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[OP-F1] Dylan's first step

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Dylan slowly open his eyelids, still trying to adapt to the light. Once he could maintain his eyes open, he looked around trying to remember where he was, oh yes, trapped in a MMO game, why did he even say yes to his sister. "Great, my first MMO game and I'm supposed to fight for my life. " He then started wondering how did he manage to take a nap after hearing the speech, but that was the least of his problems, he had to start thinking about how he was gonna survive. He open his bag, at least he had something to start with, bread, water and a sword, at least he was gonna be able to take out his anger out, that is if he doesn't get killed first. He looked around him, there was no denying that he looked lost, but he would never admit. 

Edited by Dylan
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Dylan then looked over his left, the road seemed to lead to a town. He could go there and see what happens.  On his way,  he couldn't help but to look at the sky. "I wonder what she's doing right now." He sure did missed Sakura, his dear little sister. Anyways, he didn't have time to get emotional, he had a town to visit. He now stood at the entry. He looked around, wondering where to start. He took a deep breath and walked toward where the majority of the people where. He tried to eavesdrop to learn something interesting but he heard where guys talking about how desperate they were. After half an hour of hearing useless rantings, Dylan left the town center to go to a more retreated area where there where less people. "I'm totally lost..." He sighted.

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