt, this had gone on for at least a good hour or so. Daylight was coming to an end soon and he decided to start back tracking to Starting City. He would come about some nodes he had left earlier as they had replenished after a good while of not being used. This place didn't seem like a likely hunting ground to search for materials, no wonder not even he could find anything but a few here and there. As he was coming up to the cave that had the unfortunate battle earlier, he found that Opal was standing near it her back leaning against the mouth of the entrance. 

"Opal? What are you doing out here? It's getting pretty dark, we should head back to Starting City." The woman looked away, there was an air of pride about her then she had a downcast expression on her face, "Revenge..." she said lowly, but it was audible enough for Lindow to hear. He shook his head, "You think killing that beast will bring back Cloak? Cause it won't. Nothing will. You have to understand that. There are more important things out there than revenge. Like protecting the friends that are still alive and to help keep them alive."


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"Shut up! I know that! I just...I just can't shake the feelings off. This anger, this hatred boiling inside. Its eating me up, Lindow..." the girl sobbed and she thrust herself into his arms. Lindow embraced her but wasn't sure to what end. His hesitation settled and he pat her back, she sobbed into his chest, "It's ok...Opal.." 

Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at him, "Lindow..." her voice shaky, "Stay with me tonight, I don't want to be alone..." He was surprised, this woman must be half his age if not younger. He couldn't find words to help her, "Opal, I'm sorry. I have a wife and daughter back home...this, just wouldn't--" she gasped and backed away, her eyes full of shame and embarrassment, she had no idea. She was alone in her world, she was just looking for something to replace all that hate and anger, even if it was just a temporary release. Then there was a loud howl from the bushes, she unsheathed her Rapier as the mighty demonic wolf leapt from the ground and into the clearing by the cave. 

"Great..." Lindow muttered under his breath unsheathing the massive weapon on his back, "Looks like you got your wish, Opal. We end this tonight. For Cloak, and for everyone else."

She smiled and nodded sending a party request to him. He accepted quickly as they got into formation, "I'll take point," Lindow said stepping up to the massive creature with his hand on the hilt of his blade. With both hands the mighty blade came crashing to the ground, "Come and get some you ugly beast."

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 Battle On! Stats:

Lindow: HP 15/15 Dmg: 1 [First]

Opal: HP 15/15 Dmg: 2

Dire Wolf: HP: 8/8 Dmg: 3


Lindow made ready his battle weapon, the basic two handed starter he got when he first joined the game. Determination in his eyes as both he and Opal surrounded the beast as it howled at them both. Taking a wide stance, Lindow burst towards the creator with his sword over his shoulders. Sky rocketing into the air he came with a massive impact towards the snout of the beast carving a scar into it's face. The dire wolf howled from the inflicted pain it was caused and turned his head to Lindow and rushed him, but due to the pain inflicted by the massive greatsword, the beast missed its target and howled once more. Opal found opportunity here and decided to strike next while the beast had it's attention on Lindow, "You are going to pay for what you did to Cloak!" 



ID: 27721 BD: 9 [Critical Success] +2 Dmg, MD: 5 [Miss]

[Hate 1] Lindow: HP 15/15 Dmg: 1 

Opal: HP 15/15 Dmg: 2

Dire Wolf: HP: 6/8 Dmg: 3

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Opal raised her arm, her body was like a torrent of light as she ran through the shadows and found a clearing to attack while Lindow held the wolf at bay. She targeted the creature for a brilliant and quick attack to the hind quarters. When she struck, the beast anticipated her movements and attack and dodged out of the way leaping to one side. His snarling mouth full of dripping saliva opened up as he attempted to devour her whole. Her green eyes were frantic as he barrel rolled to the left and out of the way as he smashed his injured snout into the dirt. He grunted and barked while his lips curled and snarled, that saliva dripping to the ground. Lindow cursed under his breath as he got back up in its face, "Nice try, Opal! Leave it to me!" 


Round 2: No Change in Stats

ID: 27722 || BD: 4 || MD: 1 

[Hate 1] Lindow: HP 15/15 Dmg: 1 

Opal: HP 15/15 Dmg: 2

Dire Wolf: HP: 6/8 Dmg: 3

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The two handed Swordsman clenched the heavy greatsword in his hand and heaved it over his shoulder once more. It looked like he had a good chance to strike from above again. He got closer to the deranged wolf and their eyes met face to face. They were glowing a hot red, his teeth were off white and stained with the blood of its victims. The wolf engaged Lindow as he moved, they locked in battle. Lifting his sword over his head he was gonna come down and crash it against the skull of the beast. When he had done so, the wolf managed to howl at him and knock the swordsman off balance, but it was the same for the wolf. The scar of the last round had caused its vision to blur and could not focus on an attack. 

Opal got up and looked to Lindow who still had the beast under his sway. She needed to find an opening to slay to this fiendish creature. She ran towards the beast with her rapier in hand, her lithe body turning to meet its flank. 


Round 3: No Change in Stats

ID: 27723 || BD: 2 || MD: 3

[Hate 1] Lindow: HP 15/15 Dmg: 1 

Opal: HP 15/15 Dmg: 2

Dire Wolf: HP: 6/8 Dmg: 3

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With the thoughts of her comrades in her heart, Opal was not going to back down from this sickly looking mut. Her green eyes darted looking for a weakness in the creature. Her light body stepped into motion and she bolted for the creature with a good running start, like lightning she blitzed the creature with her skillful rapier, the sharp point of the blade struck true. The beast howled and staggered back feeling the full hit of her mighty sword. Her bright green eyes showed victory as the beast stumbled and got back on its legs. It howled at her as she backed away, it was now ignoring Lindow. A look of worry on her face as a massive clawed paw came up and swiped her body. She felt the force of the attack and was hurled into a tree. A sharp pain caused her to grunt as he placed the sharp edge of her sword into the ground while she slid upwards trying to regain her composure. 

Lindow stepped forward, but she held out her hand and shook her head.He had to trust her, she gained the beast's attention, now it was time for the brave warrior to capitalize on it. 


Round 4: Opal Strikes True!

ID: 27724 || BD: 7 [+2 Dmg] || MD: 6 [+3 Dmg > Opal]

[Hate 1] Lindow: HP 15/15 Dmg: 1 

[Hate 1]Opal: HP 12/15 Dmg: 2

Dire Wolf: HP: 4/8 Dmg: 3

Edited by Lindow
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